FFTAreaAverage_v2 Op
There is a newer version of this op!
This version will not receive any updates. It is recommended to use a newer version.
Current version: Ops.WebAudio.FFTAreaAverage_v3
get average value in an area of a fft audio analysis buffer
Summary (oneliner)
Full Name
- Ops.WebAudio.FFTAreaAverage_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Refresh (Trigger)
trigger input
FFT Array (Array)
FFT array input
Area Settings
X Position (Number)
x position of area to scan
Y Position (Number)
y position of area to scan
Width (Number)
width of the rectangle
Height (Number)
height of the rectangle
Texture Settings
Create Texture (Number: boolean)
check to create texture
Texture Size index (Number: integer)
Texture Out (Object)
texture output
Area Average Volume (Number)
average volume of the scanned area