TextureToArray_v2 Op
There is a newer version of this op!
This version will not receive any updates. It is recommended to use a newer version.
Current version: Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v3
extract colors from a texture
Summary (oneliner)
This op will take an incoming texture and convert each color pixel value to an Array 4 (RGBA).
When using 32bit textures your array values will be in the range of 0.0-1.0. 8bit textures will have values of 0-255.
Be careful with using high resolution textures. For example a texture of only 100x100 pixel will result in 40,000 values: Red 10,000 Green 10,000 Blue 10,000 Alpha 10,000
- Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Trigger the op
texture in to turn into an array. Beware of high resolutions.
Force output of floats, when the texture is 8 bit and you don't want byte values (0-255)
Trigger out
Outputs the RGBA arrays as one large array
If HDR is enable on Image compose this will be true else false
Patches using TextureToArray_v2
cloned op from Ops.Gl.Texture2ColorArray | ||
bugfix | Fix problem with floating point textures | |
improvement | Add option to not always output floating point numbers | |
bugfix | Fix outputing wrong amount of values | |
rename | Ops.Gl.TextureToColorArray_v2 renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v2 |