FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2 Op
Fill an array with random duplicates
Summary (oneliner)
example you have an array with 3 values [0,1,2] and you want to have an array of with a length of 9 with these values You pass the smaller array into FillArrayRandomDuplicates and define a length of 9 You'll then get something like [0,1,2,0,1,2,2,0,0]
Note that the original array that's passed in will always be in the start of the new array. In this case the 1st 3 values will always be 0,1,2
- Ops.Array.FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
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Example Patch FillArrayRandomDuplicates example file
The array used to get random values from
The length of the new array
The generated array with the new values.
Patches using FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2
created op | ||
added random seed input port | ||
cloned op from Ops.Array.FillArrayRandomDuplicates | ||
Ops.User.pandur.FillArrayRandomDuplicatesV2 renamed to Ops.Array.FillArrayRandomDuplicates_v2 | ||
bugfix | array now has the correct length | |
improvement | no trigger required anymore to generate |