Technical questions
What kind of system specs would I need to use cables?
- That depends on what you making with it and how good you are at optimizing your patches.
Patches that have a lot of 3D models and shader effects will need a decent GPU and RAM to work.
Then again a lot of amazing patches run on mobile devices so it's all down to the users experience level.
Do I need a good graphics card (GPU) to use cables?
- We'd advise having a the equivalent of a Nvdia 970M for any serious graphics work.
What kind of input devices can I use with cables?
- Game controllers, midi controllers, mobile phone data such as a gyroscope. See this page for a full list of supported devices.
Is syphon or spout texture sharing available in cables?
- cables cannot support this because it is running in the browser, you need 3rd party capturing software that captures a part of the desktop which is syphon/spout compatible.
Can I use my soundcard with cables?
- Yes. Though you are limited to 2 audio inputs and 2 audio outputs because of web browser limitations.
Is there a standalone version of cables that doesn’t require an internet connection?
- Yes and no. To make and and edit patches you need an internet connection so you can use the cables editor.
If you have a finished patch you can run it without an internet connection straight from a USB stick.
It's called Daplaya, you can download it and get started here
Can I embed a cables patch in a wordpress page?
- Yes you can. Check the cables-wordpress-plugin page to get started.
Can I make my own custom ops?
- Yes you can. We have a youtube playlist with lots of entry level turorials and a github repo called coding with cables.
You can also click on any cables op and press the e key to see the op code.
How do I download assets from a patch to my computer?
- Go into the file browser inside of the patch. Then to patch files. Click the asset and then look for the download button.
Found a problem? Edit this file on github and contribute to cables!