Vibrato effect composed of a Delay and a LFO
Triggers the Release-part of a Synth ADSR
Triggers the Attack-Release-part of a Synth ADSR
Triggers the Attack-part of a Synth ADSR
Triggers the Release-part of an Envelope
Triggers the Attack- and Release-part of an Envelope
Triggers the Attack-part of an Envelope
Modulates the amplitude of an incoming signal using a LFO
Transport for timing musical events on the (virtual) audio timeline
Makes it convenient to create Tone.js time-strings (e.g. "C4")
Triggers for every item in the note array
Converts a note to a frequency e.g. A4 to 440
Subtracts one audio signal from another
Subtracts a number from a audio signal
Just like a stereo feedback effect, but the feedback is routed from left to right and right to left
Applies a width factor to the mid side seperation
Splits a stereo-signal into two mono-signals
Change current note of connected instrument
Schedule a repeated event along the timeline. The event will fire every interval.
Schedule an event along the (virtual) audio timeline
ScaledEnvelop is an envelope which can be scaled to any range
Modulates the width of a PulseOscillator
Pulse oscillator with control over pulse width
Karplus-String string synthesis. Often out of tune.
Near-realtime pitch shifting to the incoming signal
Feedback delay effect (stereo)
Arpeggiates between the given notes in a number of patterns
Left-right panner + volume
Positions sounds in 3D space
Pans an audio signal between left and right
Most basic audio sound source
Converts a note to a frequency (e.g. C4 to 440)
Constructs a tone.js-compliant note (base-tone + octave)
Composed of a noise generators, a Filter and two Envelopes
Audio noise generator, supports white, pink and brown noise
multiplies two audio signals
Multiplies an audio signal and a number
Plays back multiple one-shot samples
Merges two signals into the left and right channels of a single stereo channel
Composed of one oscillator, one filter, and two envelopes
Gets the RMS of an input signal with some averaging applied. It can also get the raw value of the input signal.
Good for making metalophone sounds
Makes kick and tom sounds using a single oscillator
Limits the loudness of an incoming signal
Low frequency oscillator, can be connected to an audio parameter
Granular Synthesis, plays back parts of a sample repeatedly
Multiplier, makes a signal bigger or smaller
Converts a frequency to a note (440 -> "A4")
Like a ScaledEnvelope with frequency
Follows the amplitude of an incoming signal, can be used as a signal
Composed of two Synths where one Synth modulates the frequency of a second Synth
Oscillator with frequency modulation
Multiple audio filters in one
Delay in which part of output signal is fed back into the delay
Comb filters are basic building blocks for physical modeling
Three band EQ with control over low, mid, and high
ADSR envelope generator, can be connected to an Audio Port
Monophonic synth composed of two MonoSynths run in parallel
Converts decibels [~-96..0] to gain [0..1]
Fades two audio signals (mix)
Convolution is useful for reverb and filter emulation
Generates patterns from an array of values, with arpeggiation and randomization modes
Compression reduces the volume of loud sounds
Effect which is good for making different types of distortion sounds
Bitcrusher downsamples the incoming signal to a different bitdepth
Position in audio timeline, connect this to the Position-port of a Transport-op
AutoWah connects a Follower to a bandpass filter (Filter)
Panner with an LFO connected to the pan amount
Filter with a Lfo connected to the filter cutoff frequency
Calculates a modulo of a audio signal
Mixes different audio signals together
Repeating trigger for audio
Creates a texture from an audio FFT array
Extracts FFT or Waveform data from the incoming signal
Uses the output of one Synth to modulate the amplitude of another Synth
Like an Envelope with an Audio Input
Oscillator with amplitude modulation
Sum of an audio signal and a number
simple rendering of a sine curve to texture
simulate grass motion in wind
Uses a geometry with baked joints animations in conjunction with the BoneSystem op to bind your geometry mesh to your joints animations.
internal op of json3d scene
set a shader that was set up using the overwrite material of json3d scene
information about the current 3d scene
load a 3d scene, .fbx, .dae, collada etc.
internal json3d op for scale animations
internal json3d op for rotation animations
create an explosion-effect using pre sliced 3d models
simulating an explosion by animating multiple objects
Load a 3D mesh - model into a scene , e.g. .FBX. DAE .OBJ (was: json3dmesh)
internal op of json3dscene - render a mesh
internal json3d op for setting a material
Load Single Mesh from a 3d File, e.g. FBX,OBJ,DAE
internal op for json3d instanced/clones meshes
Creates a Bones System for you to playback and Interpolate between Bones Animations imported as a baked collada file.
Filter the bones joints and expose them for you to use its position to attach a mesh to it.
get values by dragging the mouse
Code a custom op that will only be available in the current patch
Writes a value to ThingSpeak
Uses a BW Texture to reveal the layer underneath.
which webgl version is being used
Resumes the Web Audio context (unmute on Chrome / iOS)
Outputs the waveform of an audio file.
