SideBarSwitch Op
add tabs or switchbar to a sidebar
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.Sidebar.SideBarSwitch
- Core Op - Official cables op
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Example Patch Example Sidebar Switch
Sidebar Switch allows you to add a group of switches or tabs into your sidebar.
The number of switches/tabs depends on the array that you input to the Sidebar Switch OP.
In this example a toggle will change between a Switch or a Tab style for the 4 options in the SideBarSwitch OP. A Parse Array OP provides the names: TAB1-TAB4 here.
link (Object)
Names (Array)
Style index (Number: integer) Tabs Switch
Text (String)
Input (Number: integer)
Default Item
Set Default (Trigger)
Grey Out (Number: boolean)
Default Item
Default (Number)
childs (Object)
Index (Number)
String (String)