
2024-08-28 12:10 - Aug 28, 2024 at 12:10

Read more in out blogpost:

New ops

Op Enhancements


  • editor: inspect or port value editor tabs, that refer a deleted(e.g. reloaded) op, will be closed automatically
  • editor: also use horizontal scroll when incrementing port values (shift+wheel)
  • editor: better storing and restoring of patch view, e.g. after loading the patch or maximizing canvas
  • editor: create backup before exporting patch, for cables-supporters
  • editor: create/claim Ops.Extension.Standalone a team and namespace for native standalone electron operators
  • editor: error report sending improved and error reports are public
  • editor: escape html results in search results
  • editor: fix links in "recent patches" to be actual hyperlinks and middle-clickable
  • editor: fix op text and port rendering precision problems when scrolling/zooming
  • editor: html overlay inspect click was not showing op params
  • editor: improve loading speed by reducing filesize of used gui libs by 50%
  • editor: improve speed by avoiding useless request when coppy-pasting newly created op
  • editor: improved error catching and handling
  • editor: improved error catching and reporting
  • editor: improved error display, automatic display of error source code when possible
  • editor: improved showing loading indicator when loading data from server
  • editor: less creation of duplicate input/ouput ops in subpatche
  • editor: less modal error dialogs, but error console opening automaticall
  • editor: less network requests when editing ops
  • editor: make sure op version suffix (e.g. _v2) can only contain numbers in clone and rename
  • editor: new logging console
  • editor: ops can now be renamed directly in the editor
  • editor: patch outline treeview now has filter options
  • editor: port suggestion dialogs now will show the portcolors (e.g. when creating ports by dragging)
  • editor: reduced number of requests to load op data from server
  • editor: rename op: automatically select last part of op name to overwrite
  • editor: renaming of ops in editor directly
  • editor: reupload file button: quickly replace existing files with a new version
  • editor: show big fat red warning when deleting assets in public patch
  • editor: show comments in bookmark treeview
  • editor: show manage op button in op search dialog doc panel (e.b. for editing ops even when they crash on create)
  • editor: speed up checking validity of opname in clone and rename
  • editor: store last saved version as automatic backup
  • editor: when clicking title in a subpatch the outer op will be centered and focusssed
  • editor: show all patchops in opselect, even if not used
  • editor: offer oldschool form upload to upload big files in chrome, on error


  • website: fix bug on opspage when entering invalid example patch id
  • website: improve opengraph/share information for teams and patchlists
  • website: fix sorting and filtering on /ops namespace pages
  • website: fix caching of team- and user-avatars, update after uploading
  • website: protection against spammers / no public user profiles anymore if the user is not really active
  • website: search engine optimization / better indexing
  • website: fix bug in regeneration of small/mini avatar images when uploading
  • website: fix link to op namespace on op-page for non-existing op
  • website: show deprecated ops in namespaces on /ops/ page
  • website: for spam protection reasons: user profiles are only shown when when fulfilling
    certain rules
  • website: fix overlapping html elements when clicking patch maximize button
  • website: export unminifed code when minifying fails, show info on export page
  • website: fix bug when deleting nested team namespace
  • website: fix wrong errordisplay when registering with already registered email
  • website: speed up checking patch dependencies during delete (also from editor)
  • website: set default date for op-changelog entries to "now" when sending empty data or 0
  • website: hand over queryparameters to iframe on patch view page
  • website: show namespace name and link on op thumbnails
  • website: do not add "new op" changelog entry when cloning to a new version
  • website: add entry to changelog when renaming op
  • website: search private patches input on mypatches page
  • website: fix bug in backup of project created after export
  • website: update exe-export version of electron to match up with standalone
  • website: add basic re-import of standalone projects to /mydata


  • docs: rework nightly creation of jsdocs for cables/cables_ui/cables_electron
  • docs: fix links to "continue below" on standalone docs


  • cables-cli: show log entries of level info/warning/error on console
  • cables-cli: add option do supply/override api-key via command-line
  • cables-cli: add option to export patch to use in standalone version
  • misc: archive "cables daplaya" repository, move to cables standalone or exe export
screenshot Ops.Array.PointArray.Array3RepeatTransformop Ops.Array.PointArray.Array3RepeatTransform
screenshot Ops.Html.Elementop Ops.Html.Element
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssBorderop Ops.Html.ElementCssBorder
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssColorop Ops.Html.ElementCssColor
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssFontop Ops.Html.ElementCssFont
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssPaddingop Ops.Html.ElementCssPadding
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssStringop Ops.Html.ElementCssString
screenshot Ops.Html.ScrollIntoViewop Ops.Html.ScrollIntoView

