ScreenPosTo3d_v3 Op
convert screen coordinates to a 3d position
Summary (oneliner)
Useful when you want to do things like convert the mouse co-ordinates on screen to 3d co-ordinates.
Full Name
- Ops.Gl.Matrix.ScreenPosTo3d_v3
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
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Example Patch Mouse Draw Spline Example
Using the `ScreenPosTo3d` op we can convert the mouse coordinates to 3D coordinates. For this you need to disable the `Flip Y` port of the `Mouse` op.
Using the `ArrayPushValue3X` op we add the (converted) x and z coordinates (together with z=0) to the array and draw it with the `SimpleSpline` op.
Exec (Trigger)
Trigger in
X (Number)
Mouse co-ordinates in pixels X axis
Y (Number)
Mouse co-ordinates in pixels Y axis
Input Type index (Number:integer )
Trigger out (Trigger)
Result X (Number)
Normalized position on the X axis
Result Y (Number)
Normalized position on the Y axis