TriggerCounterLoop Op
Increments with each trigger and loops depending on min and max loop values.
Summary (oneliner)
Increments with each trigger and loops depending on min and max loop values. Can also work with negative numbers. If min is greater than max then it decrements instead of incrementing
Use an op like TriggerLimiter to slow down the count through the loop. You can also multiply the output by a very small number and use mainloop to create interesting patterns as well.
- Ops.Trigger.TriggerCounterLoop
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch TriggerCounterLoop example file
Trigger in, increments or decrements the current count
Sets current number to minimum
Minimum value, loop start number
Maximum value, loop end number
Trigger out
Current number in loop