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Op | Summary |
AnimNumberOps.Anim.AnimNumber | Always animates to the current value |
BangOps.Anim.Bang | trigger a simple bang animation going from 1 to 0 |
BoolAnimOps.Anim.BoolAnim | Animate between two numbers based on a boolean value |
FrameRangeAnimOps.Anim.FrameRangeAnim | parses string containing ranges of frames and play as coherent animation |
FrameRangeAnimSwitcherOps.Anim.FrameRangeAnimSwitcher | switch between multiple anim ranges of a keyframed 3d scene |
FrameRangeAnim_v2Ops.Anim.FrameRangeAnim_v2 | parses string containing ranges of frames and play as coherent animation |
InOutInAnimOps.Anim.InOutInAnim | animates after a trigger from 1 to 0 to 1 |
LFOOps.Anim.LFO | Low-frequency oscillation for animations |
LFO_v2Ops.Anim.LFO_v2 | Low-frequency oscillation for animations |
LFO_v3Ops.Anim.LFO_v3 | Low-frequency oscillation for animations |
RandomAnimOps.Anim.RandomAnim | Animates between random values defined by a min and max value |
RandomAnim_v2Ops.Anim.RandomAnim_v2 | Animates between random values defined by a min and max value |
SimpleAnimOps.Anim.SimpleAnim | simple animation between two values |
SineAnimOps.Anim.SineAnim | animation in the form of a sine/cosine curve (sinus/cos) |
SmoothOps.Anim.Smooth | Smooths out jumps in values (AverageInterpolation) |
SnapOps.Anim.Snap | snap at certain points (e.g. while scrolling) |
StringTypeAnimationOps.Anim.StringTypeAnimation | Animates a text/string, like it is being typed out by a person |
StringTypeAnimation_v2Ops.Anim.StringTypeAnimation_v2 | Animates a text/string, like it is being typed out by a person |
TimeDeltaOps.Anim.TimeDelta | measure the time difference between two triggers |
TimerOps.Anim.Timer | A timer that can be started, paused and reset by triggering |
Timer_v2Ops.Anim.Timer_v2 | A timer that can be started, paused and reset by triggering |
AnglesBetweenPointsOps.Array.AnglesBetweenPoints | Outputs the angle between points in 3D space (degree) |
AnimArrayOps.Array.AnimArray | animate values in an array to another array |
AnimArray_v2Ops.Array.AnimArray_v2 | animate values in an array to another array |
ArrayOps.Array.Array | Create an Array and fill with one value |
Array1toXOps.Array.Array1toX | convert an array1 to array2,3,4 by choosing content for new axis |
Array2To3Ops.Array.Array2To3 | inserts zeroes every third item |
Array3Ops.Array.Array3 | create an array of num triplets set to default values xyz |
Array3GetAverageOps.Array.Array3GetAverage | average x,y,z values of an array3x |
Array3GetNumbersOps.Array.Array3GetNumbers | get 3 values XYZ from an array |
Array3InterpolateDistributedOps.Array.Array3InterpolateDistributed | interpolate between two arrays |
Array3IteratorOps.Array.Array3Iterator | Iterates over an array in steps of three and outputs three values |
Array3MultiplyOps.Array.Array3Multiply | multiply every XYZ member of array3x |
Array3PushNumbers_v2Ops.Array.Array3PushNumbers_v2 | Push three numbers to the end of an array (was ArrayPushValue3x) |
Array3RandomSelectionOps.Array.Array3RandomSelection | extract definable amount of random xyz points from an array |
Array3SetNumberOps.Array.Array3SetNumber | Set three numbers at index in an array |
Array3SumOps.Array.Array3Sum | add number to every XYZ member of array3x |
Array3To2Ops.Array.Array3To2 | remove every 3rd item of an array - changes array length |
Array3To4Ops.Array.Array3To4 | Converts an array3 to an array4 by filling it up with 1 |
Array4Ops.Array.Array4 | create an array of num quadruples set to default values xyz |
Array4GetNumbersOps.Array.Array4GetNumbers | get 4 values from an array |
Array4SetNumberOps.Array.Array4SetNumber | set four numbers at index in an array |
Array4toArray3Ops.Array.Array4toArray3 | convert an array4 to array3 by dropping every 4th number |
ArrayAppendArrayOps.Array.ArrayAppendArray | Append an array to an existing array |
ArrayBufferOps.Array.ArrayBuffer | stores values in an array / fifo array buffer |
ArrayBuffer3Ops.Array.ArrayBuffer3 | circular buffer for xyz values |
ArrayChunkDuplicateOps.Array.ArrayChunkDuplicate | repeat chunks of an array multiple times |
ArrayContainsOps.Array.ArrayContains | check if array contains a string or number (find,search,indexOf) |
ArrayFromNumbersOps.Array.ArrayFromNumbers | simple way to create small arrays of numbers |
ArrayGetArrayOps.Array.ArrayGetArray | get an array from an array of arrays |
ArrayGetNumberOps.Array.ArrayGetNumber | Returns a value from an array |
ArrayGetObjectOps.Array.ArrayGetObject | get an object from an array |
ArrayGetStringOps.Array.ArrayGetString | get a string from an array at [index] |
ArrayGetTextureOps.Array.ArrayGetTexture | get texture from array at index |
ArrayIndexBetweenOps.Array.ArrayIndexBetween | output index where value is greater than number and smaller then next number |
ArrayIndexMinMaxOps.Array.ArrayIndexMinMax | find lowest/highest numbers in an array |
ArrayIteratorArrayOps.Array.ArrayIteratorArray | iterate over an array of arrays |
ArrayIteratorNumbersOps.Array.ArrayIteratorNumbers | Loop over every element of an array |
ArrayIteratorObjectsOps.Array.ArrayIteratorObjects | iterate over an array of objects |
ArrayIteratorTexturesOps.Array.ArrayIteratorTextures | iterate over an array of objects |
ArrayLengthOps.Array.ArrayLength | Number of items in an array |
ArrayLength_v2Ops.Array.ArrayLength_v2 | Number of items in an array |
ArrayLogicBetweenOps.Array.ArrayLogicBetween | If value of array is between min and max then the value is 1 else 0 |
ArrayLogicBetween_v2Ops.Array.ArrayLogicBetween_v2 | If value of array is between min and max then the value is 1 else 0 |
ArrayLookupOps.Array.ArrayLookup | Create an array that is filled with values looked up by index from another array |
ArrayMathExpressionTriggerOps.Array.ArrayMathExpressionTrigger | Calculates a user defined mathematical expression |
ArrayMergeOps.Array.ArrayMerge | merge two arrays - Array 2 is placed behind array 1 |
ArrayMergeTriggerOps.Array.ArrayMergeTrigger | merge /concatinate arrays by trigger |
ArrayMerge_v3Ops.Array.ArrayMerge_v3 | Merge multiple arrays - in consecutive order |
ArrayMultiplyOps.Array.ArrayMultiply | Multiply every number in an array |
ArrayNumberRampOps.Array.ArrayNumberRamp | Create an array that contains X numbers between start and end values |
ArrayNumberRamp_v2Ops.Array.ArrayNumberRamp_v2 | Create an array that contains X numbers between start and end values |
ArrayOfArraysOps.Array.ArrayOfArrays | Create an array filled with other arrays |
ArrayPackOps.Array.ArrayPack | Packs multiple arrays into a new array |
ArrayPack2SimpleOps.Array.ArrayPack2Simple | Packs 2 individual arrays into an array2 - without needing a trigger |
ArrayPack3Ops.Array.ArrayPack3 | Packs 3 individual arrays into a xyz array |
ArrayPack3SimpleOps.Array.ArrayPack3Simple | Packs 3 individual arrays into an array3 - without needing a trigger |
ArrayPack4SimpleOps.Array.ArrayPack4Simple | Packs 3 individual arrays into an array3 - without needing a trigger |
ArrayPushStringOps.Array.ArrayPushString | Push/Append a string to the end of an array |
ArrayReverseOps.Array.ArrayReverse | Reverses an array |
ArrayRoundOps.Array.ArrayRound | Round numbers up |
ArraySetNumberOps.Array.ArraySetNumber | set a number at index in an array |
ArraySetNumber_v2Ops.Array.ArraySetNumber_v2 | set a number at index in an array |
ArraySetNumber_v3Ops.Array.ArraySetNumber_v3 | set a number at index in an array |
ArraySetStringOps.Array.ArraySetString | set a string at index in an array |
ArraySumPreviousOps.Array.ArraySumPrevious | Sum up every number in an array with the sum of the previous |
ArraySumUpOps.Array.ArraySumUp | sum of every number in an array |
ArraySwizzleOps.Array.ArraySwizzle | manage/re-order components of an array (stride) |
ArrayToArraysOps.Array.ArrayToArrays | splits an array up into an array of arrays |
ArrayToByteBufferOps.Array.ArrayToByteBuffer | convert an array to a byte buffer (Uint8ClampedArray) |
ArrayToStringOps.Array.ArrayToString | Convert an array to a string, divided by a separator |
ArrayToString_v2Ops.Array.ArrayToString_v2 | Convert an array to a string, divided by a separator |
ArrayToString_v3Ops.Array.ArrayToString_v3 | Join array values to a string (concat) |
ArrayTriggerOps.Array.ArrayTrigger | Trigger an array |
ArrayUniqueOps.Array.ArrayUnique | filters an array for duplicate items and returns all unique items in a new array |
ArrayUniqueItemInfoOps.Array.ArrayUniqueItemInfo | will give you information about the count of "duplicates" in an array, as an object |
Array_v3Ops.Array.Array_v3 | Can generate 3 kinds of arrays. Number - 1,2,3,4 - Normalized - (ContinuousNumberArray) |
CopyArrayOps.Array.CopyArray | Copy an array with a trigger, reset to use a default array |
CopyArraySimpleOps.Array.CopyArraySimple | create a copy of an array |
EaseArrayOps.Array.EaseArray | apply easing curve to numbers in an array |
EmptyArrayOps.Array.EmptyArray | An Empty Array |
FillArrayRandomDuplicatesOps.Array.FillArrayRandomDuplicates | Fill an array with random duplicates |
FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2Ops.Array.FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2 | Fill an array with random duplicates |
FilterArrayOps.Array.FilterArray | compare elements from an array and remove not matching ones |
FilterValidArrayOps.Array.FilterValidArray | Filter valid arrays |
FlattenArrayOps.Array.FlattenArray | Creates a new array with all sub-array selements concatenated into it |
FreezeArrayOps.Array.FreezeArray | capture the current input and copy it to the output, even after a reload |
GateArray_v2Ops.Array.GateArray_v2 | Only allows an array through if pass through is true |
GetValuesFromArrayOfObjectsOps.Array.GetValuesFromArrayOfObjects | Get an array of values by key of objects in an array |
InfoArrayOps.Array.InfoArray | get the min, max and average value from an array |
InfoArray2Ops.Array.InfoArray2 | min,max and average values of an array2 |
InfoArray3Ops.Array.InfoArray3 | min,max and average values of an array3 |
InterpolateArraysOps.Array.InterpolateArrays | interpolate between two arrays (lerp) - linear interpolation |
InterpolateArraysRangeOps.Array.InterpolateArraysRange | interpolate between two arrays, only a few numbers at the same time |
InterpolateNumbersArray3Ops.Array.InterpolateNumbersArray3 | get interpolated values between the indices of an array3x |
LissajouseSplineOps.Array.LissajouseSpline | generate spline using lissajous formulas |
NumbersToArrayMultiPortOps.Array.NumbersToArrayMultiPort | Create an array from multiple number inputs |
PhyllotaxisOps.Array.Phyllotaxis | coordinate generation like arrangement of leaves in some plants |
Array3PointEditorOps.Array.PointArray.Array3PointEditor | visually edit positions in an array of point coordinates |
Array3RepeatTransformOps.Array.PointArray.Array3RepeatTransform | Repeat an array by transforming it x times |
ArraySprayOps.Array.PointArray.ArraySpray | Particle Spray simulation |
CircularPointsOps.Array.PointArray.CircularPoints | |
CircularPoints_v2Ops.Array.PointArray.CircularPoints_v2 | create arrays for circular shapes, helix,circle etc |
FillPointArrayDuplicatesOps.Array.PointArray.FillPointArrayDuplicates | fill a XYZ array with existing duplicate points until it reaches the length |
PointsPlaneOps.Array.PointArray.PointsPlane | generate coordinates for a rectangular field of points (was Field) |
PointsPlane_v2Ops.Array.PointArray.PointsPlane_v2 | Generate coordinates for a rectangular field / grid of points |
PointsRectangleOps.Array.PointArray.PointsRectangle | generate an array of XYZ coordinates of an rectangle |
PointsRectangle_v2Ops.Array.PointArray.PointsRectangle_v2 | generate an array of XYZ coordinates of an rectangle |
RedistributeSplinePointsOps.Array.PointArray.RedistributeSplinePoints | recalculate a spline / change number of points of a spline |
SortArray3ByDistanceOps.Array.PointArray.SortArray3ByDistance | sort an array3, by the distance of each point to the previous point |
SplinePositionAtDistanceArray3Ops.Array.PointArray.SplinePositionAtDistanceArray3 | get position in array3/spline at distance from start |
SubdivideArray3_v2Ops.Array.PointArray.SubdivideArray3_v2 | For subdividing splines, smoothing lines using cubic bezier interpolation |
TransformArray3Ops.Array.PointArray.TransformArray3 | transform (translate,rotate,scale) positions in an array3x |
RandomNumbersArrayOps.Array.RandomNumbersArray | Generate an Array of Random Numbers (was: randomArray) |
RandomNumbersArray_v2Ops.Array.RandomNumbersArray_v2 | generate an array of random numbers |
RandomNumbersArray_v3Ops.Array.RandomNumbersArray_v3 | Generate an Array of Random Numbers (was: randomArray) |
RandomWordsArrayOps.Array.RandomWordsArray | Generates an array filled with random english words |
ReduceArray3_v2Ops.Array.ReduceArray3_v2 | Copies only every x point from an array |
ReduceArray3_v3Ops.Array.ReduceArray3_v3 | Remove Points from an array, e.g. xth points, random, duplicates |
RingBufferOps.Array.RingBuffer | Array of fixed size, index is automatically incremented and restarts after reaching the end |
SetNumberArrayOps.Array.SetNumberArray | Change the Number of an array at an index |
SetNumbersArray3Ops.Array.SetNumbersArray3 | set three values at position index in an array |
ShuffleArray3Ops.Array.ShuffleArray3 | Shuffles/Randomizes the order of an array of triplets |
ShuffleArray3_v2Ops.Array.ShuffleArray3_v2 | Shuffles/Randomizes the order of an array of triplets |
ShuffleArray3_v3Ops.Array.ShuffleArray3_v3 | Shuffles/Randomizes the order of an array of triplets |
ShuffleArray_v2Ops.Array.ShuffleArray_v2 | Randomizes the order of elements inside an array |
ShuffleArray_v3Ops.Array.ShuffleArray_v3 | Randomizes the order of elements inside an array |
SortArray3Ops.Array.SortArray3 | Sorts an array with the lowest values of the selected component. |
SortArrayWithIndicesOps.Array.SortArrayWithIndices | Sorts an array of numbers and also get sorted indices |
SortArrayWithIndices_v2Ops.Array.SortArrayWithIndices_v2 | Sorts an array of numbers and also get sorted indices |
SplineLengthArray3Ops.Array.SplineLengthArray3 | Returns a number with the total distance between the points/items in an array3 |
SplinesToLineStripArrayOps.Array.SplinesToLineStripArray | convert an array of splines to one "line stripped" array |
StringToArrayOps.Array.StringToArray | Parse a string into an array (create) |
StringToArray_v2Ops.Array.StringToArray_v2 | Parse a string into an array (create, split string, stringToArray) |
StringToLineNumberArrayOps.Array.StringToLineNumberArray | outputs an array containing a line number for every character |
SwitchArrayOps.Array.SwitchArray | switch between multiple arrays |
SwitchArrayMultiPortOps.Array.SwitchArrayMultiPort | Switch between multiple input arrays |
SwitchArrayOnTriggerOps.Array.SwitchArrayOnTrigger | switch between multiple arrays |
TextureBufferArrayOps.Array.TextureBufferArray | Stores various textures in an array, starts at the beginning again when end reached |
MidiJsonOps.Audio.MidiJson | read MIDI information at time x |
MidiJsonNoteOps.Audio.MidiJsonNote | filter midiJson for notes |
MidiJsonNote_v2Ops.Audio.MidiJsonNote_v2 | Filter MidiJson for notes |
AndOps.Boolean.And | Outputs `true` if both input values are `true` (boolean) |
BoolByTriggerOps.Boolean.BoolByTrigger | trigger true or false values |
BoolToNumberOps.Boolean.BoolToNumber | Outputs `0` for `false` and `1` for `true` (converter, boolean) |
BoolToNumber_v2Ops.Boolean.BoolToNumber_v2 | Switches two number values using a boolean |
BoolToStringOps.Boolean.BoolToString | convert boolean to string |
BooleanOps.Boolean.Boolean | Stores a boolean value |
DelayBooleanSimpleOps.Boolean.DelayBooleanSimple | Delay the input/output of a boolean by x seconds |
