MonoFlop Op
Sets output to 1
when triggered, turns back to 0
automatically after x seconds
Summary (oneliner)
<p>Imagine a light switch (often found in staircases): Once you press the light switch the light goes on for x seconds, then automatically turns off on its own.</p> <p>Make sure to connect the <code>Trigger</code> port in a meaningful way (not directly to <code>MainLoop</code>), as it would set the output to <code>1</code> all the time.</p>
- Ops.Boolean.MonoFlop
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch monoflop example
<p>When triggered, <code>Result</code> is set to <code>Value True</code></p>
<p>Duration in seconds when to automatically reset the <code>Result</code> to <code>Value False</code></p>
<p>The value to use when <code>Trigger</code> is triggered</p>
<p>The value to use after the time is over</p>
<p>Either <code>1</code> (directly after <code>Trigger</code> was triggered), or <code>0</code></p>