Shapes2d_v2 Op
Generates different 2d shapes to use as a texture
Summary (oneliner)
Generate a variety of 2d shapes as a texture. Combine multiple ops to generate new forms. the following shapes are available: circle - eqi triangle - iso triangle - box - rhombus - pentagon - hexagon - octagon - hexagram
- Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Shapes2d_v2
- Core Op - Official cables op
Documentation (markdown)
Example patch id
Youtube ids (comma seperated)
Op Licence
Caniuse query
Example Patch Shapes2d example
Generate a variety of 2d shapes as a texture. Combine multiple ops to generate new forms.
Trigger op
Amount of belnding
mirror the x axis
mirror the y axis
Offset x axis
Offset y axis
Disable to only draw shape outline
Line thickness when fillshape is disabled
Invert color to background
width of shape
height of shape
rotate the shape
red amount
green amount
blue amount
alpha amount
next trigger
Patches using Shapes2d_v2
created op | ||
cloned op from Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Shapes2d | ||
Ops.User.pandur.Shapes2D renamed to Ops.Dev.Shapes2DV2 | ||
Ops.Dev.Shapes2DV2 renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Shapes2D_v2 | ||
Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Shapes2D_v2 renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Shapes2d_v2 | ||
rename | Ops.Gl.TextureEffects.Shapes2d_v2 renamed to Ops.Gl.ImageCompose.Shapes2d_v2 |