MusicalScales Op
Outputs a musical scale array (major, minor, ...) as strings, steps and midi notes
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.WebAudio.MusicalScales
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Root Note index (Number:integer )
root note of the scale
Scale Settings
Root Note (Number:string )
root note of the scale
Scale Type index (Number:integer )
the scale to use
Scale Settings
Scale Type (Number:string )
the scale to use
Include Upper Root Note (Number:boolean )
if true includes the root note in a higher octave
Octave (Number:integer )
the octave of the scale (only for string & midi note outputs)
Append Octave To Names (Number:boolean )
if true, octave number is appended to output strings
Note Names Array (Array)
notes as an array of strings
Note Step Number Array (Array)
steps of the scale
Midi Note Array (Array)
midi note numbers of the scale
Current Scale (String)