2024-07-15 14:17 - Jul 15, 2024 at 14:17

New Ops

Op Enhancements

Deprecated Ops


  • editor: changed extended title color to grey
  • editor: fix bug where changing the title in patch settings did not propagate to editor fields
  • editor: op extended titles are shortened if too long
  • editor: changed extended title color to grey
  • editor: overlay mode: now also highlights selected html element ops
  • editor: new command "set patch title"
  • editor: fix inconsistencies on handling patch title changes


  • website: fix texture/asset refresh on uploaded files
  • website: show basic file info and link to original patch on asset page for "orphaned assets"
  • website: redirect do namespace page when calling /ops/ with full op-name
  • website: add deletion of assets to patch-log
  • wesbite: show error message when exporting patch with ops from different environment
  • website: store original patch-creator in database on create/clone
  • website: warnings when renaming from an op that do not exist


  • standalone: change patchname on save of new project and save as
  • standalone: fix npm errors on windows and in packaged version
  • standalone: show missing npm packages for ops as ui-error
  • standalone: add zooming to the ui via cmd-- and cmd-+
  • standalone: fix errors when project is not initialized before editor loads
  • standalone: run "build" before "package" in build-process
  • standalone: make ui zoomable with cmd/ctrl-+-
  • standalone: fix error when loading local video files
screenshot Ops.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryFromArraysop Ops.Graphics.Geometry.GeometryFromArrays
screenshot Ops.Date.TimestampToIsoDateop Ops.Date.TimestampToIsoDate
screenshot Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureInfo_v2op Ops.Gl.Textures.TextureInfo_v2
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementChildsMultiPortop Ops.Html.ElementChildsMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Html.ElementCssShadowop Ops.Html.ElementCssShadow
screenshot Ops.Website.InIframeop Ops.Website.InIframe

2024-07-03 10:51 - Jul 3, 2024 at 10:51

New Ops

Op Improvements

Op Renames


  • editor: add "copy to clipboard" button to file details section in files-tab
  • editor: added more conversion suggestions when connecting incompatible port types
  • editor: added multiport/longport functionality
  • editor: added trigger->number port conversion suggestions
  • editor: allow ops in extension namespace to contain other extension ops
  • editor: better contrast in editor search dialog
  • editor: check link time warnings when gui finished loading...
  • editor: clicking into a cables now gives you an option to rerouting the cables
  • editor: close warning about editing subpatch-reference after navigating to changed subpatch
  • editor: creating area will give more spacing/padding to the top
  • editor: creating new cable with default string op will copy over the original value
  • editor: file/url input parameter now shows a hint whether the file source is an external asset, lib, current or other patch etc.
  • editor: fix bug where shift clicking ops would not show the correct multi selected panel
  • editor: fix loading libraries of copypasted ops
  • editor: fix positioning of operators when creating subpatch ops
  • editor: fix problem with transform gizmos on HDPI screens in some cases
  • editor: fix problems with zombie error indicators
  • editor: fix sawtooth rendering artifacts on cables in some subpatches
  • editor: fix warning for missing sourcemap of packaged "markedjs"
  • editor: fixed rendering cable residue after moving operators
  • editor: fixed: patchfield font character database could not display a backslash
  • editor: hide empty team list on patch settings page
  • editor: hide old versions and deprecated ops in teamnamespaces and extension preview in opselect
  • editor: hovering cable still show portname when hovering
  • editor: jobs view: if loadings job was initiated by an op you can click it to focus op
  • editor: make opcode editor not show a warning when using "modern javascript" (es11)
  • editor: new command "clear op titles"
  • editor: newly created ops will have "MIT" as a default license
  • editor: op editor is greyed out in untrusted patches
  • editor: patch summary now shows a no write access icon next to the patch title
  • editor: port type conversion now can show multiple options (e.g. numberToString and boolToString)
  • editor: remove intro-tour step for old tabs in parampanel
  • editor: several menu options are greyed out, if you don't have write access
  • editor: show selected background color like normal ops also on comment and area ops
  • editor: string and number ports now have a context menu helper to create basic default op, e.g."create number op"


  • website: add "todo" page to teams, if they have op-namespaces to show todos for ops of team
  • website: add button to put "rename" to op-changelog to rename result page
  • website: add export-option to minify shadercode in .att and .frag attachments
  • website: add seperate tab for op-example-patches in "my patches"
  • website: filter duplicate information in activityfeed (e.g. "liked a patch" and "liked YOUR patch")
  • website: filter own actions from activityfeed
  • website: prevent moving a patch op to illegal namespaces
  • website: remove redundant library loading from patch-view page
  • website: show opauthor for team-ops in /mydata#ops
  • website: show warning and basic file information for asset not in database