IfFalseThenOps.Boolean.IfFalseThen | Triggers if input value is `false` |
IfTrueThenOps.Boolean.IfTrueThen | Switch, trigger one or the other trigger port based on the input value |
IfTrueThen_v2Ops.Boolean.IfTrueThen_v2 | Switch, trigger one or the other trigger port based on the input value |
IsOneOps.Boolean.IsOne | Returns `true` if input value is `1` |
IsZeroOps.Boolean.IsZero | Returns `true` if input value is `0` |
MonoFlopOps.Boolean.MonoFlop | Sets output to `1` when triggered, turns back to `0` automatically after x seconds |
NotOps.Boolean.Not | result is false if input is true and vice versa (negate/toggle/switch/!=) |
OrOps.Boolean.Or | Returns `true` if one or more of the input booleans are `true` |
OrNumberOps.Boolean.OrNumber | Output another number if input number is zero |
OrNumber_v2Ops.Boolean.OrNumber_v2 | Output another number if input number is zero |
ParseBooleanOps.Boolean.ParseBoolean | parse boolean from string/number |
ParseBoolean_v2Ops.Boolean.ParseBoolean_v2 | parse boolean from string/number |
ToggleBoolOps.Boolean.ToggleBool | Toggle a boolean value by triggering |
ToggleBool_v2Ops.Boolean.ToggleBool_v2 | Toggle a boolean value by triggering |
TriggerChangedFalseOps.Boolean.TriggerChangedFalse | Triggers next only after value has changed to `false` |
TriggerChangedTrueOps.Boolean.TriggerChangedTrue | Triggers next only after value has changed to `true` |
TriggerOnChangeBooleanOps.Boolean.TriggerOnChangeBoolean | Triggers when boolean value has changed |
AssetPathURLOps.Cables.AssetPathURL | outputs the path to the assets |
CallBack_v2Ops.Cables.CallBack_v2 | Executes an external function (external javascript) |
FPSOps.Cables.FPS | Returns the current frames per second |
FPS_v2Ops.Cables.FPS_v2 | output current frames per second |
FunctionOps.Cables.Function | trigger from external function when embedded into a website |
Function_v2Ops.Cables.Function_v2 | trigger from external function when embedded into a website |
GetSubPatchNameOps.Cables.GetSubPatchName | Outputs the current subpatch op name |
LoadingStatusOps.Cables.LoadingStatus | get the loading progress, for displaying a loading screen |
LoadingStatus_v2Ops.Cables.LoadingStatus_v2 | trigger events / get information about asset-loading status |
PatchInfoOps.Cables.PatchInfo | read patch config when embedding on another page |
PatchInfo_v2Ops.Cables.PatchInfo_v2 | read patch config when embedding on another page |
UIModeOps.Cables.UIMode | Outputs `true` if patch is executed in the cables editor (UI) |
UploadAssetOps.Cables.UploadAsset | Upload a file into the cables patch assets using a base64 string |
ColorArraySortOps.Color.ColorArraySort | Sort an array of colors by saturation/lightness etc. |
EyeDropperOps.Color.EyeDropper | Native color picker |
GradientColorArrayOps.Color.GradientColorArray | texture containing a colour gradient that can be altered with an editor |
HSLtoRGBOps.Color.HSLtoRGB | Convert HSL to RGB |
HexToRGB_v2Ops.Color.HexToRGB_v2 | Converts a hex color like `#ff0000` to number values |
LuminanceContrastOps.Color.LuminanceContrast | Calculate the luminance contrast between two colors |
RGBLuminanceOps.Color.RGBLuminance | Calculate the luminance of a RGB color |
RGBToCMYKOps.Color.RGBToCMYK | Output the CMYK value of a RGB color |
RGBtoHSBOps.Color.RGBtoHSB | convert RGB color to HSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness |
RGBtoHSLOps.Color.RGBtoHSL | Convert RGB color to HSL values |
RgbToHexOps.Color.RgbToHex | convert RGB float values to HEX color String |
CompArrayOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArray | Compose an Array |
CompArrayPopNumberOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPopNumber | pop/remove the last number from an array |
CompArrayPushArrayOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushArray | push/append an array to an array |
CompArrayPushArrayItemsOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushArrayItems | push/append an array to an array |
CompArrayPushNumberOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushNumber | push/append a number to an array |
CompArrayPushNumbersOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushNumbers | push/append multiple numbers to an array |
CompArrayPushObjectOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushObject | push/append an object to an array |
CompArrayPushStringOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayPushString | push/append a string to an array |
CompArrayShiftNumberOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArrayShiftNumber | shift/remove the first number from an array |
CompArraySnapshotOps.Data.Compose.Array.CompArraySnapshot | get a copy of the current state of an array |
CompObjectOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObject | Compose an Object |
CompObjectFromObjectOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectFromObject | Set key/values to the current ObjectCompose from an existing object |
CompObjectSetArrayOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectSetArray | set array as object property |
CompObjectSetNumberOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectSetNumber | set number as object property |
CompObjectSetObjectOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectSetObject | set object as object property |
CompObjectSetStringOps.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectSetString | set string as object property |
CompStringOps.Data.Compose.String.CompString | Compose a string |
CompStringAppendOps.Data.Compose.String.CompStringAppend | Append a string to a string |
CompStringShortenOps.Data.Compose.String.CompStringShorten | Remove characters from the beginning or end of a string |
StackGetArrayOps.Data.StackValues.StackGetArray | read a value from the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
StackGetNumberOps.Data.StackValues.StackGetNumber | read a value from the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
StackGetTextureOps.Data.StackValues.StackGetTexture | read a value from the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
StackPushArrayOps.Data.StackValues.StackPushArray | push a value on to the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
StackPushNumberOps.Data.StackValues.StackPushNumber | push a value on to the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
StackPushTextureOps.Data.StackValues.StackPushTexture | push a value on to the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
DateAndTimeOps.Date.DateAndTime | Returns current date and time and timestamp |
DateDifferenceOps.Date.DateDifference | Calculates the difference between two timestamps |
DateTimestampOps.Date.DateTimestamp | Calculates the timestamp of a date by year / month / day / hour / minute |
MillisecondsOps.Date.Milliseconds | Value since the time origin in milliseconds (performance.now()) |
TimestampToIsoDateOps.Date.TimestampToIsoDate | convert a timestamp to an ISO date string |
ConsoleOps.Debug.Console | Shows console log output on the screen |
ConsoleLogOps.Debug.ConsoleLog | Log incoming values to the console/dev tools |
CrashOpOps.Debug.CrashOp | Crash the editor in many ways |
GlLogErrorsOps.Debug.GlLogErrors | execute glGetError after every gl command and log to browser console |
GlStatesOps.Debug.GlStates | see current gl states and error message |
ProfileGLOps.Debug.ProfileGL | dump all gl commands of one frame to console |
StopWatchOps.Debug.StopWatch | Measure the time used to render all child nodes in milliseconds |
AllTexturesOps.Dev.AllTextures | |
ArraySpreadSheetOps.Dev.Array.ArraySpreadSheet | Give the possibility to create an Array and edit its content in a Spreadsheet view. |
BranchProfilerOps.Dev.BranchProfiler | |
BranchProfilerBranchOps.Dev.BranchProfilerBranch | debug |
BranchProfilerBranchEndOps.Dev.BranchProfilerBranchEnd | debug |
ChromeAiOps.Dev.ChromeAi | |
StackGetNumber2Ops.Dev.Data.StackValues.StackGetNumber2 | read a value from the stack to use it later in the trigger branch |
GlTextureStackOps.Dev.Debug.GlTextureStack | debug textures |
PointerOps.Dev.Devices.Pointer | |
CopyGeometryOps.Dev.Gl.Geometry.CopyGeometry | create a copy of a geometry |
SortPixelsOps.Dev.Gl.ImageCompose.SortPixels | |
ToneMapOps.Dev.Gl.ImageCompose.ToneMap | |
OrbitControlsBlueprintOps.Dev.Gl.OrbitControlsBlueprint | |
ChromaKeyAlphaOps.Dev.Gl.TextureEffects.ChromaKeyAlpha | replace a color with transparency |
GlArrayCurlNoiseOps.Dev.GlArrayCurlNoise | draw perlin noise into an image |
GlArrayMathOps.Dev.GlArrayMath | |
GlArrayModuloOps.Dev.GlArrayModulo | |
GlArrayNormalizeOps.Dev.GlArrayNormalize | |
GlArrayRandomOps.Dev.GlArrayRandom | |
GlPatchOps.Dev.GlPatch | This render the editor ops in your canvas. |
GltfExplodeNodesOps.Dev.GltfExplodeNodes | |
Canvas2dBlendmodeOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dBlendmode | |
Canvas2dCircleOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dCircle | |
Canvas2dComposeOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dCompose | |
Canvas2dDrawimageOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dDrawimage | |
Canvas2dFillGradientOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dFillGradient | |
Canvas2dFillStyleOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dFillStyle | |
Canvas2dGetColorOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dGetColor | |
Canvas2dRectOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dRect | |
Canvas2dResetTransformOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dResetTransform | |
Canvas2dStrokeStyleOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dStrokeStyle | |
Canvas2dTransformOps.Dev.Graphics.Canvas2d.Canvas2dTransform | |
InstancedModuloOps.Dev.InstancedModulo | colorize instanced meshes using a texture |
ObjectSpreadSheetOps.Dev.Json.ObjectSpreadSheet | convinient object data editor |
LinesArrayFromTextureOps.Dev.LinesArrayFromTexture | |
BlendModeOitOps.Dev.Oit.BlendModeOit | |
OitComposeOps.Dev.Oit.OitCompose | screen space ambient occlusion from depth texture |
RGBMaxValuesOps.Dev.RGBMaxValues | |
SortCoordsOps.Dev.SortCoords | |
StackValuesOps.Dev.StackValues.StackValues | |
SvgPathToPointsOps.Dev.SvgPathToPoints | |
TestOpOps.Dev.TestOp | just testing |
RgbCurlNoiseOps.Dev.VertexTexture.RgbCurlNoise | |
VizBranchProfilerOps.Dev.VizBranchProfiler | |
WebAudioContextStartOps.Dev.WebAudioContextStart | |
BrowserInfoOps.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo | what browser is being used |
BrowserInfo_v2Ops.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo_v2 | Reports the browser being used |
BrowserInfo_v3Ops.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3 | Reports the browser being used |
ColorSchemeOps.Devices.Browser.ColorScheme | Get light/dark color scheme preference of the browser |
JsExpressionOps.Devices.Browser.JsExpression | evaluate a javascript expression |
JsMemoryOps.Devices.Browser.JsMemory | browser js memory consumption |
UserActivationOps.Devices.Browser.UserActivation | detect if the user interacted with or activated the page |
WebShareOps.Devices.Browser.WebShare | Opens a sharing dialog to share text and images |
GamePadOps.Devices.GamePad.GamePad | Outputs the button states of a gamepad |
GamePadJoystickAxisOps.Devices.GamePad.GamePadJoystickAxis | get axis and angle of a joystick/thumbstick |
GamePadsOps.Devices.GamePad.GamePads | list connected gamepads - press a button to connect |
CursorKeysOps.Devices.Keyboard.CursorKeys | get the state of your keyboards arrow keys |
KeyPressOps.Devices.Keyboard.KeyPress | triggers when a key is pressed |
KeyPressLearnOps.Devices.Keyboard.KeyPressLearn | Triggers when certain key is pressed or released |
KeyPress_v2Ops.Devices.Keyboard.KeyPress_v2 | Triggers when a key is pressed |
PersonControllerOps.Devices.Keyboard.PersonController | simple controller example op for game characters |
DeviceListOps.Devices.Midi.DeviceList | list of midi devices |
MidiInputDeviceOps.Devices.Midi.MidiInputDevice | connect to a Midi device or external DAW |
DeviceVibrateOps.Devices.Mobile.DeviceVibrate | vibrating a mobile device |
GeoLocationOps.Devices.Mobile.GeoLocation | tries to get the geo coordinates from the mobile device/browser |
LockOrientationOps.Devices.Mobile.LockOrientation | locks orientation to landscape or portrait mode |
MotionSensorOps.Devices.Mobile.MotionSensor | get values from the device motion sensor mobile |
MotionSensor_v2Ops.Devices.Mobile.MotionSensor_v2 | get values from the device motion sensor mobile |
ScreenOrientationOps.Devices.Mobile.ScreenOrientation | get orientation of the physical screen |
ScreenOrientation_v2Ops.Devices.Mobile.ScreenOrientation_v2 | get orientation of the physical screen |
ShakeGestureOps.Devices.Mobile.ShakeGesture | Reads the accelerometer data from a mobile device |
MouseOps.Devices.Mouse.Mouse | Get mouse coordinates and events |
MouseButtonsOps.Devices.Mouse.MouseButtons | Get the state of mouse buttons |
MouseDragOps.Devices.Mouse.MouseDrag | get delta of mouse position while dragging |
MouseWheelOps.Devices.Mouse.MouseWheel | outputs a absolute value controlled by the mousewheel (scroll, zoom) |
MouseWheel_v2Ops.Devices.Mouse.MouseWheel_v2 | outputs delta values controlled by the mousewheel (scroll, zoom) |
Mouse_v2Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v2 | Get mouse coordinates and events |
Mouse_v3Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v3 | Get mouse coordinates and events |
PointerLockOps.Devices.Mouse.PointerLock | locks the pointer to the canvas and hides the cursor |
TouchScreenOps.Devices.TouchScreen | touch screen input: e.g. position of fingers |
VrOps.Devices.WebXr.Vr.Vr | rendering on webxr virtual reality immersive devices |
VrControllerOps.Devices.WebXr.Vr.VrController | tracking of vr hand controller |
ArrayToTextureOps.Gl.ArrayToTexture | create a texture from an array of number values |
ArrayToTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ArrayToTexture_v2 | create a texture from an array of number values |
BlendModeOps.Gl.BlendMode | change how colors are mixed (blending/mixing modes) |
CanvasFocusOps.Gl.CanvasFocus | is canvas focussed ? |
CanvasInBrowserViewportOps.Gl.CanvasInBrowserViewport | check if webgl canvas element is in the current browser viewport |
CanvasInfoOps.Gl.CanvasInfo | the size of the canvas in pixels, aspect ratio and pixel density |
CanvasInfo_v2Ops.Gl.CanvasInfo_v2 | the size of the canvas in pixels, aspect ratio and pixel density |
CanvasInfo_v3Ops.Gl.CanvasInfo_v3 | the size of the canvas in pixels, aspect ratio and pixel density |
ClearColorOps.Gl.ClearColor | sets all cleared pixels to one colour. Use to change the background colour. |
ClearDepthOps.Gl.ClearDepth | Clears the depth buffer (zbuffer, z buffer) |
ColorMaskOps.Gl.ColorMask | enable/disable RGBA color channels of your entire scene |
ColorPickOps.Gl.ColorPick | pick a color at x,y coordinates of canvas |
CubeMapFromTexturesOps.Gl.CubeMap.CubeMapFromTextures | combine 6 textures to a cubemap |
CubeMapMaterialOps.Gl.CubeMap.CubeMapMaterial | cubemap as material |
CubemapToEquirectangularTexture_v2Ops.Gl.CubeMap.CubemapToEquirectangularTexture_v2 | visualize cubemap as folded texture or equirectangular texture |
RenderToCubemapOps.Gl.CubeMap.RenderToCubemap | render a scene to generate a cubemap |
RenderToCubemap_v3Ops.Gl.CubeMap.RenderToCubemap_v3 | render a scene into a cubemap |
DirectionalTranslateOps.Gl.DirectionalTranslate | translate away from a point in space |
DownloadTextureOps.Gl.DownloadTexture | download a texture as png file |
DownloadTexture_v2Ops.Gl.DownloadTexture_v2 | Download a texture as png file |
DownloadTexture_v3Ops.Gl.DownloadTexture_v3 | Download a texture as an image file |
DrawTextureMappingOps.Gl.DrawTextureMapping | draw texture mapping coordinates |
ExternalCanvasOps.Gl.ExternalCanvas | Open a new window that shows a copy of the patch canvas |
