IBLMaterial_v3 Op
This op is deprecated!
It will not receive any updatesimage based lighting material using cubemaps
Summary (oneliner)
The IBL material op has a lot of options for applying materials to models. Some tips :
- Make sure your mesh uses triangles and not quads, otherwise normals may be incorrect.
- Try out the example lightmap textures which are included in the cables files for different lighting and reflection cubemap textures. It's also possible to build your own, check the example file.
- Enable Fresnel to get a metallic kind of lighting from a few points on your model.
Credits: Used with a creative commons license : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Model downloaded from : https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/space-maintenance-robot-a612ed4feea14fc390beeb3a47943054
Model created by : https://sketchfab.com/norbyscook https://www.behance.net/norbyscook
- Ops.Extension.Deprecated.IBLMaterial_v3
- Extension Op - Visible to all users
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch IBL Material
Trigger in
Lightmap. Texture in, check the example files for light maps
The objects diffuse/albedo texture
Reflection Lightmap. Texture in, check the example files for light maps
The amount of reflection to be added to the material
Reflection mask. Affects reflection amount
Used to seamlessly rotate the lightmap and reflection Cubemap
Amount of blur applied to refelction
Roughness texture in. Defines reflection blur with texture.
Enable screen space normals
Normal map. texture in.
Amount of normals to use
If normals seem incorrect enable flip to reverse direction.
AO Map
Ambient occlusion. texture in.
Amount of AO added to the material. Lower numbers normally work best.
Opacity. Texture in. Can be used for transparent qualities like Glass.
Defines if RED, ALPHA or LUMINANCE is used to get the opacity information.
Overall opacity of material.
Enable fresnel lighting
Amount of Fresnel to apply, lower numbers work best
the width of the fresnel effect
The exponent, works with negative numbers as well
Red color amount of the Fresnel light
Green color amount of the Fresnel light
Blue color amount of the Fresnel light
Texture Transform
Repeat all textures of material on the X axis
Repeat all textures of material on the Y axis
Offset of textures on the X axis
Offset of textures on the Y axis
Trigger out
Shader/Material out
Patches using IBLMaterial_v3
Ops.Gl.Shader.IBLMaterial_v3 renamed to Ops.Deprecated.Gl.Shader.IBLMaterial_v3 |