PointMaterial_v6 Op


Draw all vertices as points / circles

Draw all vertices as points / circles. Combine this op with pointCloudFromArray to draw point clouds with a xyz array.


Atlas Feature lets the user use Textures that contain multiple Images. The Images must be the same size and be arranged on the x axis. The atlas texture input will be used as an index texture. every pixel is the index of the atlas to be used. 0 is fist image, 1 is second image and so on. When using the Cross fade toggle, those images will be mixed: 0.5 is a 50% mix of the first and second image.

Full Name
  • Ops.Gl.Shader.PointMaterial_v6
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches


render (Trigger)


PointSize (Number)
Size in Pixels (Number: boolean)
Random Size (Number)
Round (Number: boolean)
Round Antialias (Number: boolean)
Scale by Distance (Number: boolean)


r (Number)
g (Number)
b (Number)
a (Number)
Vertex Colors (Number: boolean)


texture (Object:texture)
Colorize Texture (Number: boolean)
Texture Mask (Object:texture)
Mask Channel index (Number: integer) R  A  Luminance 
Texture Colorize (Object:texture)
Colorize Randomize (Number: boolean)
Texture Opacity (Object:texture)


Texture Point Size (Object:texture)
Point Size Channel index (Number: integer) R  G  B 
Texture Point Size Mul (Number)
Map Size 0 index (Number: integer) Black  Grey 
Flip Texture (Number: boolean)


Atlas Cross Fade (Number: boolean)
Atlas Repeat X (Number)
Atlas Lookup (Object:texture)
Rotate Texture (Object:texture)
Min Point Size (Number)


trigger (Trigger)
shader (Object)

Patches using PointMaterial_v6

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


featureadded alphauser avatarpandur - 2021-03-19 19:34
featureadded texture atlas lookup texture input and more atlas functionalityuser avatarpandur - 2024-01-18 16:00
featureAdded rotation texture input: will 2d rotate the texture coordinates of the billboard by the red color channel value (1==360 degrees)user avatarpandur - 2024-03-19 17:46
improvementAdded minimum pointsize parameter, e.g. set to 1 to make points always visibleuser avatarpandur - 2024-04-17 11:36
bugfixNew version v6: Fixed problems with HDPI, high pixel ratio displays - multiply pixel ratio with point size in vertex shaderuser avatarpandur - 2024-09-16 17:34