HttpRequest_v2 Op
There is a newer version of this op!
This version will not receive any updates. It is recommended to use a newer version.
Current version: Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v3
Request a json file and output an object (ajax, url, json)
Summary (oneliner)
- Ops.Json.HttpRequest_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
No op example found on this server
wether or not to load jsonp (to circumvent CORS)
a key/value-object of additional headers to send
an optional body to send (for POST/PATCH/PUT)
the http method to use
the content type of the body sent (if any)
do we expect the response to be JSON, then parse the output
trigger the request on any value change (or on pagereload)
refresh data from remote (overrides an inactive "auto request")
the data
the unparsed response of the request
currently loading
triggers when finished