VR Controller / Currently not being developed due to XR update
Render lines from the Voronoi op
Displays input string on the patchfield
effect of shading away the edges of the image
deprecated - use canvassize
force a viewport aspect ratio
use pixel luminance texture to rotate/scale a mesh in a grid field
Sets the output value on trigger (SetValueOnTrigger, change)
switch between different values
edit long string values in the editor
outputs value or if false, default value
trigger output when value has changed since last execution
Triggers the next Op if value has changed
counts how often different values are set
Outputs the type of the input-port (boolean, number, string).
limits triggering to every x milliseconds
trigger if value is between number 1 and number 2
transform instanced object
Outputs a stack trace to the console
Inverts a boolean value (negate, flip, not)
lookup color values from a texture and use it as object color
cycle between multiple textures
Switch between two strings with a boolean
extract pathes from a svg json
Scatter an object on the surface of a mesh with different distribution methods
Draw stripes into the current ImageCompose
temporary string port converter
temporary string port converter
insert linebreaks into a string after [num] chars
Starts the web audio context on iOS / Chrome
screen space ambient occlusion
Splits a string with separator into an array of strings
Repeat a mesh along a spline using instancing
Get infos / stream URL from a regular SoundCloud-track URL
sort an array of objects by value of object properties
rendering textures next to each other for stereoscopic displays
visualize texturecoordinates/UV mapping of a mesh
add shadows to a 3d model
adds shadow to a material
load a public shadertoy shader as material
write your own shader in glsl
render a shader to multiple textures
set variable only after being triggered
set number when triggered
Set object number value by key
Convert 2d screen position to a 3d position (coordinates, mouse)
Triggers a certain scene based on the index
Activate triggers / scenes with a boolean
enlarge or shrink objects by a scale factor for every axis
Outputs a musical scale array (major, minor, ...)
Plays back one shot samples on trigger (useful for interaction sound)
convert a RGBE texture to HDR/floating point texture
select textures to render to
remove CSS class [classname] from all html elements that have class [classname]
Time since the patch was loaded in seconds
Reads the last entry from a channel from ThingSpeak
Reads the most recent entries from ThingSpeak
draw a sphere of random points
Generates a random array of numbers in 4-tuples
Generates a random array of numbers (was: RandomArray3x)
draw one mesh multiple times very fast
Place random objects on a grid
generate a qr code as a texture
calculates a circle path, outputs array3x
load and display a pointcloud file
play/render a Lottie animation to a texture
Changes color lookup for every pixel using a displacement map
Test if following meshes are picked by the picker
Test if the mouse hovers over drawn elements
transform objects to look like the phyllotaxis pattern
convert an object to JSON string
set object as value in an object
set object as value in an object
Let’s a object through only if control bool is true
set value for key in an object
insert an object into an object
get array from object by key
iterate keys of an object
triggers when object input has changed
switch between two values by a boolean
empty number array containing zeroes
positive number becomes negative and vice versa
Connect multiple audio signals to one output
Receives a message via MQTT (IoT, subscribe, listen)
Creates a MQTT connection (IoT, messaging)
morph individual faces between two geometries
morph between two geometries and render it
read a value from a midi knob
toggle a bool value by pressing a midi button
Send a midi event to another device
Scroller for Novation Launchpad Mini
read midi key press events
receive midi clock beat / sync
map state of multiple midi buttons to an array
triggers when midi button is pressed
morph between a series of meshes
Returns the biggest number
Easy to use image based lighting Material
experimental webvr rendering / currently not being developed due to XR update
Prints something to the developer console
Let the user select a local file as a texture
read and write values to browsers local storage
Starts / stops a loading task (async loader)
Connects all points to lines
Allows a Kinect hardware unit to be used with Cables
join array values to a string (concat)
Simple Schroeder Reverberator (Reverb)
triggers every x seconds interval and outputs percentage
rendering textures next to each other for stereoscopic displays
Was there mouse movement the last x [duration] seconds?
play a image sprite animation
Compose Images and effects as layers to generate new Images
do not trigger next when rendering the shadow pass
Triggers a custom event in the maker channel of IFTTT
triggers if value 1+2 are equal
image based lighting material using cubemaps
Converts a color from HSB to RGB (conversion, HSV, HSL, colour, mode)
create a html element at the current coordinates and use mouse events
generate short unique ids from integers
read back integers from a hashid
boundings of a geometry / draw a bounding box / (width,height,length,size)
Only passes a signal through when the incoming signal exceeds a specified threshold
Triggers every x milliseconds. Can be used e.g. to create a strobe effect.
Get size and position of a HTML element
draw only the edges of an image
information about the current URL
show a value in the patchfield
configure depth testing and writing to z-buffer
draw cylinder (aka tube,pipe,round,circle)
Use custom shader as a texture effect
write custom shadereffects
add a reflection to any material
Represents a Markov Chain
load a csv json file as array
Makes a copy of an array (clone, duplicate)
an array containing continuous numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5.....
colorize image by mapping luma value of pixels to a color gradient
colorize instanced meshes by picking random color from a texture
Fill the current ImageCompose with a color
Transform following Meshes around a Circle
Transform objects along a circular path
center an object to the average x,y,z position of its vertices
the size of the canvas in pixels
create a physics body from any geometry
physical body in form of a cube
create an array of physics bodies and add them to current world
Get current cables events
displace vertices by the value in a texture
Template code for blueprint ops
include subpatches from other patchs
change how colors are mixed (blendign/mixing modes)
Outputs a number going from `1` to `0`, synced to the music (flash-effect)
Weighted average interpolation
Plays an audio file, linked to the timeline
set fixed viewport aspect ratop and letterboxing
iterate over an array3: translate to xyz, then trigger next op
Smooths out jumps in values in an array
Extracts parts of an array (shallow copy)
Set a string in an array at index
Updates each object in an array with new data from a corresponding array, based on a specified key
put an object at index in an array
set number values in an array3
put an array into an array
Triggers when any array values or the array length has changed
Breaks out the values of an array (array-value converter)
draw many instances of a geometry at coordinates from an array
Insert new Vertices into an Array3x to make it to tesselate it and make it smoother
get a single set of Xyz values from an XyzArray
convert an array of RGB values to a texture
Transform Array3 by flipping on an axis
weighted average interpolation
Extracts FFT or Waveform data from the incoming signal
request a file from a webserver and output it as a string