MontageTextures_v2 Op
combine multiple textures into one by copying colorchannels
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.Gl.Textures.MontageTextures_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
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Example Patch montage texture example
Execute (Trigger)
Size index (Number: integer) First Single Manual
Arrangement index (Number: integer) Columns Rows Grid Overlap X Overlap Y
Flip Order (Number: boolean)
Width (Number: integer)
Height (Number: integer)
Filter index (Number: integer) nearest linear mipmap
Wrap index (Number: integer)
Pixel Format index (Number: integer)
Texture 0 (Object:texture)
Texture 1 (Object:texture)
Texture 2 (Object:texture)
Texture 3 (Object:texture)
Texture 4 (Object:texture)
Texture 5 (Object:texture)
Texture 6 (Object:texture)
Texture 7 (Object:texture)
Texture 8 (Object:texture)
Texture 9 (Object:texture)
Texture 10 (Object:texture)
Texture 11 (Object:texture)
Texture 12 (Object:texture)
Texture 13 (Object:texture)
Texture 14 (Object:texture)
Texture 15 (Object:texture)
Next (Trigger)
Texture (Object)
Columns (Number)
Rows (Number)
Patches using MontageTextures_v2
feature | Added arrangement parameter | pandur - 2024-02-09 13:14 |
feature | Added Size Parameter to adjust final image sizing strategy | pandur - 2024-02-09 13:14 |
feature | Added option to flip order | pandur - 2024-02-15 17:56 |
feature | Added X/Y overlap mode, e.g. for comparing images visually to each other | pandur - 2024-08-30 13:08 |