VizObject Op
Show information about any object for patch debugging
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.Ui.VizObject
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch vizObject example
Object (Object)
ZoomText (Number: boolean)
Line Numbers (Number: boolean)
Experimental Stringify (Number: boolean)
Font Size (Number)
Scroll (Number)
Patches using VizObject
new | created op | pandur - 2022-03-16 09:57 |
improvement | now shows if it can not stringify an object, has more alternative ways to show them | pandur - 2022-12-14 17:22 |
improvement | show class name in op extended title | pandur - 2022-12-14 17:22 |
improvement | Can now also visualize complex objects with functions etc. | pandur - 2024-09-27 09:56 |
improvement | Do nort sort object keys when it is an array | pandur - 2024-12-05 17:43 |