FontMSDFOps.Gl.FontMSDF | Load MSDF Font data and texture to use |
FontMSDF_v2Ops.Gl.FontMSDF_v2 | Load MSDF Font data and texture to use |
ForceCanvasSizeOps.Gl.ForceCanvasSize | Resize canvas element to a specific pixel size or aspect ratio |
GltfAnimationArrayOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfAnimationArray | Convert an animation into an array of coordinates |
GltfCameraViewMatrixOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfCameraViewMatrix | get view matrix from a gltf camera |
GltfDracoCompressionOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfDracoCompression | gltf draco compression library |
GltfGeometryOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfGeometry | expose geometry from gltf meshes, also possible to expose submaterial geometries |
GltfHierarchyOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfHierarchy | export array of positions from a hierarchy of a branch structure in a gltf, e.g. a skeleton bones |
GltfInfoOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfInfo | output some infos about the current parent GLTF scene |
GltfMeshSequenceOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfMeshSequence | switch between meshes e.g. like a stop motion animation |
GltfMeshSequence_v2Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfMeshSequence_v2 | switch between meshes e.g. like a stop motion animation |
GltfMorphTargetsOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfMorphTargets | render weighted morph targets/shape keys from a gltf file |
GltfNodeOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfNode | Control a single node from the GLTFscene op |
GltfNodeSineAnimOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeSineAnim | sine animate gltf nodes by a filter |
GltfNodeTransformOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeTransform | get current transformation of a gltf node |
GltfNodeTransform_v2Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeTransform_v2 | Get the transform from the GLTFscene op |
GltfNodeTransformsOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeTransforms | output all transformations of nodes starting with [search] |
GltfNodeTransforms_v2Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeTransforms_v2 | output all transformations of nodes starting with [search] |
GltfNodeTransforms_v3Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfNodeTransforms_v3 | output all transformations of nodes starting with [search] |
GltfNode_v2Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfNode_v2 | Control a single node from the GLTFscene op |
GltfSceneOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene | Load GLTF/GLB 3d files |
GltfScene_v2Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene_v2 | Load GLTF/GLB 3d files |
GltfScene_v3Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene_v3 | Load GLTF/GLB 3d files |
GltfScene_v4Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene_v4 | Load GLTF/GLB 3d files |
GltfSetMaterialOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfSetMaterial | Assigns a material to a node inside of the gltfScene op |
GltfSkinOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfSkin | render a skinned mesh (bone/rigging/rigged animation) |
GltfTextureOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfTexture | Load textures from inside a .glb file |
GltfTransformNodeOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfTransformNode | set transformation of a gltf node |
GltfVertexAnimOps.Gl.GLTF.GltfVertexAnim | play gltf vertex anim directly with its own timing |
GateTextureOps.Gl.GateTexture | Will only allow an Object to to be output if the the pass through parameter evaluates to true |
BoundingBoxVisibleOps.Gl.Geometry.BoundingBoxVisible | Test if a boundingbox could be visible in the current viewport |
GeometryBoundingBoxOps.Gl.Geometry.GeometryBoundingBox | Calculate a bounding box from a geometry |
GlBlendFuncOps.Gl.GlBlendFunc | set gl blendmodes directly |
GlInfoOps.Gl.GlInfo | information about the webgl context |
GlInfo_v2Ops.Gl.GlInfo_v2 | information about the webgl context |
GlPrimitiveOps.Gl.GlPrimitive | force rendering of meshes using points,lines or triangles |
GradientTextureOps.Gl.GradientTexture | texture containing a colour gradient that can be altered with an editor |
GridTransformOps.Gl.GridTransform | transform and arrange elements into a grid |
IdentityOps.Gl.Identity | reset all transforms (modelmatrix) |
IdentityViewMatrixOps.Gl.IdentityViewMatrix | reset the view matrix (cameras etc.) |
AlphaOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Alpha | Modify current alpha/opacity |
AlphaMaskOps.Gl.ImageCompose.AlphaMask | set alphachannel of current imagecompose via a texture mask |
AlphaMask_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.AlphaMask_v2 | Set alphachannel of current imagecompose via a texture mask |
BarrelDistortionOps.Gl.ImageCompose.BarrelDistortion | simulate fisheye effect |
BarrelDistortion_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.BarrelDistortion_v2 | Simulate fisheye effect |
BarrelDistortion_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.BarrelDistortion_v3 | Simulate fisheye effect |
BlurOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Blur | Blur the pixels of an image |
BorderOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Border | Draws a Border (rectangular frame) around the current ImageCompose |
Border_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Border_v2 | Draws a Border (rectangular frame) around the current ImageCompose |
BrightnessContrastOps.Gl.ImageCompose.BrightnessContrast | adjust image brightness and contrast |
BulgePinchOps.Gl.ImageCompose.BulgePinch | bulge and pinch an image (deform,stretch,distort) |
CheckerBoardOps.Gl.ImageCompose.CheckerBoard | draw a checkerboard pattern |
CheckerBoard_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.CheckerBoard_v2 | Draw a checkerboard pattern |
ChromaticAberrationOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ChromaticAberration | simulating lens effect by shifting rgb channels |
ChromaticAberration_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ChromaticAberration_v2 | simulating lens effect by shifting rgb channels |
CircleTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.CircleTexture | draw 2d circle into texture |
CircleTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.CircleTexture_v2 | Draw 2d circle into texture |
CircleTexture_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.CircleTexture_v3 | Draw 2d circle into texture |
CircleTexture_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.CircleTexture_v4 | Draw 2d circle into texture |
ClampTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ClampTexture_v2 | Clamps a texture to min and max values - Also has remap modes |
ClarityOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Clarity | Increase contrast in midtones |
ColorOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Color | fill image using a color (overlay) |
ColorBalanceOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorBalance | change intensity of r,g,b channels |
ColorBalance_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorBalance_v2 | change intensity of r,g,b channels |
ColorChannelOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorChannel | Texture effect to enable/disable RGBA channels, convert to mono color |
ColorChannel_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorChannel_v2 | enable disable RGB color channels |
ColorMapOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorMap | colorize a black and white image using a gradient texture |
ColorMap_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ColorMap_v2 | colorize a black and white image using a gradient texture |
Color_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Color_v2 | fill image using a color (overlay) |
DenoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Denoise | Denoise texture effect - used to smooth out noisy images |
DepthTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.DepthTexture | draw the content of a depth texture |
DepthTextureFocusOps.Gl.ImageCompose.DepthTextureFocus | draw a gradient mapped to depth buffer values |
DepthTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.DepthTexture_v2 | draw the content of a depth texture |
DesaturateOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Desaturate | Remove colors from image / greyscale |
DitherOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Dither | convert color to black and white patterns |
Dither_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Dither_v2 | convert color to black and white patterns |
DrawImageOps.Gl.ImageCompose.DrawImage | Draws an image into a composition |
DrawImage_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.DrawImage_v2 | Draws an image into a composition |
DrawImage_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.DrawImage_v3 | Draws an image into a composition |
EdgeDetectionOps.Gl.ImageCompose.EdgeDetection | draw only the edges of an image |
EdgeDetection_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.EdgeDetection_v3 | Draw only the edges of an image |
EdgeDetection_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.EdgeDetection_v4 | Draw only the edges of an image |
EmbossOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Emboss | Emboss / bevel effect |
FXAAOps.Gl.ImageCompose.FXAA | post processing antialiasing |
FastBlurOps.Gl.ImageCompose.FastBlur | Blurs a texture - cheap and fast |
FastBlur_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.FastBlur_v2 | Blurs a texture - simple and fast |
FlipOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Flip | flip the image on x or y axis |
Float32ToRgbeTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Float32ToRgbeTexture | Convert a Float32 bit/HDR texture to RGBE format (only positive numbers) |
FogOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Fog | objects further away are colored to enhance the perception of distance. |
Fog_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Fog_v4 | add post processing fog (nebula) to a scene |
GammaCorrection_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.GammaCorrection_v2 | Allows for Gamma correction of a texture |
GradientOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Gradient | Draws a simple gradient between three colors |
Gradient_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Gradient_v2 | Draws a simple gradient between three colors |
GridTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.GridTexture_v2 | Creates a grid texture |
GrowPixelsOps.Gl.ImageCompose.GrowPixels | Make one pixel lines thicker via postprocessing |
GrowPixels_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.GrowPixels_v2 | Make one pixel lines thicker via postprocessing |
HueOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Hue | Adjust Hue of current ImageCompose |
ImageComposeOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageCompose | Compose Images and effects as layers to generate new Images |
ImageComposeAspectRatioOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageComposeAspectRatio | Adjust aspect ratio of an image compose branch |
ImageComposeSnapshotOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageComposeSnapshot | capture the current state of an imageCompose branch by copying the texture |
ImageCompose_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageCompose_v2 | Compose Images and effects as layers to generate new Images |
ImageCompose_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageCompose_v3 | Compose Images and effects as layers to generate new Images |
ImageCompose_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ImageCompose_v4 | Compose Images and effects as layers to generate new Images |
InterlaceOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Interlace | Tv scanlines effect |
InvertOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Invert | invert image colors |
Invert_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Invert_v2 | Invert image colors |
KaleidoscopeOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Kaleidoscope | kaleidoscope effect |
Kaleidoscope_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Kaleidoscope_v2 | Kaleidoscope effect |
LUTMapOps.Gl.ImageCompose.LUTMap | apply color filter/effects by using a lookup texture |
LevelsOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Levels | adjust levels to correct the tonal range of an image |
Levels_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Levels_v2 | adjust levels to correct the tonal range of an image |
LumaKeyOps.Gl.ImageCompose.LumaKey | remove darkest or brightest parts of the image |
LumaKey_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.LumaKey_v2 | Remove darkest or brightest parts of the image |
LumaKey_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.LumaKey_v3 | Remove darkest or brightest parts of the image |
ColorMapRangeOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.ColorMapRange | Map the range of color number values to another |
NormalizeOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.Normalize | normalize texture rgb values |
RgbMathOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.RgbMath | apply simple mathematical functions on pixels color values |
RgbMathExpressionOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.RgbMathExpression | Execute a glsl code math expression in a image compose |
RgbTransformOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.RgbTransform | transform RGB values interpreted as XYZ coordinates |
RgbeToFloat32TextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.RgbeToFloat32Texture | Convert a RGBE texture to HDR/floating point texture |
RoundOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.Round | Round number values of texture color channels |
TexMathCompareOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Math.TexMathCompare | compare and pass through of color channel values |
MirrorOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Mirror | mirroring image effect |
MixOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Mix | simple mix/fade of two input images |
MultiDrawImageOps.Gl.ImageCompose.MultiDrawImage | draw multiple images at once |
CellularNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.CellularNoise | cellular noise |
CellularNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.CellularNoise_v2 | cellular noise |
FBMNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.FBMNoise | fractional brownian motion noise |
FBMNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.FBMNoise_v2 | fractional brownian motion noise |
GaborNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.GaborNoise | Render "gabor noise" into a texture |
NoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Noise | White noise pixel effect |
Noise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Noise_v2 | White noise pixel effect |
PerlinNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PerlinNoise | draw perlin noise into an image |
PerlinNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PerlinNoise_v2 | Draw perlin noise into an image |
PixelNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PixelNoise | pixelated noise |
PixelNoise_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PixelNoise_v3 | Pixelated noise |
PolkaDotNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PolkaDotNoise | noise circles |
PolkaDotNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.PolkaDotNoise_v2 | noise circles |
ShardnoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Shardnoise | Render "shard noise" into a texture |
SimplexNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.SimplexNoise | simplex noise generator |
SimplexNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.SimplexNoise_v2 | simplex noise generator |
TriangleNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.TriangleNoise | noise made from triangles |
TriangleNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.TriangleNoise_v2 | noise made from triangles |
ValueNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.ValueNoise | value noise |
ValueNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.ValueNoise_v2 | value noise |
VoronoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Voronoise | Voronoi Noise function |
Voronoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.Voronoise_v2 | Voronoi Noise function |
WorleyNoiseOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.WorleyNoise | Worley noise |
WorleyNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Noise.WorleyNoise_v2 | Worley noise |
OnePassBlurOps.Gl.ImageCompose.OnePassBlur | Blurs a texture |
PatternLookupOps.Gl.ImageCompose.PatternLookup | map a pattern to value levels of your texture |
PixelColorOps.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelColor | fill image with one color picked at a position |
PixelDifferenceOps.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelDifference | visualize the difference of neighbouring pixels (slope) |
PixelDisplacement_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelDisplacement_v2 | displace pixel by red/blue color value of pixel |
PixelDisplacement_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelDisplacement_v3 | Changes color lookup for every pixel using a displacement map |
PixelDisplacement_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.PixelDisplacement_v4 | Changes color lookup for every pixel using a displacement map |
PixelateOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Pixelate | Pixelate an image |
Pixelate_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Pixelate_v2 | Pixelate an image |
PlasmaOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Plasma | Renders a plasma effect |
Plasma_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Plasma_v2 | Renders a plasma effect |
PolarCoordsOps.Gl.ImageCompose.PolarCoords | display texture using polar/radial coordinate system |
PosterizeOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Posterize | reduce number of colors |
Posterize_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Posterize_v2 | reduce number of colors |
PseudoLensFlaresOps.Gl.ImageCompose.PseudoLensFlares | simulate lens flare effect |
RGBOffset_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RGBOffset_v2 | Offsets the xy components of an RGB texture |
RandomNumberTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RandomNumberTexture | Set random numbers into an imagecompose |
RectangleTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RectangleTexture | draw a 2d rect into an image |
RectangleTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RectangleTexture_v2 | Draw a 2D rectangle with controllable parameters |
RectangleTexture_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RectangleTexture_v3 | Draw a 2D rectangle with controllable parameters |
RectangleTexture_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RectangleTexture_v4 | Draw a 2D rectangle with controllable parameters |
RectangleTexture_v5Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RectangleTexture_v5 | draws a 2d rectangle into a texture. |
RemoveAlphaOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RemoveAlpha | Remove alpha information from image |
RepeatTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RepeatTexture | Repeat Image |
RepeatTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RepeatTexture_v2 | Repeat Image |
RgbMultiplyOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RgbMultiply | multiply image colors by color channel |
RgbToHsvTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RgbToHsvTexture | Convert a RGB Texture to Hue/Saturation/Lightness values as RGB colors |
RotateTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.RotateTexture_v2 | Rotates a texture |
RoundCornersOps.Gl.ImageCompose.RoundCorners | Draw round corners around image (border) |
ScaleTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ScaleTexture_v2 | Scales a texture |
ScrollTextureOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ScrollTexture | scroll image |
SharpenOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Sharpen | Adjust image sharpness |
SkewStretchImageOps.Gl.ImageCompose.SkewStretchImage | skew / stretch an image by rendering scaled sides |
SkewStretchImage_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.SkewStretchImage_v2 | skew / stretch an image by rendering scaled sides |
Stripes_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Stripes_v4 | Create a texture of stripes /lines |
TexMathModuloOps.Gl.ImageCompose.TexMathModulo | modulo pixel color values |
TextureDifferenceOps.Gl.ImageCompose.TextureDifference | render the difference of two textures |
ToNormalMapOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ToNormalMap | Convert a black and white map to a normal map |
ToNormalMap_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ToNormalMap_v2 | Convert a black and white map to a normal map |
Twirl_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Twirl_v2 | twirl image effect |
Twirl_v4Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Twirl_v4 | Creates a twirl/swirl/spiral effect in a texture |
VibranceOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Vibrance | adjust vibrance/saturation |
VignetteOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Vignette | simulating an old camera effect of fading away the edges of the image |
Vignette_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Vignette_v2 | Simulating an old camera effect of fading away the edges of the image |
Vignette_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Vignette_v3 | Simulating an old camera effect of fading away the edges of the image |
WaveformGradient_v3Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.WaveformGradient_v3 | Generate different texture waveforms. Sine, sawtooth and triangle. |
WobbleOps.Gl.ImageCompose.Wobble | waving wobble motion effect |
Wobble_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Wobble_v2 | waving wobble motion effect |
ZoomBlurOps.Gl.ImageCompose.ZoomBlur | directional blur effect |
ZoomBlur_v2Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.ZoomBlur_v2 | Directional blur effect |
ImageSequenceAnim_v2Ops.Gl.ImageSequenceAnim_v2 | play a image sprite animation |
InteractiveRectangleOps.Gl.InteractiveRectangle | an area which is interactive |
InteractiveRectangle_v2Ops.Gl.InteractiveRectangle_v2 | An area which is interactive |
LayerSequenceOps.Gl.LayerSequence | Render Multiple Layers in a specific order |
LineFontOps.Gl.LineFont | A Simple way to write text on the screen. |
LineFont_v2Ops.Gl.LineFont_v2 | A Simple way to write text on the screen. |
MainLoopOps.Gl.MainLoop | Trigger other ops once every frame to create smooth animations (renderer) |
MainLoop_v2Ops.Gl.MainLoop_v2 | Trigger other ops once every frame to create smooth animations |
AnimMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.AnimMatrix | animate values in a matrix to a new matrix |
ArrayPathFollowOps.Gl.Matrix.ArrayPathFollow | interpolate position on a spline/array3x |
ArrayPathFollowParticlesOps.Gl.Matrix.ArrayPathFollowParticles | render lots of particles following a path/spline/array3x |
ArrayPathFollowParticles_v2Ops.Gl.Matrix.ArrayPathFollowParticles_v2 | render lots of particles following a path/spline/array3x |
BillboardOps.Gl.Matrix.Billboard | rotate an object to always face the camera |
CameraPositionOps.Gl.Matrix.CameraPosition | get the current position of viewmatrix/camera eye |
CoordinatesOps.Gl.Matrix.Coordinates | current xyz coordinates (modelmatrix) |
DeviceOrientationCameraOps.Gl.Matrix.DeviceOrientationCamera | gyroscope motionsensor camera |
GetMatrixScalingOps.Gl.Matrix.GetMatrixScaling | Get the scalar scaling of a matrix |
GetModelMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.GetModelMatrix | Get current modelmatrix |
GetProjectionMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.GetProjectionMatrix | get current projectionmatrix |
GetViewMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.GetViewMatrix | get current viewmatrix |
InterpolateMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.InterpolateMatrix | interpolate between two matrices |
InvertMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.InvertMatrix | outputs an inverted matrix |
LookatCameraOps.Gl.Matrix.LookatCamera | transforms view to look from eye to center |
MatrixTranslationOps.Gl.Matrix.MatrixTranslation | get translation of a matrix |
MulViewMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.MulViewMatrix | multiply view matrix |
MultiplyModelMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.MultiplyModelMatrix | multiply model matrix |
OrbitControlsOps.Gl.Matrix.OrbitControls | rotate your object by clicking and dragging the mouse |
OrbitControls_v2Ops.Gl.Matrix.OrbitControls_v2 | rotate your object by clicking and dragging the mouse |
OrbitControls_v3Ops.Gl.Matrix.OrbitControls_v3 | rotate your object by clicking and dragging the mouse |
QuaternionOps.Gl.Matrix.Quaternion | multiplies current modelmatrix with a quaternion |
QuaternionCameraOps.Gl.Matrix.QuaternionCamera | Set up a camera, rotated by a quaternion |
RandomGridPlacementOps.Gl.Matrix.RandomGridPlacement | place random objects on a grid |
RandomGridPlacementArraysOps.Gl.Matrix.RandomGridPlacementArrays | Place random objects on a grid |
ScaleOps.Gl.Matrix.Scale | Scale all child objects (scaleXYZ) |
ScaleXYZViewMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.ScaleXYZViewMatrix | scale xyz of viewmatrix |
ScreenCoordinatesOps.Gl.Matrix.ScreenCoordinates | screen/pixel coordinates of the current transform |
ScreenCoordinates_v2Ops.Gl.Matrix.ScreenCoordinates_v2 | screen/pixel coordinates of the current transform |
ScreenPosTo3d_v2Ops.Gl.Matrix.ScreenPosTo3d_v2 | convert screen coordinates to 3d coordinates |
ScreenPosTo3d_v3Ops.Gl.Matrix.ScreenPosTo3d_v3 | convert screen coordinates to a 3d position |
SetProjectionMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.SetProjectionMatrix | set a projection matrix |
ShearOps.Gl.Matrix.Shear | displaces each point of a mesh in fixed direction |
TransformOps.Gl.Matrix.Transform | Transform objects in 3d space (rotate, translate, scale) |
TransformMatrixOps.Gl.Matrix.TransformMatrix | transform a matrix (mat4) |
TransformMulOps.Gl.Matrix.TransformMul | multiply current modelmatrix |
TransformViewOps.Gl.Matrix.TransformView | transform the viewmatrix |
TranslateOps.Gl.Matrix.Translate | Translate objects (move / position in 3D space) |
TranslateViewOps.Gl.Matrix.TranslateView | translate the view/camera matrix |
VectorTranslateOps.Gl.Matrix.VectorTranslate | Translate any geometry underneath it using vectors and speed. |
WASDCameraOps.Gl.Matrix.WASDCamera | camera controller like in a FPS game, move with WASD keys |
WASDCamera_v2Ops.Gl.Matrix.WASDCamera_v2 | simple camera you control with W,A,S,D keys like in a FPS game |
MediaRecorderOps.Gl.MediaRecorder | Record the renderer-output to video |
MediaRecorder_v2Ops.Gl.MediaRecorder_v2 | Record the renderer-output to video |
MeshInstancerOps.Gl.MeshInstancer | draw the same mesh multiple times very fast |
MeshInstancer_v3Ops.Gl.MeshInstancer_v3 | Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU |
MeshInstancer_v4Ops.Gl.MeshInstancer_v4 | Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU |
MeshMorphOps.Gl.MeshMorph | morph from one geometry to another |
CablesLogoOps.Gl.Meshes.CablesLogo | cables logo mesh/geometry |
CircleOps.Gl.Meshes.Circle | Draws a circle |
Circle_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Circle_v2 | Draws a circle |
Circle_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.Circle_v3 | Draws a circle |
ComposingGridOverlayOps.Gl.Meshes.ComposingGridOverlay | Rule of thirds image composition helper |
ConeOps.Gl.Meshes.Cone | Draw a cone |
CornerOps.Gl.Meshes.Corner | render a rectangular corner |
CrossOps.Gl.Meshes.Cross | Draws a cross with controllable thickness and length. |
CubeOps.Gl.Meshes.Cube | draw a cube |
Cube_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Cube_v2 | draw a cube |
CylinderOps.Gl.Meshes.Cylinder | draw cylinder (aka tube,pipe,round,circle) |
FloorGridOps.Gl.Meshes.FloorGrid | draw a grid on the floor |
FreeFormPlaneOps.Gl.Meshes.FreeFormPlane | A freely deformable plane, rectangle, polygon |
FullscreenRectangleOps.Gl.Meshes.FullscreenRectangle | Draws a rectangle using the full WebGL canvas size |
FullscreenRectangle_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.FullscreenRectangle_v2 | Draws a rectangle using the full WebGL canvas size |
GeometryToTextureOps.Gl.Meshes.GeometryToTexture | Convert vertices of a geometry to a data texture |
GeometryToTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.GeometryToTexture_v2 | Convert vertices of a geometry to a data texture |
GeometryToTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.GeometryToTexture_v3 | Convert vertices of a geometry to a data texture |
GridOps.Gl.Meshes.Grid | Draw a simple grid of lines |
HeightMapOps.Gl.Meshes.HeightMap | generate a rectangular mesh where the height is defined by the luminance of an image |
HelixOps.Gl.Meshes.Helix | generates a helix, spiral spline |
IcosahedronOps.Gl.Meshes.Icosahedron | Renders a icosahedron (polyhedron with 20 faces) |
Icosahedron_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Icosahedron_v2 | Renders a icosahedron (polyhedron with 20 faces) |
LineOps.Gl.Meshes.Line | Draw a line between two points |
LinesArrayOps.Gl.Meshes.LinesArray | an array of lines |
MeshInstancerFromTextureOps.Gl.Meshes.MeshInstancerFromTexture | Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU |
MeshInstancerFromTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.MeshInstancerFromTexture_v2 | Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU |
MeshInstancerFromTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.MeshInstancerFromTexture_v3 | Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU |
PointCloudFromArrayOps.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray | visualize an array of coordinates as points |
PointCloudFromArray_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray_v2 | visualize an array of coordinates as points |
PointCloudFromTextureOps.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromTexture | Visualize a RGB texture as XYZ coordinates as points |
PolyhedronOps.Gl.Meshes.Polyhedron | generate polyhedron meshes |
Polyhedron_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Polyhedron_v2 | Generate polyhedron meshes |
PyramidOps.Gl.Meshes.Pyramid | render a pyramid mesh |
Pyramid_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Pyramid_v2 | render a pyramid mesh |
QuadWarpTextureOps.Gl.Meshes.QuadWarpTexture | Warp a texture mapped quad (projection mapping) |
RectangleOps.Gl.Meshes.Rectangle | Draw a rectangle |
Rectangle9SliceOps.Gl.Meshes.Rectangle9Slice | nine slice image format texture mapped rectangle |
RectangleFrameOps.Gl.Meshes.RectangleFrame | Draws a rectangle frame |
RectangleFrame_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.RectangleFrame_v2 | Draws a rectangle frame |
Rectangle_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Rectangle_v2 | draw a rectangle (plane, square) |
Rectangle_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.Rectangle_v3 | draw a rectangle (plane, square) |
Rectangle_v4Ops.Gl.Meshes.Rectangle_v4 | draw a rectangle (plane, square) |
SimpleSplineOps.Gl.Meshes.SimpleSpline | Draws a simple spline only one pixel wide |
