CustomShader_v2 Op


Write your own custom shader

Write your own custom shader and use it as a material.
Click the edit button to edit the fragment or vertex shader.

To turn it into a texture use it together with the Ops.Gl.Shader.Shader2Texture op.

UNI float variableFloatName; //Use to create a uniform float
UNI sampler2D variableTextureName; // use to create a texture input port
IN vec2 texCoord; // Gives the UV co-ordinates from 0-1

To display a texture on the screen
Vec4 texIn = texture(variableTextureName,texCoord);

Edit Documentation

Full Name
  • Ops.Gl.Shader.CustomShader_v2
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorTest Patches


Example Patch custom shader

the patch uses customShader Op to create a custom shader.

that shader is then rendered to a texture (displayed in the background)

the shader is also applied as a material and rendered on the cube.

Open In Editor

Youtube Video Tutorial


render (Trigger)

Trigger in

Source Code

Fragment Code (String)

A string can be passed in as a fragment shader. It's better to use an attachment

Vertex Code (String)

A string can be passed in as a vertex shader. It's better to use an attachment


Use As Material (Number:boolean )

Enable to use as a material


trigger (Trigger)

Trigger out

Shader (Object)

Shader/material out

Has Errors (boolean Number)

Patches using CustomShader_v2

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


created opuser avatarpandur - 2019-05-13 13:34