VizTextureTable Op


Show pixel colors of connected texture as a table, useful for debugging

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Full Name
  • Ops.Ui.VizTextureTable
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorTest Patches



Texture (Object:texture)
Row Start (Number:integer )

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created opuser avatarpandur - 2022-02-14 15:19
Ops.User.pandur.VizArraySheet renamed to Ops.Dev.VizArrayTableuser avatarpandur - 2022-02-14 22:12
cloned op from Ops.Dev.VizArrayTableuser avatarpandur - 2022-02-18 13:45
Ops.User.pandur.VizTextureTable renamed to Ops.Dev.VizTextureTableuser avatarpandur - 2022-02-18 14:02
Ops.Dev.VizTextureTable renamed to Ops.Viz.VizTextureTableuser avatarpandur - 2022-05-09 11:34
Ops.Viz.VizTextureTable renamed to Ops.Ui.VizTextureTableuser avatarpandur - 2022-05-09 11:36
featureperformance optimized: only read pixels that will be shown / update less oftenuser avatarpandur - 2022-12-14 17:22
bugfixstart at top left pixel of textureuser avatarpandur - 2022-12-14 17:23
added core lib: cgl_pixelreaderuser avatarpandur - 2023-02-03 16:18
featureAdd row parameter to scroll through texture rowsuser avatarpandur - 2024-02-21 11:49