ClockSequencerPattern Op


sequence triggers by defining a pattern (like a drum machine)

This op allows you to create trigger patterns in conjuction with the ParseArray op.

If your array contains a 0, the step containing it will not pass a trigger through.

If you do not pass an array, triggers will be passed through.

An example:
If you choose a step size of 6 and use an array that looks like this [1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0], every third step will be triggered. Step number 0 will output a "Sequenced Value" of 1, where as step number 3 will output a value of 0.5. These values can be used to modulate parameters, e.g.: using it to control the volume of a sequenced sound. Please refer to the example for a musical use case.

Full Name
  • Ops.WebAudio.ClockSequencerPattern
  • Core Op - Official cables op
  • MIT
AuthorgithubTest Patches


Clock Trigger Input (Trigger)

trigger input

Sequence Array (Array)

pattern to be sequenced in array form. 0 does not trigger. e.g.: [1, 0, 1, 0] triggers every 1st and 3rd trigger

Steps index (Number:integer )
Steps (Number:string )

number of steps until pattern is repeated

Reset (Trigger)

restarts the sequence if triggered


Sequence Trigger Output (Trigger)

output trigger

Sequenced Value (Number)

the current step value on trigger

Current Step (Number)

the index of the step

Patches using ClockSequencerPattern

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


created opuser avatarsimod - 2021-02-09 17:52
Ops.User.simod.ClockArrayTrigger renamed to Ops.WebAudio.ClockArrayTriggeruser avatarsimod - 2021-02-09 17:57
Ops.WebAudio.ClockArrayTrigger renamed to Ops.WebAudio.ClockSequencerPatternuser avatarcables - 2021-02-10 11:04