TextInput_v2 Op
Get a string from an sidebar input field
Summary (oneliner)
Let’s you enter a string in the sidebar, which you can then e.g. render in your patch
Full Name
- Ops.Sidebar.TextInput_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch TextInput example
Link (Object)
Where to attach the sidebar item to (Sidebar / Sidebar Group)
Text (String)
The text label
Default (String)
The default text in the input field
Placeholder (String)
Type index (Number: integer)
TextArea (Number: boolean)
Enables a multi line input field
Grey Out (Number: boolean)
Grey out text input area
Visible (Number: boolean)
Disable visibility for text input field
Clear (Trigger)
Children (Object)
In case you want to add other Sidebar items below
Result (String)
The text which was entered in the input field
Focus (booleanNumber)