StartAudioContext Op


This op is deprecated!

It will not receive any updates

Starts the web audio context on iOS / Chrome

On iOS / Chrome (starting April 2018) you cannot play a sound unless the playback was initiated by a user interaction (touch). Using this op the first touch on one of the selectors (the whole patch per default) starts the audio context and therefore allows you to play sounds on iOS.

Uses by Yotam Mann.

Full Name
  • Ops.Extension.Deprecated.StartAudioContext
  •  Extension Op - Visible to all users
  • MIT
AuthorgithubMaintained by TeamJavascript Libraries
  • StartAudioContext (Starts the Web Audio API's AudioContext on an explicit user action.)

No op example found on this server


Use Custom Selector (Number)

Whether or not to to use custom selector(s), if not the canvas is used

Selectors (Number)

Selectors of the HTML DOM elements which start the audio context (separated by spaces, e.g. '#myButton .otherButtons'). Per default this is the whole patch – #glcanvas


Is Ready (Number)

Once the audio context has been started (and it is therefore save to play sounds) this becomes true

Patches using StartAudioContext

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


fixed - removed a user op from tim which was causing the patch to not load for usersuser avatarandro - 2019-02-11 14:01