Create a physics body/collision shape using a any geometry or select a shape
Check if physics bodies are colliding
Control and move a character in a physics environment
First person camera to use with AmmoCharacter
Visualize the physical bodies as lines and points
Emit Ammo physics bodies by triggering
Cast a ray and detect colliding bodies
Create physics bodies from a GLTF File
cast a ray and test intersection with physics bodies
create physics bodies/bounding boxes for gltf nodes
set velocity of a physics object
start/configure a world with physics simulation
Use the detect-gpu library to assess performance of the client running the patch
wrapper for echarts-library
capture echart-library-events
FxHash simulator / generator of seeded random numbers
create an array of div elements
Set css style properties of a html element
Play Bodymovin/Lottie animations as SVG in a HTML element
Play a Lottie animation in a texture
Generate an animated geometry from MpFaceTracking Point Coordinates
Get face mesh from webcam/video using mediapipe library
Get points and lines for left/right hand from mediapipe
Get individual coordinates of fingers or wrist from an array of mediapipe data
Get hand data from mediapipe library, use with MpHand
Get coordinates of specific body parts from mediapipe data
Get pose-data (points/landmarks/lines) from webcam using mediapipe library
Load OTF & TTF fonts via OpenType library
get svg path from (OTF) OpentypeFont using the opentype library
Outputs an array of data from a user defined OSC address
Shows the current active address of an incoming OSC message
Outputs a single number from a user defined OSC address
Outputs up to 4 numbers from a user defined OSC address
Cellular automata system as feedback loop texture.
connect to a socketcluster server and manage the connection
Receives object from the socketcluster socket/topic
Receives trigger from the socketcluster socket/topic
sends an object via socketcluster/websocket
sends a trigger via socketcluster/websocket
get info for clients listening on a socketcluster topic
FFmpeg video converter toolbox op
create a new empty file on your local harddrive
Check if a file exists on the local file system
Create a directory on the local file system
Open the native file manager application using that path
Read all entries in a directory
Resolves a paths into an absolute path
Choose a directory on your hard drive
Choose a file on your hard drive
Get statistics about a file on the local file system
Get Default System Directories Paths
Watch a directory, get a trigger when a file changes
Create a binary file on the local file system from a base64 string
Write a string to a text file on the local file system
Create a Web/Http server locally
Answer http requests by sending string to the browser/client
Outputs your local IP Adress
send data to a OSC device
Read a text file as string from the local file system
Use the Teachable Machines audio classifier for your microphone. Insert the uploaded model URL.
Use the Teachable Machines image classifier. Insert the uploaded model URL.
Use the Teachable Machines pose detection with your webcam. Insert the uploaded model URL.
Track a position of a specific color in the current webcam stream
Text-to-Speech, speaks different languages (speech synthesis)
speech to text recognition
sends a string via socketcluster/websocket
sends a number via socketcluster/websocket
Sends boolean value via socketcluster/websocket
sends an array via socketcluster/websocket
receives string from the socketcluster socket/topic
receive number from the socketcluster socket/topic
Receive boolean value from the socketcluster socket/topic
receive an array from the socketcluster topic