SimpleSpline_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.SimpleSpline_v2 | Draws a simple spline only one pixel wide |
SimpleWireframeOps.Gl.Meshes.SimpleWireframe | Simple Wireframe Line Renderer |
SphereOps.Gl.Meshes.Sphere | draw a sphere |
Sphere_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.Sphere_v3 | Draw parameterizable sphere |
SplineMeshOps.Gl.Meshes.SplineMesh | Draws a filled Spline with configurable thickness |
SplineMeshMaterial_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.SplineMeshMaterial_v2 | material for splinemesh |
SplineMesh_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.SplineMesh_v2 | draw splines/lines |
StarOps.Gl.Meshes.Star | draw a star mesh (saw,gear) |
Star_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Star_v2 | draw a star mesh (saw,gear) |
TextMeshOps.Gl.Meshes.TextMesh | Draw text |
TextMesh_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.TextMesh_v2 | Draws text in 3d space using one of the font ops |
TorusOps.Gl.Meshes.Torus | Draw a torus (doughnut, donut, ring mesh) |
Torus_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Torus_v2 | Draw a torus (doughnut, donut, ring mesh) |
Torus_v3Ops.Gl.Meshes.Torus_v3 | Draw a torus (doughnut, donut, ring mesh) |
TriangleOps.Gl.Meshes.Triangle | Draw a triangle |
TriangleSphereOps.Gl.Meshes.TriangleSphere | A sphere mesh with uniform distributed vertices |
Triangle_v2Ops.Gl.Meshes.Triangle_v2 | Draw a triangle |
NormalizeScreenCoordinatesOps.Gl.NormalizeScreenCoordinates | convert screen pixel coordinates to range 0-1 |
OrTextureOps.Gl.OrTexture | outputs the first valid texture of the input ports |
OrthogonalOps.Gl.Orthogonal | orthogonal projection / objects in distance don't appear smaller (isometric) |
Orthogonal_v2Ops.Gl.Orthogonal_v2 | Orthogonal projection / objects in distance don't appear smaller (isometric) |
OverwriteViewportSizeOps.Gl.OverwriteViewportSize | Force a manually set viewport size for connected ops |
PerformanceOps.Gl.Performance | Show WebGl Performance Statistics |
PerformanceMeasureOps.Gl.PerformanceMeasure | Measure the time used to execute all child ops |
PerspectiveOps.Gl.Perspective | Adjust FOV, field of view, and frustum clipping |
LambertMaterialOps.Gl.Phong.LambertMaterial | simple shaded material |
PhongMaterialOps.Gl.Phong.PhongMaterial | a shaded material for lighting objects |
PhongMaterial_v3Ops.Gl.Phong.PhongMaterial_v3 | |
PointLightOps.Gl.Phong.PointLight | point light for phongmaterial shading |
PixelProjectionOps.Gl.PixelProjection | Remaps world co-ordinates to a pixel co-ordinate system |
PixelProjection_v2Ops.Gl.PixelProjection_v2 | Remaps world co-ordinates to a pixel co-ordinate system |
PixelProjection_v3Ops.Gl.PixelProjection_v3 | Remaps world co-ordinates to a pixel co-ordinate system |
PointCollectorOps.Gl.PointCollector | save points/coordinates in an array |
PointCollectorCollectOps.Gl.PointCollectorCollect | collect world space coordinates into an array |
PointCollectorScreenCoordsOps.Gl.PointCollectorScreenCoords | collect screen pixel coordinates into an array |
RandomClusterOps.Gl.RandomCluster | Transforms objects randomly in space |
RenderAnimOps.Gl.RenderAnim | render an animation and save as file webm video or png image sequence |
RenderAnim_v2Ops.Gl.RenderAnim_v2 | record, render an animation and save as webm video file or png image sequence |
RenderGeometryOps.Gl.RenderGeometry | Render a geometry as mesh |
RenderGeometry_v2Ops.Gl.RenderGeometry_v2 | Render a geometry as mesh |
RenderToTextureOps.Gl.RenderToTexture | Render into an Image |
RenderToTexture_v2Ops.Gl.RenderToTexture_v2 | Render into an Image |
RenderToTexture_v3Ops.Gl.RenderToTexture_v3 | Render into an Image |
RenderToTexturesOps.Gl.RenderToTextures | render to multiple textures at the same time |
RenderToTextures_v2Ops.Gl.RenderToTextures_v2 | render to multiple textures at the same time |
RenderToTextures_v3Ops.Gl.RenderToTextures_v3 | render to multiple textures at the same time |
ResetTransformOps.Gl.ResetTransform | reset current transforms to initial value (identity) |
SaveScreenShotOps.Gl.SaveScreenShot | download the current screen content as png file |
SaveScreenShot_v2Ops.Gl.SaveScreenShot_v2 | Download the current screen content as png file |
SaveScreenShot_v3Ops.Gl.SaveScreenShot_v3 | Download the current screen content as png file |
AttributeAsColorMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.AttributeAsColorMaterial | render mesh normals as colors |
BasicMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.BasicMaterial | A material without shading |
BasicMaterial_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.BasicMaterial_v2 | A material without shading |
BasicMaterial_v3Ops.Gl.Shader.BasicMaterial_v3 | A material without shading |
ChromaKeyMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.ChromaKeyMaterial | display texture and replace a color with transparency |
CustomShaderOps.Gl.Shader.CustomShader | write your own shader |
CustomShader_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.CustomShader_v2 | Write your own custom shader |
ErrorMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.ErrorMaterial | draw meshes using the cables error material shader |
FrontBacksideMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.FrontBacksideMaterial | visualize which faces are facing the camera |
GetShaderOps.Gl.Shader.GetShader | get current set shader |
MatCapMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.MatCapMaterial | Easy to use image based lighting Material |
MatCapMaterial_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.MatCapMaterial_v2 | Easy to use image based lighting Material |
MinifyGlslOps.Gl.Shader.MinifyGlsl | Minify GLSL shader source code |
PointMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PointMaterial_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v2 | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PointMaterial_v3Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v3 | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PointMaterial_v4Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v4 | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PointMaterial_v5Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v5 | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PointMaterial_v6Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v6 | Draw all vertices as points / circles |
PositionAsColorMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.PositionAsColorMaterial | draw meshes using XYZ position coordinates as RGB color |
SetShaderOps.Gl.Shader.SetShader | Sets a shader |
SetUniformFloatOps.Gl.Shader.SetUniformFloat | set a uniform value of the current shader |
SetUniformFloat_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.SetUniformFloat_v2 | set a uniform value of the current shader |
SetUniformTextureOps.Gl.Shader.SetUniformTexture | set a uniform value of the current shader |
SetUniformTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.SetUniformTexture_v2 | set a uniform value of the current shader |
ShaderDefineOps.Gl.Shader.ShaderDefine | Set shader defines |
ShaderInfoOps.Gl.Shader.ShaderInfo | view current shader source code |
ShaderInfoUniformsOps.Gl.Shader.ShaderInfoUniforms | read back all uniforms values of the current bound shader |
ShaderInfoUniforms_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.ShaderInfoUniforms_v2 | read back all uniforms values of the current bound shader |
ShaderToTextureOps.Gl.Shader.ShaderToTexture | render a shader into a texture |
ShaderToTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.ShaderToTexture_v2 | render a shader into a texture |
SwitchShaderOps.Gl.Shader.SwitchShader | Switch between two shaders |
VertexColorMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.VertexColorMaterial | Draw a mesh, showing only its vertex colors |
VertexNumberMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.VertexNumberMaterial | visually debug vertices of your 3D geometry |
WireframeMaterialOps.Gl.Shader.WireframeMaterial | Renders following meshes as wireframes |
WireframeMaterial_v2Ops.Gl.Shader.WireframeMaterial_v2 | Renders following meshes as wireframes |
AreaDiscardPixelOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaDiscardPixel | do not draw pixels inside a defined 3d area |
AreaDiscardPixel_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaDiscardPixel_v2 | do not draw pixels inside a defined 3d area |
AreaRotateOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaRotate | rotate vertices in an area around a center point |
AreaRotate_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaRotate_v2 | rotate vertices in an area around a center point |
AreaScalerOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaScaler | modify scale of meshes in an area |
AreaScaler_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaScaler_v2 | Scales the size of meshes within the area of influence |
AreaScaler_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaScaler_v3 | Scales the size of meshes within the area of influence |
AreaTranslateFBMNoiseOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaTranslateFBMNoise | Translate object positions with a noise function |
AreaTranslateMeshesOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaTranslateMeshes | Change the position of all meshes inside of the area of influence |
AreaTranslateMeshes_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaTranslateMeshes_v2 | Change the position of all meshes inside of the area of influence |
AreaTranslateMeshes_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.AreaTranslateMeshes_v3 | Change the position of all meshes inside of the area of influence |
Bend_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.Bend_v2 | bend objects along an axis |
ClampVertexPositionOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.ClampVertexPosition | clamp/restrict the vertex position to min/max values per axis |
ClampVertexPosition_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ClampVertexPosition_v2 | clamp/restrict the vertex position to min/max values per axis |
ColorAreaOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorArea | colorize all meshes around x,y,z |
ColorArea_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorArea_v2 | colorize all meshes around current position |
ColorArea_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorArea_v3 | colorize all meshes around current position |
ColorArea_v4Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorArea_v4 | Colorize all meshes around current position |
ColorArea_v5Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ColorArea_v5 | Colorize all meshes around current position |
DeformAreaOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.DeformArea | deform a spherical area of a mesh |
DiscardMaterialAlphaOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.DiscardMaterialAlpha | discard transparent pixels in material textures |
ExplodeDividedMeshOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.ExplodeDividedMesh | explode a (divided) mesh in the direction of faces normals |
ExplodeDividedMesh_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.ExplodeDividedMesh_v2 | explode a (divided) mesh in the direction of faces normals |
FogEffectOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.FogEffect | Fog as a shadereffect applied to a material |
InstancedDisplacementMapOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.InstancedDisplacementMap | displace positions of instanced meshes using a texture |
InstancedDisplacementMap_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.InstancedDisplacementMap_v2 | displace positions of instanced meshes using a texture |
InstancedPerlinPositionOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.InstancedPerlinPosition | displace position of instanced object by perlin noise value |
InstancedPerlinPosition_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.InstancedPerlinPosition_v2 | displace position of instanced object by perlin noise value |
InstancedTextureColorizeOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.InstancedTextureColorize | colorize instanced meshes using a texture |
LimitMeshByTexCoordOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.LimitMeshByTexCoord | discard pixel if texture coordinate is below threshold |
MeshPixelNoiseOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.MeshPixelNoise | 3d space noise for mesh materials |
MeshPixelNoise_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.MeshPixelNoise_v2 | 3d space noise for mesh materials |
ModuloVertexPositionOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.ModuloVertexPosition | vertex shader modulo operation on vertex position |
PerlinAreaDeformOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.PerlinAreaDeform | perlin noise vertex wobble deformer |
PerlinAreaDeform_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.PerlinAreaDeform_v2 | displace vertices using perlin noise animation |
PerlinAreaDeform_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.PerlinAreaDeform_v3 | Displace vertices using perlin noise animation |
PerlinAreaDeform_v4Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.PerlinAreaDeform_v4 | Displace vertices using perlin noise animation |
ScaleByNormalOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.ScaleByNormal | scale vertices of an object in the direction of face normals |
SplineDeformOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.SplineDeform | Deform a mesh along a spline |
SplineDeform_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.SplineDeform_v2 | Deform a mesh along a spline |
TextureProjectionOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.TextureProjection | texture projection on meshes |
TextureProjection_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.TextureProjection_v2 | texture projection on meshes |
TransformTextureCoordinatesOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.TransformTextureCoordinates | Transform and repeat texture coordinates of a mesh via vertex shader |
TransformVertexOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.TransformVertex | transform vertices of a mesh via vertex shader |
TwistOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.Twist | twist a mesh around an axis |
Twist_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.Twist_v2 | twist a mesh around an axis |
Twist_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.Twist_v3 | twist a mesh around an axis |
UseVertexColorOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.UseVertexColor | Use vertex color as basecolor/diffuse color |
VertexColorAsAlphaOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexColorAsAlpha | Use mesh vertexcolor as Alpha/Opacity |
VertexDisplacementMapOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexDisplacementMap | Displace the vertices of a mesh with the pixels brightness values from a texture |
VertexDisplacementMap_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexDisplacementMap_v2 | Displace the vertices of a mesh with the pixels brightness values from a texture |
VertexDisplacementMap_v3Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexDisplacementMap_v3 | Displace the vertices of a mesh with the pixels brightness values from a texture |
VertexDisplacementMap_v4Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexDisplacementMap_v4 | Displace the vertices of a mesh with the pixels brightness values from a texture |
VertexDisplacementMap_v5Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexDisplacementMap_v5 | Displace the vertices of a mesh with the pixels brightness values from a texture |
VertexNumberLimitOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexNumberLimit | only draw the first X vertices of a mesh |
