process and manipulate collections (arrays) of data Outputs the angle between points in 3D space (degree)
animate values in an array to another array
Can generate 3 kinds of arrays. Number - 1,2,3,4 - Normalized - (ContinuousNumberArray)
convert an array1 to array2,3,4 by choosing content for new axis
inserts zeroes every third item
create an array of num triplets set to default values xyz
average x,y,z values of an array3x
get 3 values XYZ from an array
interpolate between two arrays
Iterates over an array in steps of three and outputs three values
multiply every XYZ member of array3x
Push three numbers to the end of an array (was ArrayPushValue3x)
extract definable amount of random xyz points from an array
Set three numbers at index in an array
add number to every XYZ member of array3x
remove every 3rd item of an array - changes array length
Converts an array3 to an array4 by filling it up with 1
Returns the length of a vector from an array 3
create an array of num quadruples set to default values xyz
get 4 values from an array
set four numbers at index in an array
convert an array4 to array3 by dropping every 4th number
Converts array contents to absolute values - converts all negative numbers to positive numbers
Append an array to an existing array
stores values in an array / fifo array buffer
circular buffer for xyz values
Extracts x elements from an array
repeat chunks of an array multiple times
Clamp the values of an array to a min and max value
check if array contains a number (find,search,indexOf)
Divides all values in an array by one number
Returns the fractional remainder of all values in an array
simple way to create small arrays of numbers
get an array from an array of arrays
Returns a value from an array
get an object from an array
get a string from an array at [index]
get texture from array at index
Pick values from input array at given indices and stride
output index where value is greater than number and smaller then next number
find lowest/highest numbers in an array
iterate over an array of arrays
Loop over every element of an array
iterate over an array of objects
Loop over every element of an array
iterate over an array of objects
Number of items in an array
Performs logical comparison operations on a single array of numbers
Performs logical comparison operations on two arrays
If value of array is between min and max then the value is 1 else 0
Create an array that is filled with values looked up by index from another array
Pick from multiple mathematical modes which can all be applied to a single array
performs a math operations on two arrays
Calculates a user defined mathematical expression
Calculates a user defined mathematical expression
Applies a max operation to all values in an array
Merge multiple arrays - in consecutive order
merge /concatinate arrays by trigger
Applies a min operation to all values in an array
Applies a modulo operation to all values in an array
Multiply every number in an array
Create an array that contains X numbers between start and end values
Create an array filled with other arrays
filter key value pairs in objects in an array of objects
remove key-value pairs from objects in an array of objects
convert an array of objects into readable string format
Packs multiple arrays into a new array
Packs two individual arrays into a new array
Packs 2 individual arrays into an array2 - without needing a trigger
Packs 3 individual arrays into a xyz array
Packs 3 individual arrays into an array3 - without needing a trigger
Pack 4 arrays into one array
Packs 3 individual arrays into an array3 - without needing a trigger
Applies a Pow function to an array
Push/Append a string to the end of an array
quantize input to nearest number in array
Extract a definable amount of values from an array
set a number at index in an array
set a string at index in an array
Performs a sin or cos operation on the contents of an array
Applies a smoothstep function to the contents of an array
Returns the square root of all values in the array
Subtracts one number from all values in an array
Adds one number to all values in an array
Sum up every number in an array with the sum of the previous
sum of every number in an array
manage/re-order components of an array (stride)
splits an array up into an array of arrays
convert an array to a byte buffer (Uint8ClampedArray)
Join array values to a string (concat)
filters an array for duplicate items and returns all unique items in a new array
will give you information about the count of "duplicates" in an array, as an object
Unpacks an xy array into separate arrays
splits a xyz array into 3 individual arrays
Splits a xyzw array into 4 individual arrays
insert/add/unshift a string to the beginning of an array
smooth/average values in an array
Array filled with `0`, only one can be `1`
Copy an array with a trigger, reset to use a default array
create a copy of an array
Remove elements from an array from the beginning and/or the end
apply easing curve to numbers in an array
Fill an array with random duplicates
compare elements from an array and remove not matching ones
Creates a new array with all sub-array selements concatenated into it
capture the current input and copy it to the output, even after a reload
Only allows an array through if pass through is true
Get an array of values by key of objects in an array
generates RGBA array from up to 4 arrays (HSBA)
get the min, max and average value from an array
min,max and average values of an array2
min,max and average values of an array3
interpolate between two arrays (lerp) - linear interpolation
interpolate between two arrays, only a few numbers at the same time
interpolate between all values of an array
get interpolated values between the indices of an array3x
generate spline using lissajous formulas
makes the 1st and last point of an array the same, good for closing splines and shapes
Maps values in an Array from one range into another.
Create an array from multiple number inputs
Contains a collection of color palettes in groups of 5 in an array
Creates An array filled with Perlin noise values
coordinate generation like arrangement of leaves in some plants
create a random array of 1 to 4 dimensions
Generates an array filled with random english words
Remove Points from an array, e.g. xth points, random, duplicates
Reverses an array with value triplets [x, y, z, ...]
Array of fixed size, index is automatically incremented and restarts after reaching the end
Shift array contents based upon rotate amount
Route an array to an output port
Change the Number of an array at an index
set three values at position index in an array
Randomizes the order of elements inside an array
Shuffles/Randomizes the order of an array of triplets
Creates An array filled with Simplex noise values (Range: -1, 1)
Smooths out changes in values of an array
Sorts an array of numbers with one of two modes - ascending or descending
Sorts an array with the lowest values of the selected component.
Sorts an array of numbers and also get sorted indices
Returns a number with the total distance between the points/items in an array3
convert an array of splines to one "line stripped" array
Parse a string into an array (create, split string, stringToArray)
Turns a string into an array of single characters or ASCII numbers
outputs an array containing a line number for every character
For subdividing splines, smoothing lines using cubic bezier interpolation
switch between multiple arrays
Switch between multiple input arrays
switch between multiple arrays
Stores various textures in an array, starts at the beginning again when end reached
Weaves two arrays together (combine, join, merge)
process and manipulate collections (arrays) of data remove points from an array3 with different shapes
visually edit positions in an array of point coordinates
Repeat an array by transforming it x times
Returns the distance between 2 points from an array
Particle Spray simulation
create arrays for circular shapes, helix,circle etc
fill a XYZ array with existing duplicate points until it reaches the length
Generates a 3d point field with controllable amount of xyz points (was PointsField3d)
generate coordinates for a hexagon grid, outputs array3x
Generate coordinates for a rectangular field / grid of points
generate an array of XYZ coordinates of an rectangle
Generates a point field mapped to the surface of a sphere
recalculate a spline / change number of points of a spline
sort an array3, by the distance of each point to the previous point
get position in array3/spline at distance from start
For subdividing splines, smoothing lines using cubic bezier interpolation
transform (translate,rotate,scale) positions in an array3x