BrowserInfo_v3 Op


Reports the browser being used

Performs a browser check. Some ops only work with certain browsers, you can use this op to create fallbacks.

iOS detection is not very reliable, there is no safe and futureproof way to detect it anymore.

Full Name
  • Ops.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest PatchesJavascript Libraries
  • Platform.js (A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.)


Is Mobile (boolean Number)

true if mobile platform, false if not

Is Touchscreen (boolean Number)
Is IE (boolean Number)

True if the browser is any of IE 9, IE 10, IE 11

Is Edge (boolean Number)

True if the browser is Edge

Is Chrome (boolean Number)

True if the browser is Chrome or Chrome Mobile

Is Firefox (boolean Number)

True if the browser is Firefox or Firefox mobile

Is Opera (boolean Number)

True if the browser is Opera

Is Safari (boolean Number)

True if the browser is Safari (iOS & macOS & OS X)

Is Windows (boolean Number)

true if operating system is windows

Is Linux (boolean Number)

true if operating system is linux

Is Mac (boolean Number)

true if operating system is mac

Is iOS (boolean Number)

true if operating system is iOS

Is Android (boolean Number)

true if operating system is Android

Is Electron (boolean Number)

true if cables electron app is used

Operating System (String)

exact name of the operating system

Browser Name (String)

name of the browser

OS Version (String)

version of the os

Language (String)

browser language

User Agent (String)

current user agent

Platform Object (Object)

Patches using BrowserInfo_v3

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


cloned op from Ops.Html.BrowserCheck_v2user avatarsimod - 2020-10-15 13:11
added lib: platform.jsuser avatarsimod - 2020-10-15 13:13
Ops.User.cables.BrowserCheck renamed to Ops.Html.BrowserInfouser avatarsimod - 2020-10-15 13:16
Ops.Html.BrowserInfo renamed to Ops.Html.BrowserCheck_v3user avatarcables - 2020-10-15 13:59
Ops.Html.BrowserCheck_v3 renamed to Ops.Html.BrowserInfouser avatarpandur - 2020-12-01 08:30
Ops.Html.BrowserInfo renamed to Ops.Html.BrowserInfo_v3user avatarpandur - 2020-12-01 08:33
Ops.Html.BrowserInfo_v3 renamed to Ops.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3user avatarpandur - 2022-06-07 08:47
renameOps.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3 renamed to Ops.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3user avatarpandur - 2023-12-06 09:24