MercatorCoordsArray Op
Mercator map and center an array of latitudes and longitudes to a local coordinate system
Summary (oneliner)
<p>The globe is unrolled into a flat plane. If you would be looking at country like Germany then a map width of 100 would suffice due to the large size. Looking at a city like Berlin which is much smaller would require a map width of 1800 to make it visible on the screen.</p>
- Ops.Math.MercatorCoordsArray
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
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Example Patch mercatorCoordsArray example
<p>An array of latitude and longitude points</p>
<p>width of the map</p>
<p>Center latitude, use infoArray2 to get this information. Check example file</p>
<p>Center longitude, use infoArray2 to get this information. Check example file</p>
<p>Array2 out. Use Array2to3 to add zeroes on the z component. See example file</p>