CannonPhysicsBodiesArray Op
This op is deprecated!
It will not receive any updatescreate an array of physics bodies and add them to current world
Summary (oneliner)
use an array to set the positions of physical cube cages that can then be used for Cast Ray powered navigation or physics simulations.
- Ops.Extension.Deprecated.CannonPhysicsBodiesArray
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
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Example Patch PhysicsBodiesArray op example
Array3 input for physics collision cages
name of objects in the array
Mass of objects
objects' size on X dimension
objects' size on Y dimension
objects' size on Z dimension
positions of objects after physics simulation
Names of each of the objects (the name you set in parameters followed by a number)
number of physics objects generated from a given array
Patches using CannonPhysicsBodiesArray
created op | ||
Ops.User.pandur.PhysicsBodies renamed to Ops.Exp.Gl.Physics.PhysicsBodiesArray | ||
Ops.Exp.Gl.Physics.PhysicsBodiesArray renamed to Ops.Physics.PhysicsBodiesArray | ||
Ops.Physics.PhysicsBodiesArray renamed to Ops.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsBodiesArray | ||
Ops.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsBodiesArray renamed to Ops.Deprecated.Physics.Cannon.CannonPhysicsBodiesArray |