CannonPhysicsCube_v2 Op
This op is deprecated!
It will not receive any updatesphysical body in form of a cube
Summary (oneliner)
To add a Physical Cube object to your scene, it must be contained within the World operator (Ops.Physics.World) .
- Ops.Extension.Deprecated.CannonPhysicsCube_v2
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
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Example Patch Physics Cube Example
Physics Cube that can be clicked on. Example uses a Cast Ray to check if you are clicking on the orange cube, and then applies a velocity to the object if true.
name of this physics cube object
Mass of object. Value of 0 will cause no gravity to be applied to the object
reset this object to original position/restart simulation for this object
position of object in the world on the X axis (during simulation)
position of object in the world on the Y axis (during simulation)
position of object in the world on the Z axis (during simulation)
has a Cast Ray hit this object? for use with Cast Ray operator (Ops.Physics.CastRay)
trigger when collided with another object or the ground plane
Patches using CannonPhysicsCube_v2
created op | ||
Ops.Exp.Gl.Physics.Body.PhysicsCube_v2 renamed to Ops.Physics.Body.PhysicsCube_v2 | ||
Ops.Physics.Body.PhysicsCube_v2 renamed to Ops.Physics.CannonBody.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 | ||
Ops.Physics.CannonBody.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 renamed to Ops.Physics.Cannon.Body.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 | ||
Ops.Physics.Cannon.Body.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 renamed to Ops.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 | ||
Ops.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 renamed to Ops.Deprecated.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsCube_v2 |