Say_v2 Op


Text-to-Speech, speaks different languages (speech synthesis)

Text-to-Speech, says things with synthethic voice. Enter some text to Text and trigger the Say-port.

Full Name
  • Ops.Extension.Voice.Say_v2
  •  Extension Op - Visible to all users
  • MIT
AuthorgithubMaintained by Team

Example Patch Say Example

Says «cables» when the button is pressed.
Open In Editor


Update State (Trigger)

Updates the output-parameters (Speaking, Pending, Paused). There is no need to connect this if you don’t use them.

Text (String)

The text which should be said. If Say On Text Change is set to true, every time you change the text it will be said.

Say (Trigger)

Says text, the most important port of this op.

Voice (Number:select box )

There are multiple voices to choose from. These may vary depending on your browser.

Pitch (Number)

The pitch (how high / low), in range [0..2], will be actived the next time you call Say.

Rate (Number)
Volume (Number)

How loud, in range [0..1]

Say on Text Change (Number:boolean )

If set every time you change the text it will be said

Pause (Trigger)

Paused saying things

Resume (Trigger)

Resumes saying things after a pause

Cancel (Trigger)

Cancels the queue, if you trigger Say too often, this might come in handy.


Next (Trigger)

Triggers the next op.

Speaking (Number)

true when the voice is currently speaking. You need to connect Update State for this to be updated.

Pending (Number)

true when the last say command (the last text) is waiting in line. You need to connect Update State to e.g. MainLoop for this to be updated.

Paused (Number)

true when the voice is currently paused. You need to connect Update State to e.g. MainLoop for this to be updated.

Patches using Say_v2

  • Examples
  • Public
  • My Patches


Ops.User.pandur.Say2 renamed to Ops.WebAudio.TextToSpeech.Say_v2user avatarpandur - 2020-05-22 08:02
renameOps.WebAudio.TextToSpeech.Say_v2 renamed to Ops.Extension.Voice.Say_v2user avatarpandur - 2023-06-16 13:55