Op | Summary |
ArrayIteratorStringsOps.Array.ArrayIteratorStrings | Loop over every element of an array |
ArrayUnshiftStringOps.Array.ArrayUnshiftString | insert/add/unshift a string to the beginning of an array |
MapRangeArrayOps.Array.MapRangeArray | Maps values in an Array from one range into another. |
ArrayGetArrayByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayByPath | returns the array at the position defined by a path |
ArrayGetArrayValuesByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayValuesByPath | Outputs all the values of the properties of an array of objects given a path |
ArrayGetNumberByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetNumberByPath | finds a number at a position in an array defined by path |
ArrayGetObjectByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetObjectByPath | Returns the object at the position defined by a path |
ArrayGetStringByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetStringByPath | Finds a string at a position in an array defined by path |
ObjectGetArrayByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetArrayByPath | returns the array at the position defined by a path |
ObjectGetArrayValuesByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetArrayValuesByPath | Outputs all the values of the properties of an array of objects given a path |
ObjectGetNumberByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetNumberByPath | finds a number at a position in an object defined by path |
ObjectGetObjectByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetObjectByPath | Returns the object at the position defined by a path |
ObjectGetStringByPathOps.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetStringByPath | Finds a string at a position in an object defined by path |
DateIsoToTimestampOps.Date.DateIsoToTimestamp | parses a date and time in iso format and outputs a millisecond timestamp |
ElementChilds_v2Ops.Html.ElementChilds_v2 | Set childs of a HTML Element |
MarkdownToHtmlOps.Html.MarkdownToHtml | markdown markup language to html parser |
QuerySelectorAllOps.Html.QuerySelectorAll | Selects all matching elements in the DOM |
PlayerControlPanel_v2Ops.Html.Utils.PlayerControlPanel_v2 | simple html ui for timeline/mediaplayers (was: TimeLineUI) |
CorsProxyOps.Net.CorsProxy | create a cables.gl CORS proxy URL |
CorsProxy_v2Ops.Net.CorsProxy_v2 | create a cables.gl CORS proxy URL |
IncrementorOps.Sidebar.Incrementor | steps through numerical or array values one by one |
Incrementor_v2Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v2 | steps through numerical or array values one by one |
Incrementor_v3Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v3 | steps through numerical or array values one by one |
TriggerReceiveFilterOps.Trigger.TriggerReceiveFilter | receives all named trigges and relays them, optionally using a filter-prefix on the name |
TriggerSendNamedOps.Trigger.TriggerSendNamed | Allows triggers to be sent to a TriggerReceive op with the same variable name |
TriggerVarGetStringOps.Vars.TriggerVarGetString | Get a string variable value at time of trigger |
AudioBufferChannelRouterOps.WebAudio.AudioBufferChannelRouter | Route audio from one input channel to any output channel |
LocationHashRouteOps.Website.LocationHashRoute | gives updated information about window.location.hash |
SetLocationHashOps.Website.SetLocationHash | sets window.location.hash to the specified value(s) |