  • standalone: add "add op directory" to cables menu
  • standalone: add backslach to op-title font to display filenames correctly on windows
  • standalone: add command to copy used assets into project dir
  • standalone: add command to copy used ops into project dir
  • standalone: automatically create a ".cables" file when opening an exported project
  • standalone: change confising wording of "toggle fullscreen", use command palette to toggle app fullscreen
  • standalone: cleanup handling of keyboard shortcuts, reduce menu
  • standalone: clone a new op and code a new op (also) in non-saved projects
  • standalone: cmd-shift-s opens native save dialog
  • standalone: creating empty patch does not ask of a name anymore
  • standalone: do not open last project, open welcome modal with recent patches
  • standalone: do not show offline indicator in standalone
  • standalone: early version for testing download page:
  • standalone: fix "patch has been updated" showing when saving subpatchops
  • standalone: fix a bug where path to index.html was undefined on startup
  • standalone: fix assetpath explorer opening on windows
  • standalone: fix assetpaths of library files and file urls on windows
  • standalone: fix bug where "open patch" in welcome tab didn't do anything
  • standalone: fix crash when adding op directory
  • standalone: fix crash when going fullscreen on linux
  • standalone: fix crash when running "npm install" on new patch
  • standalone: fix file extensions in windows when saving patch
  • standalone: fix filename extensions duplicate dot after save on windows
  • standalone: fix missing opimage for extension overview in opselect
  • standalone: fix op being executed twice when working with cables-editor
  • standalone: fix permissions in editoriframe (webcam, midi, ...) and osx "entitlements"
  • standalone: fix popout canvas and ExternalCanvas
  • standalone: fix popout-canvas
  • standalone: fix problem with closing app on windows/linux
  • standalone: hide offline indicator
  • standalone: link cables icon to welcome tab
  • standalone: make changed patches closable on windows and linux
  • standalone: make httprequest work with fileurls and use as default fallback op
  • standalone: make native node modules (like "path" and "fs") work in ops
  • standalone: move "goto op directory" button to "manage op" tab
  • standalone: open native file dialog when uploading asset via files tab
  • standalone: open opdir instead of texteditor when clicking on folder icon
  • standalone: reference assets in project dir by relative url/path
  • standalone: set assetpath to relative path if next to cables-project-file
  • standalone: show nodejs and npm version in buildinfo tab
  • standalone: show preview image and asset info for files and library files
  • standalone: show used assets and locations in files-tab
  • standalone: speed up reaction time of code- and assetwatchers
  • standalone: store all patchinfo on one ".cables" file, ignore ".cables.json"
  • standalone: store assetpaths as relative when next to projectfile
  • standalone: store screenshots in project file
  • standalone: unify handling of asset-urls, always use file://
  • standalone: use fileurls for assetports
  • standalone: warn when opening export when project file exists already
  • standalone: watch assets for changes from external tools/editors
  • standalone: watch opcode for changes from external editors/IDEs
  • standalone: welcome tab shows cables events
  • standalone: welcome tab shows current version and newest downloadable release version
  • standalone: write console.log to logfile


  • cables-cli: add option to minify shadercode in ".att" and ".frag" attachments
screenshot Ops.Array.ArrayLookupop Ops.Array.ArrayLookup
screenshot Ops.Array.ArraySetStringop Ops.Array.ArraySetString
screenshot Ops.Array.NumbersToArrayMultiPortop Ops.Array.NumbersToArrayMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Array.SwitchArrayMultiPortop Ops.Array.SwitchArrayMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Cables.GetSubPatchNameop Ops.Cables.GetSubPatchName
screenshot Ops.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectFromObjectop Ops.Data.Compose.Object.CompObjectFromObject
screenshot Ops.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextureMultiPortop Ops.Gl.Textures.SwitchTextureMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Json.SwitchObjectMultiPortop Ops.Json.SwitchObjectMultiPort
screenshot Ops.String.ConcatMultiPortop Ops.String.ConcatMultiPort
screenshot Ops.String.StringsToArrayMultiPortop Ops.String.StringsToArrayMultiPort
screenshot Ops.String.SwitchStringMultiPortop Ops.String.SwitchStringMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Trigger.NumberByTriggerMultiPortop Ops.Trigger.NumberByTriggerMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Trigger.RouteTriggerMultiPortop Ops.Trigger.RouteTriggerMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Trigger.SequenceMultiPortop Ops.Trigger.SequenceMultiPort
screenshot Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteTriggerop Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteTrigger
screenshot Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteStringop Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteString
screenshot Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteNumberop Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteNumber
screenshot Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteObjectop Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteObject
screenshot Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteArrayop Ops.Ui.Routing.RouteArray
screenshot Ops.Ui.VizTriggerop Ops.Ui.VizTrigger