PointCloudFromArray Op
visualize an array of coordinates as points
Summary (oneliner)
This op works together with the pointMaterial op and also requires a xyz array to render the points.
- Ops.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Trigger the op
xyz array in
Define how many points are rendered. Overrides the xyz array in.
Texture Coordinates
Scramble xyz array and color lookup when connected to pointMaterial op with a texture
Random seed for Scramble Texcoords
Array2 for texture coordinates to cover your point cloud
input an Array4 (RGBA) - must be the correct size to color all of your points. PointMaterial needs to be set to "use vertex colors"
Outputs geometry object