VertexNumberLimit_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexNumberLimit_v2 | only draw the first X vertices of a mesh |
VertexPositionFromTextureOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexPositionFromTexture | set vertex positions from texture color values |
VertexPositionFromTexture_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexPositionFromTexture_v2 | set vertex positions of a mesh from a texture |
VertexWobbleOps.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexWobble | sine wave vertex displacement |
VertexWobble_v2Ops.Gl.ShaderEffects.VertexWobble_v2 | sine wave vertex displacement |
ShowNormalsOps.Gl.ShowNormals | visualize normals of a geometry |
SurfaceScatterOps.Gl.SurfaceScatter | scatter object on the surface of a mesh |
SurfaceScatter_v2Ops.Gl.SurfaceScatter_v2 | Scatter an object on the surface of a mesh with different distribution methods |
TextMeshMSDFOps.Gl.TextMeshMSDF | |
TextMeshMSDF_v2Ops.Gl.TextMeshMSDF_v2 | draw text using the FontMSDF operator |
TextureOps.Gl.Texture | Load an image as a texture |
TextureArrayOps.Gl.TextureArray | create an array of textures |
TextureArrayLoaderFromArrayOps.Gl.TextureArrayLoaderFromArray | load multiple texture from filenames given as an array |
TextureArrayLoaderFromArray_v2Ops.Gl.TextureArrayLoaderFromArray_v2 | load multiple texture from filenames given as an array |
TextureArrayLoader_v2Ops.Gl.TextureArrayLoader_v2 | load multiple images into an array |
TextureColorPickOps.Gl.TextureColorPick | get the color of a pixel in a texture |
TextureToArray_v2Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v2 | extract colors from a texture |
TextureToArray_v3Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v3 | extract colors from a texture |
TextureToPointArray3Ops.Gl.TextureToPointArray3 | generate an array3 of grid positions from a texture |
TextureToRandomPointsOps.Gl.TextureToRandomPoints | Create points by sampling texture |
Texture_v2Ops.Gl.Texture_v2 | Load an image as a texture |
ColorTextureOps.Gl.Textures.ColorTexture | Simple texture filled with one color |
CombineTexturesOps.Gl.Textures.CombineTextures | combine multiple textures into one by copying colorchannels |
CopyTextureOps.Gl.Textures.CopyTexture | copy a texture and optionally resize it |
CopyTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.CopyTexture_v2 | copy a texture and optionally resize it |
CopyTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Textures.CopyTexture_v3 | copy a texture and optionally resize it |
EmptyTextureOps.Gl.Textures.EmptyTexture | A very simple empty transparent texture with an opacity of 0 |
ExrTextureOps.Gl.Textures.ExrTexture | load .exr floating point texture files |
GraphTextureOps.Gl.Textures.GraphTexture | draw a graph of a value into a texture |
HistogramOps.Gl.Textures.Histogram | graphical representation of distribution of color in a texture |
MontageTexturesOps.Gl.Textures.MontageTextures | combine multiple textures into one by copying colorchannels |
MontageTextures_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.MontageTextures_v2 | combine multiple textures into one by copying colorchannels |
NoiseTextureOps.Gl.Textures.NoiseTexture | Simple noisetexture |
SSAOOps.Gl.Textures.SSAO | screen space ambient occlusion from depth texture |
SwitchTextureMultiPortOps.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextureMultiPort | Switch between multiple textures |
SwitchTexturesOps.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextures | switch betwen different textures |
SwitchTextures_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextures_v2 | Switch between different textures |
TextTextureOps.Gl.Textures.TextTexture | Generates a texture which reads Text |
TextTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v2 | Generates a texture which reads Text |
TextTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v3 | Generates a texture which reads Text |
TextTexture_v4Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v4 | Generates a texture of Text using one of the font ops |
TextTexture_v5Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v5 | Generates a texture of Text using one of the font ops |
TextTexture_v6Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v6 | Generates a texture of Text using one of the font ops |
TextureArrayInfoOps.Gl.Textures.TextureArrayInfo | Information about Textures in an array |
TextureInfoOps.Gl.Textures.TextureInfo | Outputs information about the connected texture |
TextureInfo_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureInfo_v2 | Outputs information about the connected texture |
TextureSVGOps.Gl.Textures.TextureSVG | Load a SVG image and convert to pixel texture |
TextureSVG_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureSVG_v2 | Load a SVG image and convert to a texture of pixels |
TextureToBase64_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureToBase64_v2 | Converts a texture into a base-64 image string |
TextureToBase64_v3Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureToBase64_v3 | Converts a texture into a base-64 image string |
TextureToBase64_v4Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureToBase64_v4 | Converts a texture into a base-64 image string |
TextureToBase64_v5Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureToBase64_v5 | Converts a texture into a base-64 image string |
TextureToCoordinateGridOps.Gl.Textures.TextureToCoordinateGrid | convert a texture to a 3d coordinate grid storing coordinates in texture RGB channels |
VideoTextureOps.Gl.Textures.VideoTexture | play a video file and use it as a texture |
VideoTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.VideoTexture_v2 | Play a video file and use it as a texture |
VideoTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Textures.VideoTexture_v3 | Play a video file and use it as a texture |
WebcamTextureOps.Gl.Textures.WebcamTexture | use your webcam camera as a texture |
WebcamTexture_v2Ops.Gl.Textures.WebcamTexture_v2 | use your webcam camera as a texture |
WebcamTexture_v3Ops.Gl.Textures.WebcamTexture_v3 | Use your webcam camera as a texture |
TriggerOnCanvasResizeOps.Gl.TriggerOnCanvasResize | will trigger when canvas was resized |
ValidTextureOps.Gl.ValidTexture | output current input texture or a default texture |
ViewPortSizeOps.Gl.ViewPortSize | Outputs current viewport size |
DepthTestOps.Graphics.DepthTest | change depth testing method (depthMask,depthWrite,depthFunc) |
FaceCullingOps.Graphics.FaceCulling | faces hidden from the viewer will not be rendered when enabled |
FaceCulling_v2Ops.Graphics.FaceCulling_v2 | Disable the rendering of front or back facing triangles with culling |
AlignGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.AlignGeometry | align a geometry / change its pivot / center / origin point |
BoundingBoxOps.Graphics.Geometry.BoundingBox | create a simple bounding box from width,height,depth |
CalculateNormalsOps.Graphics.Geometry.CalculateNormals | calculate normals of a geometry |
DivideGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.DivideGeometry | disconnect faces/polygons of a mesh |
FlipNormalsOps.Graphics.Geometry.FlipNormals | flip all normals of a geometry |
FreezeMeshesOps.Graphics.Geometry.FreezeMeshes | capture all following meshes into one geometry |
GeometryAttributesOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryAttributes | Get vertices of a geometry as array3x (vertex vertices) |
GeometryExtrudeOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryExtrude | basic extrusion of flat geometry |
GeometryFromArraysOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryFromArrays | Create a geometry from array data |
GeometryInfoOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryInfo | information about a geometry |
GeometryMergeOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryMerge | merge two geometries to one |
GeometryToObjOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryToObj | Generate an .obj file as string from a geometry |
GeometryToWireframeArray3Ops.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryToWireframeArray3 | generate an array of lines from a mesh to render a wireframe |
GeometryUnIndexOps.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryUnIndex | convert geometry to only flat triangles without reusing vertices positions |
ObjGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.ObjGeometry | parse an obj string to a geometry object |
RandomizeTrianglesOps.Graphics.Geometry.RandomizeTriangles | randomize order of triangles in a geometry |
ReverseVerticesOps.Graphics.Geometry.ReverseVertices | Reverses the order of vertices in a geometry, back facing triangles become front facing ones |
ScaleGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.ScaleGeometry | uniform scaling of geometry vertices |
SortGeometryAxisOps.Graphics.Geometry.SortGeometryAxis | sort geometry triangles by position |
SvgPathToGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.SvgPathToGeometry | Generate a SVG path string of a string using an opentype font |
SvgPathToGeometry_v2Ops.Graphics.Geometry.SvgPathToGeometry_v2 | Generate a SVG path string of a string using an opentype font |
TesselateGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.TesselateGeometry | create new triangles in a mesh (subdivide) |
TransformGeometryOps.Graphics.Geometry.TransformGeometry | transform vertices of geometry |
TriangleArrayToGeometry_v2Ops.Graphics.Geometry.TriangleArrayToGeometry_v2 | Draws multiple triangles using coordinates from an array |
Triangulate2dPathOps.Graphics.Geometry.Triangulate2dPath | Triangulate a 2d path to a flat and filled 3d geometry |
GeometryMergeSimpleOps.Graphics.GeometryMergeSimple | merge two geometries into one |
GetMaterialIdOps.Graphics.GetMaterialId | get the id/index of the current set material |
GetObjectIdOps.Graphics.GetObjectId | get the id/index of the current object/mesh |
FilterIntersectionsOps.Graphics.Intersection.FilterIntersections | Define filters to get colliding and intersecting bodies |
IntersectBodyOps.Graphics.Intersection.IntersectBody | Add Bodies and check if they intersect/collide with each other |
IntersectTestBodyOps.Graphics.Intersection.IntersectTestBody | test one body against all bodies in the world |
IntersectTestPointOps.Graphics.Intersection.IntersectTestPoint | test intersect bodies collision against a point/coordinate |
IntersectTestRaycastOps.Graphics.Intersection.IntersectTestRaycast | Cast a ray and check if it intersect/collide with bodies |
IntersectWorldOps.Graphics.Intersection.IntersectWorld | Define a world to check for intersections and collisions |
AlignElementOps.Html.AlignElement | Align a HTML element to another, keep positioning |
AppendChild_v2Ops.Html.AppendChild_v2 | Appends a HTML DOM Element to another |
ElementAccessibilityOps.Html.Attributes.ElementAccessibility | Element Accessibility properties for screen reader |
ElementAttributesOps.Html.Attributes.ElementAttributes | Get all attributes from an element an object |
ElementGetAttributeOps.Html.Attributes.ElementGetAttribute | Read or Get the value of an HTML element Attribute |
ElementSetAttributeOps.Html.Attributes.ElementSetAttribute | Write or Set the value of an HTML element Attribute |
BackgroundImageOps.Html.CSS.BackgroundImage | Set a background image of a HTML element |
BackgroundImage_v2Ops.Html.CSS.BackgroundImage_v2 | Load a background image and use css styling |
CSSOps.Html.CSS.CSS | Define a custom stylesheet |
CSSFilterOps.Html.CSS.CSSFilter | set css filter to html element (blur/opacity/contrast) |
CSSPropertyOps.Html.CSS.CSSProperty | set css style properties of a html element |
CSSProperty_v2Ops.Html.CSS.CSSProperty_v2 | Set css style properties of a html element |
CSS_v2Ops.Html.CSS.CSS_v2 | Define a custom stylesheet |
CSS_v3Ops.Html.CSS.CSS_v3 | Define a custom stylesheet |
CssFileOps.Html.CSS.CssFile | load a css asset file |
ElementCss3DTransformOps.Html.CSS.ElementCss3DTransform | 3d Transform a HTML element by using CSS3D properties |
ElementCssBorderOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssBorder | Set CSS border properties of a HTML element |
ElementCssColorOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssColor | Set text and background colors of an HTML element |
ElementCssPaddingOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssPadding | Set css padding of a html element |
ElementCssPadding_v2Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssPadding_v2 | Set css padding of a html element |
ElementCssShadowOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssShadow | Add shadows to html elements |
ElementCssSizeOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssSize | Set the size of an element |
ElementCssTextOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssText | Set font and text properties of a html element |
ElementCssTransformOps.Html.CSS.ElementCssTransform | translate,scale and rotate a HTML element using css transform |
ElementCssTransform_v2Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssTransform_v2 | translate,scale and rotate a HTML element using css transform |
GetCssVariableOps.Html.CSS.GetCssVariable | gets current value of CSS Variable |
SetCssVariableColorOps.Html.CSS.SetCssVariableColor | set color value of a CSS variable |
SetCssVariableStringOps.Html.CSS.SetCssVariableString | set CSS variable string value |
SetCssVariableUrlOps.Html.CSS.SetCssVariableUrl | Set CSS variable URL value |
ToggleClassOps.Html.CSS.ToggleClass | add or remove css class to/from a HTML element |
TransformElementOps.Html.CSS.TransformElement | Move html element to current transformation in screen space |
CompareImagesOps.Html.CompareImages | compares two images and shows the difference as a pink color |
CompareImages_v2Ops.Html.CompareImages_v2 | compares two images and shows the difference as a pink color |
CursorOps.Html.Cursor | set the mouse cursor |
Cursor_v2Ops.Html.Cursor_v2 | Set the mouse cursor |
ElementChildsOps.Html.ElementChilds | Set childs of a HTML Element |
ElementChildsMultiPortOps.Html.ElementChildsMultiPort | add child elements to another HTML Element |
ElementClientRectOps.Html.ElementClientRect | get html element absolute position and size in pixels on screen |
ElementCssStringOps.Html.ElementCssString | Output css attributes of an element as a string |
ElementFadeInOutOps.Html.ElementFadeInOut | fade html elements in or out |
ElementInteractionOps.Html.ElementInteraction | Html element interaction events |
AudioMediaElementOps.Html.Elements.AudioMediaElement | Simple Audio Player, using HTML5 Audio, does not need WebAudio |
DivElementOps.Html.Elements.DivElement | Create a html DIV element |
DivElement_v2Ops.Html.Elements.DivElement_v2 | Create a html DIV element |
DivElement_v3Ops.Html.Elements.DivElement_v3 | Create a html DIV element |
ElementOps.Html.Elements.Element | A more convinient version of div element op, that can be used for creating html without writing much css code |
Element_v2Ops.Html.Elements.Element_v2 | A more convinient version of div element op, that can be used for creating html without writing much css code |
IFrameOps.Html.Elements.IFrame | show another website in an iframe element |
IFrame_v2Ops.Html.Elements.IFrame_v2 | Show another website in an iframe element |
IFrame_v3Ops.Html.Elements.IFrame_v3 | Show another website in an iframe element |
ImageElementOps.Html.Elements.ImageElement | create an image(img) html element |
ImageElement_v2Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v2 | create an image(img) html element |
ImageElement_v3Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v3 | create an image(img) html element |
InputElementOps.Html.Elements.InputElement | HTML input/textarea element to allow the user to enter text |
VideoElementOps.Html.Elements.VideoElement | html video player element |
