AudioBufferChannelRouter Op
Route audio from one input channel to any output channel
Summary (oneliner)
Routes audio input channels to different output channels by modifying the audiobuffer accordingly.
Uses copyToChannel to copy/move data from one channel to another.
Output channel number can be an offset. This will, for example, move both stereo channels to output channel 3 and 4 if set to 2.
Channel numbers are zero-based, ususal order is L, R, SL, SR, C, LFE, ... check your soundcard settings to see how hardware-outputs are mapped to channels.
- Ops.WebAudio.AudioBufferChannelRouter
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
zero-based input chanel to route
zero-based target output channel
fill all other channels with empty data/silence
offset input signal by x channels and keep all input channels
maximum number of output channels supported by the soundcard