VizArrayTable_v2 Op


Show the contents of the input array in a table in the patch, useful for debugging

Full Name
  • Ops.Ui.VizArrayTable_v2
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches


Array (Array)
Stride (Number: integer)
Scroll (Number)

Patches using VizArrayTable_v2

  • Examples
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newcreated opuser avatarpandur - 2022-02-14 15:19
improvementvisualize there is more content to scroll to by fading out the first/last lineuser avatarpandur - 2022-12-14 17:20
improvementit will now also visualize arrays of arrays and objects user avatarpandur - 2024-08-26 22:27
featureAdded stride input. Force a stride for display. Default value 0 will not change stride at all. Will display an error if the stride is not compatible with the arrays lengthuser avatarpandur - 2024-09-12 13:59
improvementNew version v2: will now show scrollbars and a slider for scrollinguser avatarpandur - 2024-09-13 09:58