ElementsPositionsByClassOps.Html.ElementsPositionsByClass | get html element absolute positions and sizes by classname |
ElementEventListener_v2Ops.Html.Event.ElementEventListener_v2 | Add a custom event listener |
ElementPointerEvents_v2Ops.Html.Event.ElementPointerEvents_v2 | Listen to events of an element |
FontFileOps.Html.FontFile | load a font file like .otf, .ttf, .woff |
FontFile_v2Ops.Html.FontFile_v2 | Load a font file like .otf, .ttf, .woff via css |
FontsLoadedOps.Html.FontsLoaded | triggers when asynchronous requests finised loading |
FullscreenModeOps.Html.FullscreenMode | Switch webgl to fullscreen |
HyperLinkOps.Html.HyperLink | open an url |
HyperLink_v2Ops.Html.HyperLink_v2 | Open another website |
InnerHTMLOps.Html.InnerHTML | Set innerHTML or innerTEXT of an HTML element |
MailtoLinkOps.Html.MailtoLink | creates a mailto: link to open the default email app |
ModalOverlayOps.Html.ModalOverlay | create a modal HTML overlay with a darkened background |
MouseCursorImageOps.Html.MouseCursorImage | Use image as mousecursor |
MouseCursorImage_v2Ops.Html.MouseCursorImage_v2 | Use image as mouse cursor |
ReloadPageOps.Html.ReloadPage | reload the website |
ScrollIntoViewOps.Html.ScrollIntoView | Scroll an area, so the html element is visible/in view |
ScrollPositionOps.Html.ScrollPosition | the current x y top left scrolling position of html page |
ScrollPosition_v2Ops.Html.ScrollPosition_v2 | the current x y top left scrolling position of html page or element |
CablesLinkOps.Html.Utils.CablesLink | create a cables logo which links to cables gl |
LoadingIndicatorOps.Html.Utils.LoadingIndicator | show a typical web loading/progress indicator animation |
PlayButtonOps.Html.Utils.PlayButton | shows a playbutton for forcing a simple user interaction |
PlayerControlPanel_v1Ops.Html.Utils.PlayerControlPanel_v1 | little ui for controlling the timeline |
QrCodeOps.Html.Utils.QrCode | Generate a qr code as a texture |
YoutubePlayerOps.Html.Utils.YoutubePlayer | play a youtube video in a HTML element |
WindowCloseOps.Html.WindowClose | close current window |
WindowHasFocusOps.Html.WindowHasFocus | detect if the browser window/tab has focus |
WindowInfoOps.Html.WindowInfo | size of browser window in pixels |
CopyObjectOps.Json.CopyObject | Creates a copy of a JSON object |
CsvArrayOps.Json.CsvArray | parse CSV files as array |
CsvColumnArrayOps.Json.CsvColumnArray | get all values of a CSV column as array of strings |
CsvColumnArray_v2Ops.Json.CsvColumnArray_v2 | get all values of a CSV column as array of strings |
EmptyObjectOps.Json.EmptyObject | An empty Object |
FilterValidObjectOps.Json.FilterValidObject | Filter valid objects |
GateObjectOps.Json.GateObject | Will only allow an Object to to be output if the the pass through parameter evaluates to true |
HttpRequestOps.Json.HttpRequest | request a json file from another server (ajax, url, json) |
HttpRequest_v2Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v2 | Request a json file and output an object (ajax, url, json) |
HttpRequest_v3Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v3 | Request a json file and output an object (ajax, url, json) |
ObjectOps.Json.Object | An empty Object |
ObjectDeleteKeyOps.Json.ObjectDeleteKey | Remove a Property from an Object by Key |
ObjectFilterContentByKeyOps.Json.ObjectFilterContentByKey | filter values from an object if key starts with input string |
ObjectFunnelOps.Json.ObjectFunnel | outputs the last changed object |
ObjectGetArrayOps.Json.ObjectGetArray | Returns an array from a JSON-object |
ObjectGetArray_v2Ops.Json.ObjectGetArray_v2 | Returns an array from a JSON-object |
ObjectGetNumber_v2Ops.Json.ObjectGetNumber_v2 | Get a number from an object |
ObjectGetObject_v2Ops.Json.ObjectGetObject_v2 | Get an object from an object |
ObjectGetStringOps.Json.ObjectGetString | Get string from object by key |
ObjectIsNullOps.Json.ObjectIsNull | check if object is null or a valid object |
ObjectKeysOps.Json.ObjectKeys | returns an array of strings, which contain the keys of the object |
ObjectMergeOps.Json.ObjectMerge | merge key+values of two objects |
ObjectOrOps.Json.ObjectOr | result is first connected valid object |
ObjectRecorderOps.Json.ObjectRecorder | record objects and download as json file |
ObjectSetArrayOps.Json.ObjectSetArray | Set array by key in an object |
ObjectSetArray_v2Ops.Json.ObjectSetArray_v2 | Set array by key in an object |
ObjectSetColorArrayOps.Json.ObjectSetColorArray | Set rgba array by key in an object |
ObjectSetNumberOps.Json.ObjectSetNumber | set number at key in an object |
ObjectSetNumber_v2Ops.Json.ObjectSetNumber_v2 | set number at key in an object |
ObjectSetObject_v2Ops.Json.ObjectSetObject_v2 | set object as value in an object |
ObjectSetStringOps.Json.ObjectSetString | set a string value by key in an object |
ObjectSetString_v2Ops.Json.ObjectSetString_v2 | set a string value by key in an object |
ObjectStringifyOps.Json.ObjectStringify | convert object to string |
ObjectStringify_v1Ops.Json.ObjectStringify_v1 | convert an object to a JSON string (stringify) |
ObjectStringify_v2Ops.Json.ObjectStringify_v2 | Convert object to string |
ObjectToArrayOps.Json.ObjectToArray | cast an object port to an array port |
ObjectTriggerOps.Json.ObjectTrigger | set output object when triggered |
ParseObjectOps.Json.ParseObject | Parses a string to a JSON object |
ParseObject_v2Ops.Json.ParseObject_v2 | Parses a string to a JSON object |
SaveJsonFileOps.Json.SaveJsonFile | save/download an object as json file |
SequenceObjectsOps.Json.SequenceObjects | control order and flow of objects |
SwitchObjectOps.Json.SwitchObject | Allows switching between objects |
SwitchObjectMultiPortOps.Json.SwitchObjectMultiPort | Switch between multiple object inputs |
TriggerObjectSetNumberOps.Json.TriggerObjectSetNumber | set a number value of an object using trigger |
TriggerObjectSetStringOps.Json.TriggerObjectSetString | set a string value of an object using trigger |
AbsOps.Math.Abs | Returns the absolute, positive value |
AccumulatorOps.Math.Accumulator | Add to and multiply a number, set to current value |
AddUpOps.Math.AddUp | add up numbers |
AngleBetweenPointsOps.Math.AngleBetweenPoints | outputs the angle between two points (degree) |
Array3MultiplyMatrixOps.Math.Array3MultiplyMatrix | multiply every XYZ coordinate with a matrix |
Array3To2dProjectionOps.Math.Array3To2dProjection | calculate 2d positions of an array3x |
AverageOps.Math.Average | average of last two values |
ButterflyCurveOps.Math.ButterflyCurve | generate coordinates of a butterfly curve |
CeilOps.Math.Ceil | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number |
CircleCoordinatesOps.Math.CircleCoordinates | x and y coordinates of a circle |
ClampOps.Math.Clamp | Makes sure a value is within range cuts off the rest |
BetweenOps.Math.Compare.Between | result is true if value is between number1 and number2 |
BetweenEqualsOps.Math.Compare.BetweenEquals | result is true if value is between or equal number1 and number2 |
EqualsOps.Math.Compare.Equals | result is true if number1 and number2 are equal |
GreaterOrEqualsOps.Math.Compare.GreaterOrEquals | result is true if number 1 is greater or equals number 2 |
GreaterThanOps.Math.Compare.GreaterThan | result is true if number1 is greater than number2 |
IfBetweenThenOps.Math.Compare.IfBetweenThen | triggers when value is between min and max |
IsEvenOps.Math.Compare.IsEven | Checks if Value is even or not |
LessThanOps.Math.Compare.LessThan | Is n1 smaller than n2? (lesser, less) |
CrossOps.Math.Cross | Computes the cross product of two vec3's |
DegreeToVectorOps.Math.DegreeToVector | Calculates a vector (x and y) based on an angle in degrees |
DeltaSumOps.Math.DeltaSum | add delta values to an clamped absolute value |
DifferenceOps.Math.Difference | Difference between two numbers |
Distance2dOps.Math.Distance2d | Calculates the Distance between two 2d points |
Distance3dOps.Math.Distance3d | distance between two 3d points |
Distance3d_v2Ops.Math.Distance3d_v2 | distance between two 3d points, calculated when triggered |
DivideOps.Math.Divide | Divides a number by another |
EaseOps.Math.Ease | map a value to an easing curve |
ExpOps.Math.Exp | Calculates the power of Euler’s number |
FlipSignOps.Math.FlipSign | positive numbers become negative and vice versa (negate) |
FloorOps.Math.Floor | returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number |
FractOps.Math.Fract | returns the fractional part of a number |
GaussianRandomArrayOps.Math.GaussianRandomArray | random numbers fitting a Gaussian, or normal, distribution |
IncrementorOps.Math.Incrementor | increment a number by triggering |
IndexFractionOps.Math.IndexFraction | return fraction of value by index |
InterpolateOps.Math.Interpolate | Interpolate between values, lerp, linear interpolate |
IsNumberRisingOps.Math.IsNumberRising | detect if a number rising or falling |
LogOps.Math.Log | Calculates the logarithm of Number |
MapGeoCoordsSphericalOps.Math.MapGeoCoordsSpherical | map geo locations (latitude - longitude) to spherical coordinates |
MapRangeOps.Math.MapRange | Maps a value from one range into another. |
MaxOps.Math.Max | Sets the output to the input value which is higher |
MercatorCoordOps.Math.MercatorCoord | project mercator coordinates |
MercatorCoordsArrayOps.Math.MercatorCoordsArray | Mercator map and center an array of latitudes and longitudes to a local coordinate system |
MinOps.Math.Min | Result will be the smaller number of the inputs |
Min_v3Ops.Math.Min_v3 | Result will be the smaller number of the inputs |
ModuloOps.Math.Modulo | outputs the remainder after division of one number by another |
MulMatrixXyzOps.Math.MulMatrixXyz | multiply XYZ values with a gl matrix vec3 x mat4 |
MultiplyOps.Math.Multiply | Multiplies two numbers |
Multiply3NumbersOps.Math.Multiply3Numbers | multiply three numbers |
NormalizeOps.Math.Normalize | normalize a vector |
NumberDivisibleOps.Math.NumberDivisible | is a number capable of being divided. |
OneMinusOps.Math.OneMinus | subtract a number from one |
PerlinNoiseOps.Math.PerlinNoise | outputs a perlin noise value like random |
PerlinNoise_v2Ops.Math.PerlinNoise_v2 | outputs a perlin noise value like random |
PiOps.Math.Pi | returns PI (3.141592653589793) * multiply amount |
PointInRectangle2dOps.Math.PointInRectangle2d | test if a point is in or outside of a rectangle |
PowOps.Math.Pow | value of x to the power of y |
PowerOfTwoSizeOps.Math.PowerOfTwoSize | Return the next values as power of two |
RandomCounterOps.Math.RandomCounter | add up random numbers by triggering |
RandomNumbersOps.Math.RandomNumbers | simple way to get random numbers without using arrays |
RandomNumbers_v2Ops.Math.RandomNumbers_v2 | simple way to get random numbers without using arrays |
RandomNumbers_v3Ops.Math.RandomNumbers_v3 | Simple way to get random numbers without using arrays |
RoundOps.Math.Round | Outputs number rounded to the nearest integer |
RoundEvenOps.Math.RoundEven | round to the next even number |
SchlickBiasOps.Math.SchlickBias | Custom easing curve via schlick bias and gain |
SimpleMovingAverageOps.Math.SimpleMovingAverage | Calculate the Average of the last X values |
SineOps.Math.Sine | Calculates the sine of an angle. |
SmoothStepOps.Math.SmoothStep | interpolate smoothly between two input values |
SmoothStep_v2Ops.Math.SmoothStep_v2 | Interpolate smoothly between two input values |
SmootherStepOps.Math.SmootherStep | interpolate smoothly between two input values |
SpeedOps.Math.Speed | measure speed of how much a value changes |
SqrtOps.Math.Sqrt | square root of a number |
SubtractOps.Math.Subtract | Subtracts Number2 from Number1 (minus, -) |
SumOps.Math.Sum | Add two values |
TriggerMathExpressionOps.Math.TriggerMathExpression | calculates a user defined mathematical expression |
TriggerRandomNumberOps.Math.TriggerRandomNumber | generate random number between min and max (was: random2) |
TriggerRandomNumber_v2Ops.Math.TriggerRandomNumber_v2 | generate random number between min and max (was: random2) |
VectorLengthOps.Math.VectorLength | length of a vector |
WebSocketOps.Net.WebSocket.WebSocket | create a websocket connection and receive data from it |
WebSocketSendOps.Net.WebSocket.WebSocketSend | send an object to a websocket connection |
WebSocket_v2Ops.Net.WebSocket.WebSocket_v2 | Create a websocket connection and receive data from it |
DelayNumberSimpleOps.Number.DelayNumberSimple | delay the value data flow by x seconds |
DelayedNumberOps.Number.DelayedNumber | delay a value by seconds |
FilterValidNumberOps.Number.FilterValidNumber | Filter valid numbers |
FreezeNumberOps.Number.FreezeNumber | capture the current input and copy it to the output, even after a reload |
NumberOps.Number.Number | Stores a value, use the same value in different places (was: value.value) |
PresetOps.Number.Preset | State management of all parameters connected to it - Create presets of multiple ops |
PreviousNumberStoreOps.Number.PreviousNumberStore | remember/store last set number |
SequenceNumbersOps.Number.SequenceNumbers | control order and flow of numbers |
SwitchNumberOps.Number.SwitchNumber | switch between number values by index |
SwitchNumberMultiPortOps.Number.SwitchNumberMultiPort | Switch between multiple number inputs |
SwitchNumberOnTriggerOps.Number.SwitchNumberOnTrigger | Sets a specific output value on trigger |
Trigger3NumbersOps.Number.Trigger3Numbers | Stores a 3D coordinate (was Value3) |
TriggerOnChangeNumberOps.Number.TriggerOnChangeNumber | triggers every time the input value changed |
ButtonOps.Sidebar.Button | sidebar push button/trigger element |
Button_v2Ops.Sidebar.Button_v2 | sidebar push button/trigger element |
ColorPicker_v3Ops.Sidebar.ColorPicker_v3 | Shows a color-picker in the sidebar |
DisplayValueOps.Sidebar.DisplayValue | display a value or string |
DisplayValue_v2Ops.Sidebar.DisplayValue_v2 | display a value or string |
GroupOps.Sidebar.Group | organize sidebar elements into groups |
LocalFileToDataUrlOps.Sidebar.LocalFileToDataUrl | load a local file and output as data url |
PresetsOps.Sidebar.Presets | manage sidebar presets |
Presets_v2Ops.Sidebar.Presets_v2 | manage sidebar presets |
SideBarImageOps.Sidebar.SideBarImage | Display an image in the sidebar |
SideBarStyleOps.Sidebar.SideBarStyle | adjust appearance of sidebar |
SideBarSwitchOps.Sidebar.SideBarSwitch | add tabs or switchbar to a sidebar |
SidebarOps.Sidebar.Sidebar | Sidebar overlay to control values |
SidebarDateTimeOps.Sidebar.SidebarDateTime | date or datetime picker in the sidebar |
SidebarText_v2Ops.Sidebar.SidebarText_v2 | Display text in the sidebar |
SidebarText_v3Ops.Sidebar.SidebarText_v3 | Display text in the sidebar |
SidebarVariablesOps.Sidebar.SidebarVariables | show values of all variables in a sidebar |
SliderOps.Sidebar.Slider | sidebar slider element (range) |
Slider_v2Ops.Sidebar.Slider_v2 | sidebar slider element (range) |
Slider_v3Ops.Sidebar.Slider_v3 | Sidebar slider element (range) |
TextInput_v2Ops.Sidebar.TextInput_v2 | Get a string from an sidebar input field |
ToggleOps.Sidebar.Toggle | sidebar boolean toggle/switch element |
Toggle_v2Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v2 | sidebar boolean toggle/switch element |
Toggle_v3Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v3 | sidebar boolean toggle/switch element |
Toggle_v4Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v4 | sidebar boolean toggle/switch element |
XYPadOps.Sidebar.XYPad | 2d coordinate input element |
AddLineBreaksOps.String.AddLineBreaks | Insert a line break in a string of words |
AddLineBreaks_v2Ops.String.AddLineBreaks_v2 | Insert a line break in a string of words |
ArrayContainsStringOps.String.ArrayContainsString | Check if an array contains a string which can also be a number (find,search,indexOf) |
ArrayOfStringsOps.String.ArrayOfStrings | Create an array of strings and optionally attach index-number |
