Incrementor_v2 Op
There is a newer version of this op!
This version will not receive any updates. It is recommended to use a newer version.
Current version: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v3
steps through numerical or array values one by one
Summary (oneliner)
exposes a "plus" and "minus" button to the sidebar and given max/min/stepsize increments or decrements the current value by the stepsize.
if given an array min/max/stepsize are being ignored and the buttons cycle through the array elements one by one.
- Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch Sidebar.Incrementor Example
link to sidebar
the label on the sidebar
minimum value while decrementing
maximum value while incrementing
size of each "step" (increment and decrement)
optional array for stepping through it's items
link to sidebar
the current value
Patches using Incrementor_v2
bugfix | react properly to disconnecting parent | |
feature | Added trigger output, triggered on change | |
improvement | Added toggle to greyout | |
improvement | Added reset button | |
improvement | Added Increment/Decrement trigger inputs |