Visitors are people that have not account on or are not currently logged in with their account.
These users may:
- see all public patches (if they have the link to them)
- open public patches in the editor and play around with them, but not save them
- view any private patch with a secret url, but not open them in the editor
- see the user-profile of any cables-user (like this)
Registered users
Registered users have an account on and are currently logged in.
These users may:
- create patches and share with the community or collaborators
- create custom ops and share with the community or collaborators
- clone patches they have access to (private or public)
- search, see and open all patches they are owner or collaborator with
- edit patches they have the proper permission to edit
- request access to patches they have no access to (if they know the url)
- create, request access to and join teams
- join multiplayer sessions to work on patches with other users
Found a problem? Edit this file on github and contribute to cables!