animate values in a matrix to a new matrix
interpolate position on a spline/array3x
render lots of particles following a path/spline/array3x
rotate an object to always face the camera
Transforms and projects the scene from the point of view of the camera.
get camera attributes from current camera/orbit controls
get the current position of viewmatrix/camera eye
current xyz coordinates (modelmatrix)
gyroscope motionsensor camera
Get the scalar scaling of a matrix
get current projectionmatrix
interpolate between two matrices
outputs an inverted matrix
transforms view to look from eye to center
get translation of a matrix
rotate your object by clicking and dragging the mouse
multiplies current modelmatrix with a quaternion
Set up a camera, rotated by a quaternion
place random objects on a grid
Place random objects on a grid
Scale all child objects (scaleXYZ)
screen/pixel coordinates of the current transform
convert screen coordinates to a 3d position
displaces each point of a mesh in fixed direction
Transform objects in 3d space (rotate, translate, scale)
transform a matrix (mat4)
multiply current modelmatrix
Translate objects (move / position in 3D space)
translate the view/camera matrix
Translate any geometry underneath it using vectors and speed.
simple camera you control with W,A,S,D keys like in a FPS game