TextTexture_v6 Op


Generates a texture of Text using one of the font ops

Render text into a texture.

Size parameter

AUTO - Texture Size will be calculated from fontsize and the amount of text. You may want to use another op to add linebreaks to the text.

MANUAL - texture height will be calculated automatically. Line breaks will be added when text overflows the given width in pixels.


Padding will add Pixels to the left,right,up and bottom sides of the texture. This will be added on top of the size parameter settings.

Full Name
  • Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v6
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches


Render (Trigger)

trigger input

text (String)

text to be put in the texture


Draw Mesh (Number:boolean )

check if rectangle with the texture should be drawn

Scale Mesh (Number)

size of the mesh

Size index (Number:integer ) Auto  Manual 
Width (Number:integer )
Height (Number:integer )
Auto Height (Number:boolean )
Auto Line Breaks (Number:boolean )


font (String)

the font to be used

weight (String)
fontSize (Number)

font size

align index (Number:integer ) left  center  right 
Vertical align index (Number:integer ) Top  Middle  Bottom 
Letter Spacing (Number)
Line Height Add (Number)
Padding Y Top (Number:integer )
Padding Y Bottom (Number:integer )
Padding X (Number:integer )


filter index (Number:integer ) nearest  linear  mipmap 
Wrap index (Number:integer )
Anisotropic index (Number:integer ) 0  1  2  4  8  16 
Reuse Texture (Number:boolean )

check if texture should be reused

Show Debug (Number:boolean )

show outlines for debugging

Redraw On Font Load (Number:boolean )

Text Color

r (Number)

r color of text

g (Number)

g color of text

b (Number)

b color of text

Opacity (Number)

alpha value of texture


background R (Number)
background G (Number)
background B (Number)
background A (Number)
Force Redraw (Trigger)


Next (Trigger)

trigger output

Ratio (Number)

width / height ratio of texture

texture (Object)

texture output

Canvas (Object)
Aspect (Number)

aspect ratio of texture canvas

Num Lines (Number)

amount of lines in text

Patches using TextTexture_v6

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


cloned op from Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v4user avatarpandur - 2023-05-17 19:19
featureforce redraw when a font was loaded, to make sure we are using the correct fontuser avatarpandur - 2024-01-11 13:58
cloned op from Ops.Gl.Textures.TextTexture_v5user avatarpandur - 2024-01-15 15:21
bugfixmany small fixed with alignment, padding and text sizeuser avatarpandur - 2024-01-15 18:41
featureadded fixes for positioning with different paddings, alignments, negative lineheight add etc.user avatarpandur - 2024-01-22 17:56
bugfixFix bug with text not rendered on first frameuser avatarpandur - 2024-05-23 12:54