EChartsEvent Op


capture echart-library-events

Using this op you can capture ECharts events:

Edit Documentation
Full Name
  • Ops.Extension.ECharts.EChartsEvent
  •  Extension Op - Visible to all users
  • MIT
AuthorMaintained by TeamJavascript Libraries
  • echarts.js (Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser)

Example Patch Simple ECharts Example

a simple example on how to use the echarts-library to draw graphs in cables
Open In Editor

Youtube Video Tutorial


ECharts instance (Object)

The ECharts instance

Event name (String)

Name of the event e.g "click"

Query string (String)

Ëlement selector e.g ""

Query object (Object)

Optional: More complex selection of elements to bind the event

Refresh event binding (Trigger)

Trigger if the reference to the chart changed or if you add/delete event dynamically


Out Chart (Object)

ECharts instance

Trigger (Trigger)

Event was triggered

Event params (Object)

Event parameters

Dirty (needs rebind) (boolean Number)

Check whether the event needs to be rebounded to the ECharts instance object

Patches using EChartsEvent

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


created opuser avatarkikohs - 2021-03-05 13:01
Ops.User.stephan.EChartsEvent renamed to Ops.Libs.EChartsEventuser avatarstephan - 2021-03-05 14:02
Ops.Libs.EChartsEvent renamed to Ops.Libs.ECharts.EChartsEventuser avatarstephan - 2021-03-05 14:02
Ops.Libs.ECharts.EChartsEvent renamed to Ops.Extension.ECharts.EChartsEventuser avatarstephan - 2022-12-14 10:06