Lfo Op


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Low frequency oscillator, can be connected to an audio parameter

LFO stands for low frequency oscillator. LFO produces an output signal which can be attached to an audio parameter in order to modulate that it with an oscillator.

The LFO can also be synced to the transport to start/stop and change when the tempo changes (not implemented yet).

Please note: square-waves do not approximate ±1, more like ±0.85, so if you want to modulate the frequency of an oscillator e.g. the result will be slightly off, see Tone.js Github discussion

Full Name
  • Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Tonejs.Lfo
  •  Extension Op - Visible to all users
  • MIT
AuthorgithubMaintained by TeamJavascript Libraries

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Frequency (Dynamic)

The LFO’s frequency

Amplitude (Dynamic)

The amplitude of the LFO, which controls the output range between the min and max output. For example if the min is -10 and the max is 10, setting the amplitude to 0.5 would make the LFO modulate between -5 and 5

Min (Number)

The miniumum output of the LFO

Max (Number)

The maximum output of the LFO

Type (Number)

The type of the oscillator: sine, square, sawtooth, triangle

Phase (Number)

The phase of the LFO

Volume (Number)

The volume of the output in decibels

Mute (Number)

Mute the output


Audio Out (Object)

The signal

Patches using Lfo

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