Log Op


This op is deprecated!

It will not receive any updates

Prints something to the developer console

Logs function calls, values, arrays or objects to the browser’s console.
If you want to log arrays or objects, you have to make sure the op is executed regularly (e.g. by connecting the Execute-port of Ops.Gl.MainLoop.
Every time the value / array / object changes it will be printed to the console.
If you want to log an array or an object you might need to connect the Execute port.
When you want to log function calls, you don’t have to connect anything besides the function you want to log (to Function Input).

Full Name
  • Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Log
  •  Extension Op - Visible to all users
  • MIT
AuthorgithubMaintained by Team

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Execute (Trigger)

Executes the op, needed if you want to log arrays or objects

Function Input (Trigger)

Prints a message to the browser’s developer console every time the port is triggered

Value Input (Number:string )

Prints a message every time the value changes

Array Input (Array)

Prints a message every time the array changes (you might need to connect the Execute port)

Object Input (Object)

Prints a message every time the object changes (you might need to connect the Execute port)

Patches using Log

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


code cleanup - portsuser avatarandro - 2019-05-28 12:09
Ops.Debug.Log renamed to Ops.Deprecated.Debug.Loguser avatarpandur - 2020-04-20 11:46