AmmoEmitter Op
Emit Ammo physics bodies by triggering
Summary (oneliner)
<p>The emitter operator will create a physics object with the specified parameters including velocity and direction. You can create more than one parameter and also remove and limit the number of objects that are created.</p>
- Ops.Extension.AmmoPhysics.AmmoEmitter
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
Documentation (markdown)
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Example Patch Example: AmmoEmitter
)<p>maximum number of bodies to create</p>
<p>radius of spherical emitted body</p>
<p>mass of emitted body</p>
)<p>name for your emitted bodies</p>
<p>friction of emitted object surface</p>
<p>influence roll of emitted object after collision</p>
<p>influence velocity of object after collision (bounciness)</p>
<p>initial velocity on X axis</p>
<p>initial velocity on Y axis</p>
<p>initial velocity on Z axis</p>
<p>speed multiplier</p>
<p>trigger to emit a physics body</p>
<p>remove all bodies</p>
<p>activate (wake up) physics simulation for all bodies</p>
)<p>if object is below 100 units, remove from array</p>
<p>current count of emitted bodies</p>
<p>array of XYZ positions</p>
<p>array of quaternion rotations of each object</p>