cables logo mesh/geometry
Rule of thirds image composition helper
render a rectangular corner
Draws a cross with controllable thickness and length.
draw parameterizable cylinder (aka tube,pipe,round,circle)
A freely deformable plane, rectangle, polygon
Draws a rectangle using the full WebGL canvas size
Convert vertices of a geometry to a data texture
Draw a simple grid of lines
generate a rectangular mesh where the height is defined by the luminance of an image
generates a helix, spiral spline
Renders a icosahedron (polyhedron with 20 faces)
Draw a line between two points
Draw the same mesh multiple times on the GPU
visualize an array of coordinates as points
Visualize a RGB texture as XYZ coordinates as points
Generate polyhedron meshes
Warp a texture mapped quad (projection mapping)
draw a rectangle (plane, square)
nine slice image format texture mapped rectangle
Draws a rectangle with rounded corners
Draws a simple spline only one pixel wide
Simple Wireframe Line Renderer
Draw parameterizable sphere
draw a star mesh (saw,gear)
Draws text in 3d space using one of the font ops
Draw a torus (doughnut, donut, ring mesh)
A sphere mesh with uniform distributed vertices