Waveform_v3 Op
Generates 4 different waveform textures. Sine, sawtooth,Triangle, Square.
Summary (oneliner)
- Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Waveform_v3
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
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Example Patch Waveform_v2 example
Create a texture with a waveform. Sine, square, ramp and triangle are available.
Trigger in
Use an integer to pick a blend mode
Amount of blend to apply
Picks a waveform with an integer
Amplitude/Height of the wave
Amount of repetitions on the screen
Width of the line
Applies a glow/fade to the edge of the line
Inverts color
Fills one half of the waveform, enable invert color to flip it over
Offset on the X axis
Offset on the Y axis
Rotate the texture
Red color of the line
Green color of the line
Blue color of the line
Trigger out
Patches using Waveform_v3
created op | andro - 2020-03-06 13:19 | |
cloned op from Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Waveform_v2 | pandur - 2022-04-20 09:38 | |
Ops.User.pandur.WaveformV3 renamed to Ops.Dev.WaveformV3 | pandur - 2022-04-20 09:38 | |
Ops.Dev.WaveformV3 renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Waveform_v3 | pandur - 2022-05-23 08:07 | |
rename | Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Waveform_v3 renamed to Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Waveform_v3 | stephan - 2023-12-06 10:43 |