Insert a line break in a string of words
Check if an array contains a string which can also be a number (find,search,indexOf)
Create an array of strings and optionally attach index-number
String rotate characters like a split-flap display
Joins two strings together
Joins multiple strings together
concatinate/join multiple string inputs
Copy string to clipboard on trigger
delay the output of a string by n seconds
filter valid strings (not null,undefined or empty)
capture the current input and copy it to the output, even after a reload
Output string if pass through is true
string conversion using handlebars template engine
create a fixed length string from a number 1 -> 0001
Limit number of lines in a string
Convert linebreaks to html breaks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
convert all characters to small letters
Create a md5 hash of a string
Format a number to a string in the given locale and format
associate numbers by strings
Convert a number to a string
Count number of line breaks in a string
outputs the first valid string
Parse a string to a integer number / string to number
Generate a random string of given characters
create a string with a fixed length filling the space with a character
Converts a number to a string with num decimal places, adds 0's
Route a string to an output port
download a textfile containing the input string
control order and flow of strings
does a string starts with another string?
Combine multiple Values to a new String
check if string contains another string (find,search,indexOf)
check if content of two strings is the same
output the line number at the character index
iterate over every character of a string
number of characters in a string
replace occurrences of a string with another string
sort each line of a string alphabetically
create an array from multiple string input ports
Switch between multiple strings by a string index
Parses a string and returns a floating point number / string to number
Remove whitespace from both ends of a string
remove html tags from a string
Subset of a string between one index and another
Switch between multiple strings with an index
switch between multiple string inputs
Convert all characters in a string to upperase
outputs a unique identifier string
decode a string to base64
encode a string to base64
trigger a download of a base64 binary file