change depth testing method (depthMask,depthWrite,depthFunc)
Disable the rendering of front or back facing triangles with culling
merge two geometries into one
get the id/index of the current set material
get the id/index of the current object/mesh
align a geometry / change its pivot / center / origin point
create a simple bounding box from width,height,depth
calculate normals of a geometry
disconnect faces/polygons of a mesh
flip all normals of a geometry
capture all following meshes into one geometry
Get vertices of a geometry as array3x (vertex vertices)
basic extrusion of flat geometry
Create a geometry from array data
information about a geometry
merge two geometries to one
Generate an .obj file as string from a geometry
generate an array of lines from a mesh to render a wireframe
convert geometry to only flat triangles without reusing vertices positions
parse an obj string to a geometry object
randomize order of triangles in a geometry
Reverses the order of vertices in a geometry, back facing triangles become front facing ones
uniform scaling of geometry vertices
sort geometry triangles by position
Generate a SVG path string of a string using an opentype font
create new triangles in a mesh (subdivide)
transform vertices of geometry
Draws multiple triangles using coordinates from an array
Triangulate a 2d path to a flat and filled 3d geometry
Define filters to get colliding and intersecting bodies
Add Bodies and check if they intersect/collide with each other
test one body against all bodies in the world
test intersect bodies collision against a point/coordinate
Cast a ray and check if it intersect/collide with bodies
Define a world to check for intersections and collisions