VizString Op
Displays long input string on the patchfield
Summary (oneliner)
display the value of the input port on the op itself, useful for debugging
Full Name
- Ops.Ui.VizString
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch Example for Ops.Ui.VizStringLong
String (String)
ZoomText (Number: boolean)
Line Numbers (Number: boolean)
Whitespace (Number: boolean)
Wrap lines (Number: boolean)
Syntax index (Number: integer)
Font Size (Number)
Scroll (Number)
Patches using VizString
new | created op | |
feature | added scroll slider / performance optimization for very long strings | |
improvement | visualize there is more content to scroll to by fading out the first/last line | |
feature | Added options to text-wrap to the bounds of the oprator | |
feature | white space param to visualize linebreaks,spaces and tabs |