Returns the absolute, positive value
Add to and multiply a number, set to current value
outputs the angle between two points (degree)
multiply every XYZ coordinate with a matrix
calculate 2d positions of an array3x
Calculates the angle from a specified point to the coordinate origin.
average of last two values
generate coordinates of a butterfly curve
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number
x and y coordinates of a circle
Makes sure a value is within range cuts off the rest
Calculates the cosine of an angle.
Computes the cross product of two vec3's
crossfade between 2 values
Converts a radian measurement to its corresponding value in degrees.
Calculates a vector (x and y) based on an angle in degrees
difference to the last value (previous, store)
add delta values to an clamped absolute value
Difference between two numbers
Calculates the Distance between two 2d points
distance between two 3d points, calculated when triggered
Divides a number by another
map a value to an easing curve
Calculates the power of Euler’s number
positive numbers become negative and vice versa (negate)
returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number
returns the fractional part of a number
random numbers fitting a Gaussian, or normal, distribution
increment a number by triggering
return fraction of value by index
Interpolate between values, lerp, linear interpolate
detect if a number rising or falling
Calculates the logarithm of Number
map geo locations (latitude - longitude) to spherical coordinates
Maps a value from one range into another.
Allows different mathematical operations to be applied to two numbers
calculates a user defined mathematical expression
Sets the output to the input value which is higher
Outputs the maximum value since reset has been triggered
project mercator coordinates
Mercator map and center an array of latitudes and longitudes to a local coordinate system
Result will be the smaller number of the inputs
Outputs the minimum value since reset has been triggered
outputs the remainder after division of one number by another
multiply XYZ values with a gl matrix vec3 x mat4
is a number capable of being divided.
subtract a number from one
outputs a perlin noise value like random
returns PI (3.141592653589793) * multiply amount
test if a point is in or outside of a rectangle
value of x to the power of y
Return the next values as power of two
Converts a degree measurement to its corresponding value in radians.
add up random numbers by triggering
Simple way to get random numbers without using arrays
Random number generator from a string seed
Create rotation matrix from normal
Outputs number rounded to the nearest integer
round to the next even number
Custom easing curve via schlick bias and gain
Calculate the Average of the last X values
Calculates the sine of an angle.
interpolate smoothly between two input values
Interpolate smoothly between two input values
measure speed of how much a value changes
Subtracts Number2 from Number1 (minus, -)
Calculates the ratio of the sine and cosine of an angle.
calculates a user defined mathematical expression
generate random number between min and max (was: random2)
result is true if value is between number1 and number2
result is true if value is between or equal number1 and number2
Performs logical comparisons on numbers (compare, operators)
result is true if number1 and number2 are equal
result is true if number 1 is greater or equals number 2
result is true if number1 is greater than number2
triggers when value is between min and max
Checks if Value is even or not
Is n1 smaller than n2? (lesser, less)