Mqtt_v2 Op
This op is deprecated!
It will not receive any updatesCreates a MQTT connection (IoT, messaging)
Summary (oneliner)
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol which is widely used, e.g. by Facebook Messenger, for M2M (Machine to machine) communication. It used a publish-subscribe pattern to send messages from one device to another. Messages are send to so called channels (e.g. /orientation/x/1.234
). Another device could then listen for this channel and get updates when data changes.
For the communication to work an MQTT-broker (server) is needed, a very good service is where users can create a free account which also features personal dashboards to show which data is sent around in realtime.
The MQTT-ops currently allow to publish and subscribe data, QoS and topic-wildcards are not supported yet.
**Please note: ** User credentials can have read and write access to a data set or real-only. If you try to write out data using read-only user-credentials things will break!
- Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Mqtt_v2
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
- websocket to mqtt (Use WebSockets to connect to an MQTT Broker)
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch MQTT Send and Receive Example
Sends a random value via MQTT to the public MQTT-broker and in the same time listens for changes on that channel /cablestest
. MQTT is a great lightweight protocol to send values from one device to another, e.g. you could connect your Arduino with a cables-patch.
If you visit you can view the information being sent.
The name of your project / your name, can be freely set.
Your username to access the MQTT broker, you need to set up a user-account for that or use the public namespace try
/ try
The password fitting to your username
The port the MQTT-server is running on. As cables runs in a HTTPS-environment only secure ports can be used to access a MQTT-broker (MQTTWSS). Only change this if you know what you are doing.
See [Port](#Port [Value]). Should be checked for most use-cases
Executes a reconnect to the MQTT broker. If things don’t work out this might help. Otherwise a reload of the page can be a solution. If you enter new login-data (username / password) you also need to reconnect.
Contains MQTT-messages and general data, used for the communication between cables MQTT-ops.
If the MQTT-op connected successfully. Please note that a connection can time-out, but it will still show as connected.