Base64DecodeOps.String.Base64.Base64Decode | decode a string to base64 |
Base64Decode_v2Ops.String.Base64.Base64Decode_v2 | decode a string to base64 |
Base64EncodeOps.String.Base64.Base64Encode | encode a string to base64 |
Base64Encode_v2Ops.String.Base64.Base64Encode_v2 | encode a string to base64 |
Base64Encode_v3Ops.String.Base64.Base64Encode_v3 | encode a string to base64 |
DownloadBase64FileOps.String.Base64.DownloadBase64File | trigger a download of a base64 binary file |
CharacterRotateOps.String.CharacterRotate | String rotate characters like a split-flap display |
ConcatOps.String.Concat | Joins two strings together |
ConcatMultiPortOps.String.ConcatMultiPort | concatinate/join multiple string inputs |
ConcatMulti_v2Ops.String.ConcatMulti_v2 | Joins multiple strings together |
Concat_v2Ops.String.Concat_v2 | Joins two strings together |
CopyToClipboardOps.String.CopyToClipboard | Copy string to clipboard on trigger |
DelayStringSimpleOps.String.DelayStringSimple | delay the output of a string by n seconds |
FileInputOps.String.File.FileInput | get URL of a file |
FileInput_v2Ops.String.File.FileInput_v2 | get URL of a file |
SwitchFileOps.String.File.SwitchFile | switch between filenames |
SwitchFile_v2Ops.String.File.SwitchFile_v2 | switch between filenames |
FilterValidStringOps.String.FilterValidString | filter valid strings (not null,undefined or empty) |
FreezeStringOps.String.FreezeString | capture the current input and copy it to the output, even after a reload |
GateStringOps.String.GateString | Output string if pass through is true |
HandleBarsHtmlOps.String.HandleBarsHtml | string conversion using handlebars template engine |
LeftPadOps.String.LeftPad | create a fixed length string from a number 1 -> 0001 |
LeftPad_v2Ops.String.LeftPad_v2 | create a fixed length string from a number 1 -> 0001 |
LimitLineBreaksOps.String.LimitLineBreaks | Limit number of lines in a string |
LimitLineBreaks_v2Ops.String.LimitLineBreaks_v2 | Limit number of lines in a string |
LineBreaksHtmlOps.String.LineBreaksHtml | Convert linebreaks to html breaks |
LoremIpsumOps.String.LoremIpsum | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
LowercaseOps.String.Lowercase | convert all characters to small letters |
Lowercase_v2Ops.String.Lowercase_v2 | convert all characters to small letters |
Md5Ops.String.Md5 | Create a md5 hash of a string |
NumTotalLineBreaksOps.String.NumTotalLineBreaks | Count number of line breaks in a string |
NumberSwitchByStringOps.String.NumberSwitchByString | associate numbers by strings |
NumberToStringOps.String.NumberToString | Convert a number to a string |
NumberToString_v2Ops.String.NumberToString_v2 | Convert a number to a string |
OrStringOps.String.OrString | outputs the first valid string |
ParseIntOps.String.ParseInt | parse a string to a integer number |
ParseInt_v2Ops.String.ParseInt_v2 | Parse a string to a integer number / string to number |
RandomStringOps.String.RandomString | generate a random string of given characters |
RandomString_v2Ops.String.RandomString_v2 | Generate a random string of given characters |
RandomString_v3Ops.String.RandomString_v3 | Generate a random string of given characters |
RightPadOps.String.RightPad | create a string with a fixed length filling the space with a character |
RightPadNumberOps.String.RightPadNumber | converts a number to a string with num decimal places, adds 0's |
RightPadNumber_v2Ops.String.RightPadNumber_v2 | Converts a number to a string with num decimal places, adds 0's |
RightPad_v2Ops.String.RightPad_v2 | create a string with a fixed length filling the space with a character |
SaveTextFileOps.String.SaveTextFile | download a textfile containing the input string |
SequenceStringsOps.String.SequenceStrings | control order and flow of strings |
StartsWithOps.String.StartsWith | does a string starts with another string? |
StringOps.String.String | enter a string |
StringComposeOps.String.StringCompose | Combine multiple Values to a new String |
StringCompose_v2Ops.String.StringCompose_v2 | Combine multiple Values to a new String |
StringCompose_v3Ops.String.StringCompose_v3 | Combine multiple Values to a new String |
StringContainsOps.String.StringContains | check if string contains another string (find,search,indexOf) |
StringContains_v2Ops.String.StringContains_v2 | check if string contains another string (find,search,indexOf) |
StringEditorOps.String.StringEditor | string text editor |
StringEqualsOps.String.StringEquals | check if content of two strings is the same |
StringGetLineNumAtIndexOps.String.StringGetLineNumAtIndex | output the line number at the character index |
StringIteratorOps.String.StringIterator | iterate over every character of a string |
StringIterator_v2Ops.String.StringIterator_v2 | iterate over every character of a string |
StringLengthOps.String.StringLength | number of characters in a string |
StringLength_v2Ops.String.StringLength_v2 | number of characters in a string |
StringReplaceOps.String.StringReplace | replace occurrences of a string with another string |
StringSortLinesOps.String.StringSortLines | sort each line of a string alphabetically |
StringSwitchByStringOps.String.StringSwitchByString | Switch between multiple strings by a string index |
StringToNumberOps.String.StringToNumber | Parses a string and returns a floating point number / string to number |
StringTrimOps.String.StringTrim | remove whitespace from both ends of a string |
StringTrim_v2Ops.String.StringTrim_v2 | Remove whitespace from both ends of a string |
String_v2Ops.String.String_v2 | String input/output |
StringsToArrayMultiPortOps.String.StringsToArrayMultiPort | create an array from multiple string input ports |
StripHtmlOps.String.StripHtml | remove html tags from a string |
SubStringOps.String.SubString | subset of a string between one index and another |
SubString_v2Ops.String.SubString_v2 | Subset of a string between one index and another |
SwitchStringOps.String.SwitchString | Switch between multiple strings with an index |
SwitchStringMultiPortOps.String.SwitchStringMultiPort | switch between multiple string inputs |
UUIDOps.String.UUID | outputs a unique identifier string |
Uppercase_v2Ops.String.Uppercase_v2 | Convert all characters in a string to upperase |
ExampleVizOpOps.Templates.ExampleVizOp | example how to code a viz layer op |
MinimalMaterialOps.Templates.MinimalMaterial | Material Example Template |
ShaderEffectExampleOps.Templates.ShaderEffectExample | shader effect example template |
UiTestOpOps.Templates.UiTestOp | UI indicators example op |
AutoPlayOps.TimeLine.AutoPlay | Automatically starts the timeline playback when opening patch |
DemoPrerenderOps.TimeLine.DemoPrerender | Prerenderer based on timeline progress |
GotoFrameOps.TimeLine.GotoFrame | jump to a key in the timeline |
TimeLineControlsOps.TimeLine.TimeLineControls | use position and play pause state of cables timeline |
TimeLineFrameOps.TimeLine.TimeLineFrame | Returns the current frame number of the timeline |
TimeLineLengthOps.TimeLine.TimeLineLength | current set length of the timeline |
TimeLineLoopOps.TimeLine.TimeLineLoop | Automatic rewind of timeline at a certain time |
TimeLineOverwriteOps.TimeLine.TimeLineOverwrite | overwrite timeline time value |
TimeLinePlayOps.TimeLine.TimeLinePlay | start timeline |
TimeLineRewindOps.TimeLine.TimeLineRewind | set time of timeline to 0 (rewind, restart) |
TimeLineSetTimeOps.TimeLine.TimeLineSetTime | set current time of timeline |
TimeLineTimeOps.TimeLine.TimeLineTime | Returns the current time of the timeline |
TimeLineTogglePlayOps.TimeLine.TimeLineTogglePlay | toggle between timeline playing and being paused |
TimelineValueOps.TimeLine.TimelineValue | Animate and get value at "time" of timeline |
DelayedTriggerOps.Trigger.DelayedTrigger | delay triggering next port by x seconds |
IntervalOps.Trigger.Interval | Timed Trigger every x ms |
IsTriggeredOps.Trigger.IsTriggered | outputs true if being triggered last frame |
NthTriggerOps.Trigger.NthTrigger | trigger children every x times exe was triggered |
NumberByTriggerOps.Trigger.NumberByTrigger | Outputs the last number of the input port which was triggered |
NumberByTriggerMultiPortOps.Trigger.NumberByTriggerMultiPort | output a number by triggering an index port |
RandomTriggerOps.Trigger.RandomTrigger | randomly trigger output ports |
RepeatOps.Trigger.Repeat | Triggers all ops below x times (for loop / while) |
Repeat2dOps.Trigger.Repeat2d | Triggers all ops underneath Num X * Num Y times |
Repeat_v2Ops.Trigger.Repeat_v2 | Triggers all ops below x times (for loop / while) |
RouteTriggerAnimatedOps.Trigger.RouteTriggerAnimated | animated switching between things |
RouteTriggerMultiPortOps.Trigger.RouteTriggerMultiPort | Triggers one of the output ports - value index switch case |
RouteTriggerStringOps.Trigger.RouteTriggerString | route trigger output by string |
RouteTriggerString_v2Ops.Trigger.RouteTriggerString_v2 | route trigger output by string |
SequenceOps.Trigger.Sequence | control the order of execution/triggering |
SequenceMultiPortOps.Trigger.SequenceMultiPort | sequence trigger |
TimeSinceTriggerOps.Trigger.TimeSinceTrigger | Get the time since last trigger |
TimedSequenceOps.Trigger.TimedSequence | timed switching of trigger |
TriggerButtonOps.Trigger.TriggerButton | simple button to trigger manually |
TriggerCounterOps.Trigger.TriggerCounter | Counts how often the port was triggered |
TriggerDistributeByValueOps.Trigger.TriggerDistributeByValue | triggers evenly distributed by value |
TriggerLimiterOps.Trigger.TriggerLimiter | Limits how often a trigger goes through to x ms |
TriggerNumberOps.Trigger.TriggerNumber | Outputs a number when triggered |
TriggerOnChangeArrayOps.Trigger.TriggerOnChangeArray | triggers when array has changed |
TriggerOnChangeObjectOps.Trigger.TriggerOnChangeObject | triggers when Object has changed |
TriggerOnChangeStringOps.Trigger.TriggerOnChangeString | triggers when string has changed |
TriggerOnChangeTextureOps.Trigger.TriggerOnChangeTexture | triggers when texture has changed |
TriggerOnceOps.Trigger.TriggerOnce | Trigger the following children once |
TriggerReceiveOps.Trigger.TriggerReceive | Receives triggers from a TriggerSend op with the same variable name |
TriggerSendOps.Trigger.TriggerSend | Allows triggers to be sent to a TriggerReceive op with the same variable name |
TriggerStringOps.Trigger.TriggerString | trigger a string |
TriggersPerSecondOps.Trigger.TriggersPerSecond | Counts how often the port is triggered per second |
AreaOps.Ui.Area | Organize and group your patch operators |
CablesEditorEventsOps.Ui.CablesEditorEvents | Cables UI Event Triggers |
CommentOps.Ui.Comment | Displays a comment in the patch area |
Comment_v2Ops.Ui.Comment_v2 | Displays a comment in the patch area |
PatchUiCoordsOps.Ui.Debug.PatchUiCoords | Output the current patch coordinates |
GetCablesDefaultThemeOps.Ui.GetCablesDefaultTheme | Get the default theme colors of the cables editor |
PatchInputOps.Ui.PatchInput | Helper op for sub-patches |
PatchOutputOps.Ui.PatchOutput | Helper op for sub-patches |
RouteArrayOps.Ui.Routing.RouteArray | Patchfield cable routing helper for array cables |
RouteNumberOps.Ui.Routing.RouteNumber | Patchfield cable routing helper for number cables |
RouteObjectOps.Ui.Routing.RouteObject | Patchfield cable routing helper for object cables |
RouteStringOps.Ui.Routing.RouteString | Patchfield cable routing helper for string cables |
RouteTriggerOps.Ui.Routing.RouteTrigger | Routing Helper for trigger cables |
SetCablesThemeOps.Ui.SetCablesTheme | Set cables editor colors |
SubPatchOps.Ui.SubPatch | subpatch op |
SubPatchInputOps.Ui.SubPatchInput | |
SubPatchOutputOps.Ui.SubPatchOutput | |
Subpatch2TemplateOps.Ui.Subpatch2Template | new subpatches |
VizArrayChartOps.Ui.VizArrayChart | Displays information of the distribution of numerical values in an array |
VizArrayGraphOps.Ui.VizArrayGraph | Visualize Array as line graph |
VizArrayTableOps.Ui.VizArrayTable | Show the contents of the input array in a table in the patch, useful for debugging |
VizArrayTable_v2Ops.Ui.VizArrayTable_v2 | Show the contents of the input array in a table in the patch, useful for debugging |
VizBoolOps.Ui.VizBool | Visualize the state of a boolean input in the patch, useful for debugging |
VizGraphOps.Ui.VizGraph | Displays graphs for the numbers on the input port in the patchfield |
VizLoggerOps.Ui.VizLogger | Log changes of input values line by line, use like a logfile for debugging |
VizNumberOps.Ui.VizNumber | Displays input string on the patchfield |
VizNumberBarOps.Ui.VizNumberBar | Visualize numbers as a bar in patch, useful for debugging |
VizObjectOps.Ui.VizObject | Show information about any object for patch debugging |
VizStringOps.Ui.VizString | Displays long input string on the patchfield |
VizTextureOps.Ui.VizTexture | Displays texture at input port |
VizTextureTableOps.Ui.VizTextureTable | Show pixel colors of connected texture as a table, useful for debugging |
VizTriggerOps.Ui.VizTrigger | Visualize triggering for debugging reasons |
TriggerVarGetNumberOps.Vars.TriggerVarGetNumber | Get a number variable value at time of trigger |
VarGetArray_v2Ops.Vars.VarGetArray_v2 | Get a variable array |
VarGetNumberOps.Vars.VarGetNumber | read a variable number |
VarGetNumber_v2Ops.Vars.VarGetNumber_v2 | read a variable number |
VarGetObject_v2Ops.Vars.VarGetObject_v2 | Get a variable object |
VarGetStringOps.Vars.VarGetString | String variable getter |
VarGetTextureOps.Vars.VarGetTexture | get a texture from a variable |
VarGetTexture_v2Ops.Vars.VarGetTexture_v2 | get a texture from a variable |
VarSetArray_v2Ops.Vars.VarSetArray_v2 | Set a variable array |
VarSetNumberOps.Vars.VarSetNumber | set a variable number |
VarSetNumber_v2Ops.Vars.VarSetNumber_v2 | set a variable number |
VarSetObject_v2Ops.Vars.VarSetObject_v2 | Set a variable object |
VarSetString_v2Ops.Vars.VarSetString_v2 | Set string variable |
VarSetTextureOps.Vars.VarSetTexture | set a texture variable |
VarSetTexture_v2Ops.Vars.VarSetTexture_v2 | set a texture variable |
VarTriggerArrayOps.Vars.VarTriggerArray | Set an array variable by a trigger |
VarTriggerNumberOps.Vars.VarTriggerNumber | set number variable by trigger |
VarTriggerObjectOps.Vars.VarTriggerObject | Set an object variable by trigger |
VarTriggerStringOps.Vars.VarTriggerString | set string variable by trigger |
VarTriggerTextureOps.Vars.VarTriggerTexture | Set an object variable by trigger |
VariablesAsObjectOps.Vars.VariablesAsObject | outputs an object containing all variables |
AnalyzerTextureOps.WebAudio.AnalyzerTexture | Generates a texture from audio information |
AudioAnalyzerOps.WebAudio.AudioAnalyzer | Extracts FFT or Waveform data from the incoming audio signal |
FFTAreaAverage_v3Ops.WebAudio.FFTAreaAverage_v3 | get average value in an area of a fft audio analysis buffer |
GainOps.WebAudio.Gain | Changes the gain / volume |
MicrophoneInOps.WebAudio.MicrophoneIn | Access to the microphone |
OutputOps.WebAudio.Output | Sends an audio signal to your speakers |
Output_v2Ops.WebAudio.Output_v2 | Sends an audio signal to your speakers |
CookieOps.Website.Cookie | cookie of the current website as object |
FilenameInfoOps.Website.FilenameInfo | information about a filename, like url protocol, suffix etc |
ForceHttpsOps.Website.ForceHttps | will redirect to same URL using https protocol |
InIframeOps.Website.InIframe | Outputs true if the patch is inside of an iframe |
InfoURLOps.Website.InfoURL | Information about the current URL |
LocalStorageNumberOps.Website.LocalStorageNumber | Store and retreive a number in browser localstorage |
LocalStorageStringOps.Website.LocalStorageString | Store and retreive a string in browser localstorage |
UrlQueryParamsOps.Website.UrlQueryParams | Get URL query parameters |
UrlQueryParams_v2Ops.Website.UrlQueryParams_v2 | Returns a URL query parameter |