Function_v2 Op
trigger from external function when embedded into a website
Summary (oneliner)
Execute / trigger from an external script, useful when embedding a cables-patch into a website.
e.g: Function Name is myFunction
, then you can trigger ops connected to Next
via this javascript code:
- Ops.Cables.Function_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
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The name of the function you want to define, e.g. when you name the function myFunction
you can trigger it from your JavaScript-Code using CABLES.patch.config.myFunction();
run the function from inside the cables patch
parameter default value if external function does not define it
parameter default value if external function does not define it
parameter default value if external function does not define it
triggered when function has been called
first parameter of the called function, or default
second parameter of the called function, or default
third parameter of the called function, or default